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Last night Mountain View School Division held its Regular Board Meeting.

 Superintendent Dan Ward went through the Superintendent Report, which involved division planning, and programming.

Ward says the Programs and Planning Team met to review feedback from stakeholders on planning priorities for this school year.

“Some of the areas that were looked at specifically were literacy and numeracy and one of the challenges is that there isn’t a lot of provincial data that’s recent. Last year essentially all provincial assessments were set aside, so we don’t have data of last year on grade 3, grade 7, or grade 8.”

Floyd Martens, Chairperson of the MVSD Board of Trustees talked about Peace Days in the meeting.

“There was an email from the Minister in regards to Peace Days. The proclamation is going to happen from the 15th to the 21st. Elementary schools will be invited to participate in a virtual walk on September 17th.”

The proclamation is meant to increase public awareness of the importance of peace.

The next Regular Board Meeting is on September 27th.