Dauphin is home to Manitoba's last remaining rail turntable, and efforts have been launched to try and keep it from being demolished.
Currently located at the city's Public Works Shop, the 84-foot, approximately 40-ton steel structure debuted in Dauphin in 1906.
It was initially preserved in 1993 through the efforts of 17 community members, who raised money to purchase the land from CNR, with the city, in turn, purchasing the turntable and leasing the land to Fort Dauphin Museum.
Now, the city has announced plans to remove it from the Public Works Shop as of this summer, despite proposals being presented that the Dauphin rail museum says would provide more room for the city and their vehicles at the public works shop while still preserving the turntable.
The Rail Museum has now launched a campaign to continue to try and preserve the turntable in its original and current location, including an online petition created through
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
The woodworking course at McCreary School is one of the finest around, and a nice boost is on the way.
Through the Skill Strategy Equipment Enhancement Fund, the school has received a grant of $50,000 that will go towards the purchase of new computers for the program. The current computers are outdated, and the new ones will provide students with a better product while carving out beautiful projects.
Jason Nadeau is the principal at McCreary School, and he's thrilled to receive the funds.
"It's amazing, we're a very humble school division and school, right in rural Manitoba," said Nadeau. "Having access to some of the latest technology will help our students continue doing incredible work, as they are now."
The work being crafted by students at the school speaks for itself.
Principal Nadeau is always incredibly impressed with the students' ability to create masterpieces out of wood, and he wants to thank Michael Annetts for his great leadership.
"We're very fortunate to have him; he's been teaching industrial arts for more than 30 years, and he's a cabinet-maker by trade," said Nadeau. "The students love him, and he always brings out the best in them."
Nadeau shares the reactions of the students in the course.
"I don't think it's hit them as much as us, understanding what this means," ended Nadeau. "They are excited to have new computers that won't freeze and will be able to handle the graphics required for this program."
Some of the finest woodworking masterpieces are coming from students at the McCreary School, and now, new computers are on the way to help enhance what the students are doing.
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- Contributed by Darnell Duff
Canada Post has lifted the red delivery service alert that it issued for the Dauphin area.
The alert was initially issued last Friday following the massive dumping of snow that the Dauphin area received late last week.
The lifting of it means regular mail collection and delivery have resumed in the city.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
Canola growers in Canada are going through very difficult times right now with tariffs on their exports to both China and the United States.
With lobbying efforts to the federal government stymied by the current federal election, the Canadian Canola Growers Association hopes farmers will take up the issue with their local candidates that are running for seats on Parliament Hill.
CCGA CEO & President Rick White says tariffs are not the only issue that producers can discuss with their local candidate.
"They need compensation. That is first and foremost to help with the losses as they occur. Secondly, there is a very small way to mitigate this. That is to encourage the federal government to get biofuel production up and running here in Canada. That can take two to three million metric tonnes of canola to get it right. Right now, it is very much in its infancy."
White says the government needs to make biofuel production in Canada a reality so that the canola industry is less reliant on Chinese and U.S. markets.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
The Rotary Spring Book Sale is set for this coming week at the 8th avenue hall, with the popular wine tasting evening returning on Friday night.
Carolyn Coulson-Clark with Rotary says it promises to be a fun evening.
"We have 13 vendors that will be sampling four different wines each as well. Plus, this year, Obsolete Brewing Company will be sharing four of their favourite beers for the beer lovers in the crowd too. There will be a table of prizes to be raffled off, a photo booth, and delicious appetizers served by Irving's during the evening as well."
Jean-Louis Guillas from the Dauphin Rotary Club says there will be other fun activities that evening.
"We are going to have "Book Sale Bingo." We will have a little bit of play during the wine tasting that it is kind of a scavenger hunt and there will be some cool prizes donated by Five-One Perspective. There will be some crafts pieces that will be prizes for that. "
The event goes from 7 to 9:30 that evening.
Tickets are $40 each and are available at the Dauphin Liquor Mart.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
Damage was minimal after a fire in Winnipegosis Friday night.
Winnipegosis Fire Department was called to the scene just before 8 o’clock Friday night.
They were met by people that were in the building at the time who directed them to the location of the fire.
The fire, which was reportedly started by a faulty electrical heating appliance, was put out quickly by occupants of the building before the fire department arrived.
No injuries were reported.
Fire officials say working smoke detectors and fire alarms, as well as the presence of a fire extinguisher, kept the fire from becoming a major catastrophe.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
Monday marks the start of an annual tradition in the city of Brandon for its 55th year.
The Royal Manitoba Winter Fair will take over the Keystone Center with a quality, hands-on agricultural education program, exceptional live entertainers, over 300 commercial and agricultural exhibits, and much more!
Kristen Breemersch is the operations Manager, and she has a unique soil science display for the show.
"It is an interactive educational exhibit that is in the Ag education component and it is on loan from the Canadian Agriculture and Food Museum in Ottawa. it is roughly 1400 square feet, and it'd a hand on experience you can find in the Manitoba room the whole week."
Planning your trip is very easy by visiting
"Just click on to the Royal Manitoba winter fair, and you get your tickets right there and download them straight to your phone. We also have the schedule for everyday, and the entertainment component right on our website."
Get ready for another year of education, celebration, and entertainment with the 55th Royal Manitoba Winter Fair!
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- Contributed by Michael Brossart
Manitoba Hydro has announced equipment upgrades to several locations across western Manitoba.
At the Dauphin-Vermillion station, equipment in the range of 50-70 years old is being replaced in order to reduce operational costs, as well as to keep energy affordable in the area, ensuring more reliable power to the community.
Manitoba Hydro says the equipment upgrades allow the power to stay on and be steady for customers while reducing the number and duration of outages.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
While we are digging out of the latest dump of snow, there is a light at the end of the tunnel for camping enthusiasts.
The Manitoba government has announced that campground reservations for Manitoba Provincial parks will happen over five days in early April
When bookings open on April 7, people can reserve cabins, yurts and group areas in the province.
On April 10, northern and western campgrounds will open up, including Asessippi, Bakers Narrows, Clearwater Lake, Duck Mountain, Manipogo, Rainbow Beach, Rivers, Paint Lake, Spruce Woods, Turtle Mountain, Wekusko Falls and William Lake
Reservations can be made online at or over the phone toll-free at 1-888-482-2267
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
The town of Neepawa is experiencing a population boom, and another example of the effect of that came in last week's provincial budget, when funding was announced for a new high school for the community.
Beautiful Plains School Division superintendent Jason Young says it was a fantastic announcement for the community and its students.
"It really represents a place where students can explore their passion, whether those be academic, athletic, or in the arts or even in the trades. We were extremely grateful and excited for the announcement."
The new school will house around 600 grade 9-12 students, with academics, arts and vocational components.
Young gives us an update on where the project currently sits.
"We have acquired the land for the school, we have a development agreement in place with the town of Neepawa, which means services are going in for the school now. We have also been working in the background over the last few years with the architectural firm that completed the Neepawa Middle school for us."
"We are uncertain about when shovels will go into the ground, but the province has indicated that the hope is to have the building open and operational for September of 2029.
The school will be located west of the newly constructed Neepawa hospital.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
The Ste. Rose Emergancy room is now open after staff levels have improved.
The emergency department at the Ste. Rose General Hospital is closed today.
No reason was given for the closure, but Prairie Mountain Health says the emergency department will re-open as of 8 am Saturday morning.
Individuals requiring emergency department services in Ste Rose at this time can call the Ste. Rose General Hospital at 204 447 2131 to determine the next closest location, or 911 for emergencies.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson