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The Ochre River Players are hosting a fantastic theatrical performance for the next few days.

Steve Pearson is a player in this group, and he's thrilled to present "How to Host a Murder Mystery Dinner Parrty in 15 Simple Steps"

"Miss Penelope, who you'll get to know, is hosting a murder mystery dinner seminar, That's what the play is built around. the crowd is drawn into it, and supposedly its in 15 simple steps, but you'll find out they're not as simple as they appear."

Friday features a full dinner theater, and Saturday and Sunday will be accompanied by hors d'oeuvres. The cost is $40 for Friday, and Saturday and Sunday are $15.

"I just really encourage people. Hey, you want a great evening out that's very affordable? give us a shot Saturday night or Sunday afternoon especially, and we'll put on a show for you!"

Tickets can be obtained from the Ochre River Post Office, or any cast member, or by contacting Colleen at 204-647-0970.