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Dauphin Rec Services could be operating on a tighter budget next year, with the RM announcing it will be contributing $250,000 to the DRS in 2017 -- $100,000 less than what it's currently providing.

Sightings of a bear have been reported in Dauphin.

A local Dauphin woman has received a prestigious award.

St. Viator's will be holding a Rummage Sale starting tomorrow.

A Manitoba man has life-threatening injuries he sustained while hunting near Brandon.

With about the same number of participants, Dauphin's Red Shoe Crew Walk raised nearly double what it did last year.

Dauphin's Watson Art Centre will be host to a number of quilt enthusiasts this Friday.

They haven't got any official word yet, but both the city and RM of Dauphin are pretty sure they'll be approved for funding under the Municipal Roads Improvement Program.

The RM of Dauphin is opting out of its funding agreement with the city for Dauphin Recreation Services.