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Jesse Roziere, the head coach of the women's soccer team at Brandon University, has remained with a job for months while in the face of an investigation by the university that concluded he acted inappropriately with student-athletes.

During the 2019-20 season, a female student approached the school's athletic director with allegations about Roziere, who at the time was an assistant coach with the team.

Brandon University says they have now asked Mr. Roziere to step away from his soccer duties while a new investigation occurs.

Until he went on leave this week, he was heading into his second year as the top trainer of the universities team.

This is day three of Smile Cookie Week at Tim Hortons. 

All proceeds raised in Dauphin are going towards the Dauphin Friendship Centre, and the Parkland Humane Society.

Stacey Penner who’s the Campaign Organizer for both charities says Dauphin’s currently in the lead provincially.

Stacey says that every year there’s a greater need for the Friendship Centre’s Food For Thought Program.

“This is my 13th year with Mountain View School Division, so the 13th year that I’ve got to observe the need for it. Every year there’s a growing need for it, and with the cuts from the government I just know the program has been struggling to support the baseline costs for the program to operate.”

Stacey thinks Smile Cookie Week is a unique campaign.

“So many other fundraisers that corporations hold are often single-day events, where this is a week-long campaign where seven times the income is going to local charities.”

Another way people can help these charities is by donating their time, or items to the garage sale coming up on Saturday.

“If you’re not super into cookies and you still want to help the campaign please call the restaurant and you can offer to volunteer even just an hour of your time, or just bring any garage sale items to the back of the restaurant and they are collecting items right there.”

Stacey says that Johnston and CO Law Firm will be matching cookie sales on Friday.

Brandon Flight Centre raised $1,675 at the Dauphin Flight Training Centre grand opening on Saturday.

The money that was raised from flights around the city is for three student scholarships.

Director of Finance, Samantha Friesen says the turnout of the event was far greater than expected and local pilot Dean McCowan had to help them catch up on flights.

Samantha says she’s thankful for the support and warm welcome from the community of Dauphin.

Everybody has their own reasons to vote in the upcoming election.

CKDM hit the streets to find out what issues were most important to people in the Parkland.

"I think health care probably. It's in such a mess, it's underfunded and understaffed." 

"Maybe they can help senior citizens more or something like that."

"I think housing because a lot of the people are living in housing that is not adequate for us to live in. It needs upgrading."

Meanwhile, others couldn't limit it to just one thing:

"Everything I guess. We're seniors and we're getting screwed no matter what."

"I'd say everything because that's what Canada needs."

People of all ages in Dauphin think that everyone should go and vote:

“If you don’t cast a ballot, then you don’t have the right to complain.”

“You can’t complain if you don’t vote.”

“I think it’s important for our population to vote so this way we can continue to build strong families.”

“Can’t complain if you don’t vote.”

"It's the Canadian way. You should vote, you have to if you want to complain."

Canadians go to the polls on September 20th. Be sure to listen to 730 CKDM all day long for up-to-the-minute election coverage, including comprehensive coverage at 8 when the polls close, with CKDM's political correspondent James Blake.

The 2019 Winnipeg Blue Bombers were inducted into the Order of the Buffalo Hunt Tuesday afternoon.

The ceremony, which was lead by Premier Kelvin Goertzen and Winnipeg Football Club President Wade Miller, took place at IG Field.

Goertzen said he was proud to honour the team members and staff.

“I know that the Blue Bombers are more focused on looking forward than they are looking in the past, and they’re more focused on winning this year’s Grey Cup than they are about celebrating the last one, but the 2019 Grey Cup Champion Winnipeg Blue Bombers will be the stuff of history and legend in Manitoba for many years.”

The Bombers received the Order of the Buffalo Hunt in 1957, 1984, and 1988 for Grey Cup or Western Interprovincial Football Union victories.

Local Candidates for Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa are debating each other tomorrow night.

This year’s debate is taking place over Zoom and will be live-streamed on the Dauphin & District Chamber of Commerce Facebook page starting at 7:00 p.m.

The debate is being hosted by the Dauphin & District Chamber of Commerce and a group of local media.

CKDM’s own political correspondent James Blake will be one of the panelists.

Five of the six candidates will be participating, as Liberal candidate Kevin Carlson can’t participate due to a conflict with his schedule.

730 CKDM will be watching and will provide information about what happens the next day.

The Independent Investigation Unit is investigating an alleged assault that happened in Wasagaming by an off-duty Police Officer.

On Saturday Wasagaming RCMP received a report of an assault.

According to RCMP, officers went to the residence and determined the victim was assaulted by an off-duty police officer from the Winkler Police Service.

The victim was taken to the hospital.

Anyone with information on this incident can contact the Independent Investigation Unit at 1-844-667-6060.

Today the government of Manitoba announced that it is establishing two new programs to pay for advanced glucose monitors and insulin pumps for people aged 25 years and younger.

Health and Seniors Care Minister Audrey Gordon says the government is establishing a new program for Manitobans with type 1 diabetes for the first time in the province’s history.

“We will be covering the cost of advanced glucose monitors for children and youth 25 years old and younger.”

The government is expecting that over one million Manitobans may seek coverage for advanced glucose monitors, and up to 200 more will be able to use insulin pumps with no up-front costs under these programs.

Currently, insulin pumps don't cost money for Manitobans under the age of 18, through the Manitoba Pediatric Insulin Pump Program.

The new support for advanced glucose monitors is coming into effect on September 28th, and the support for pumps is coming into effect in November.

Three people were sent to hospital on Friday after a car collided with an RCMP cruiser near Minnedosa.

On September 10, at approximately 5:15 p.m., Spruce Plains RCMP and RCMP Westman Traffic Services were conducting traffic enforcement on Highway 16. 

One marked police vehicle and one unmarked police vehicle were stopped on the south shoulder of Highway 16, facing east, when a westbound vehicle on Highway 16 was seen travelling at a dangerously high rate of speed. Emergency lights were activated on the unmarked police vehicle driven by the officer from the Spruce Plains Detachment, which then began to head eastbound and attempt a u-turn into the westbound lane.

The police vehicle was then struck by an eastbound vehicle. The collision occurred at the intersection of Highway 16 and Municipal Road 103.

The officer in the unmarked vehicle as well as the driver and passenger of the other vehicle were all transported to local hospital. The officer and the driver of the vehicle have since been released. The passenger remains in hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

The marked police vehicle on scene at the time of the collision was equipped with a camera. 

RCMP continue to investigate.

Last night Mountain View School Division held its Regular Board Meeting.

 Superintendent Dan Ward went through the Superintendent Report, which involved division planning, and programming.

Ward says the Programs and Planning Team met to review feedback from stakeholders on planning priorities for this school year.

“Some of the areas that were looked at specifically were literacy and numeracy and one of the challenges is that there isn’t a lot of provincial data that’s recent. Last year essentially all provincial assessments were set aside, so we don’t have data of last year on grade 3, grade 7, or grade 8.”

Floyd Martens, Chairperson of the MVSD Board of Trustees talked about Peace Days in the meeting.

“There was an email from the Minister in regards to Peace Days. The proclamation is going to happen from the 15th to the 21st. Elementary schools will be invited to participate in a virtual walk on September 17th.”

The proclamation is meant to increase public awareness of the importance of peace.

The next Regular Board Meeting is on September 27th.

Yesterday was the last day to vote in advance, which is something that many Canadians decided to do this year.

Marie-France Kenny, Regional Media Advisor for Elections Canada says there were around 2.2 million voters across the country on the first two days, which is more than in the previous election.

There were 28 advance polling sites and 32 polls in the Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa riding.

On Election Day this riding will have 81 ordinary sites with 181 polls.

Election Day is on September 20th.