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The Medd House was the focus of the Manitoba Association of Museum’s award to the Winnipegosis Historical Society.

All his week we'll hear from different members of the Dauphin Rotary Club about the organization and some of the projects they work on as a part of Rotary Radio Week on CKDM. 

The fire that leveled three historic 100-year-old buildings in downtown Virden is now being treated as suspicious.

In the past 4 days Brandon police have made three arrests related to meth.

A woman who left her child in a stroller unattended on a street in Brandon on August 31, is now facing charges.

The City of Dauphin received a 5 Blooms rating and a special mention for Floral Displays during the 2017 communities in Bloom National/International symposium and Awards Ceremonies in Ottawa.

Road closures are in effect today in Dauphin.

Brandon Police have charged a man from Swan River over the weekend with possession of a large amount of methamphetamine.

The man was driving erratically on 1st street in the city, weaving in and out of traffic.

Brandon police say they were able to safely block his path and had to use force to remove the suspect from the car.

The 48 year old man was charged with possession, dangerous driving, flight from police and impaired driving.

Manitoba's police watchdog says it is investigating an incident that left a man dead and an officer with a serious stab wound.

The Independent Investigation Unit says police have told them that Winnipeg officers were responding to a 9-1-1 call about a domestic dispute at a home on Saturday afternoon, and were confronted by a man with a knife when they arrived.

The man stabbed one of the officers and was subsequently shot by police.

The police officer was transported to hospital in unstable condition, but police said yesterday he was upgraded to stable.

An abandoned school that was built in 1915 has burned outside of Virden, Manitoba.


It happened yesterday morning, on Sunday September 24th, just a day after three buildings were also destroyed by a fire in the town. The three historic century-old buildings in Virden were a complete loss after a fire destroyed them Saturday morning.

The Manitoba Historical Society says the Two Creeks School hadn't been open since 1966, and it was bought by a private developer.

Wallace District Fire Department chief Brad Yochim says the brick building was levelled and it's unlikely a cause for the blaze will ever be determined.

Manitoba Metis Federation members have voted to ban spotlighting. This does not include Night hunting, which will still be allowed, in remote and northern areas of Manitoba. 

The MMF defines spotlighting as "chasing animals in motorized vehicles, including trucks, snowmobiles, ATVs, boats, etc. with artificial lighting."

A bright light is shone into the eyes of animals such as moose, elk and deer, causing the prey to stand still and therefore making it easier for them to be killed.

Spotlighting is illegal in many provinces, but legal for Indigenous people in Manitoba. 

MMF president David Chartrand said the organization began consulting with Metis Manitobans about ending the practice because of saftey concerns, as well as racism towords the hunters. Spotlighting became a flashpoint of controversy after reports of spotlighting near farms.

MMF delegates voted to continue to allow night hunting — and even the use of artificial lights — under some circumstances. 

The province will meet to create a map with precise definitions of where night hunting will and will not be allowed. He said the Duck Mountains and Porcupine Mountains are also possibilities. 


First Nations Canadians have a right to hunt for food at night, a right protected by the Constitution Act of 1982, provided it is done safely and under certain conditions — such as on reserves, unoccupied Crown land or private land with permission.


In 2012, Manitoba and the Manitoba Metis Federation negotiated a harvesting agreement that further defined Metis' hunting rights. 

The text of the resolution prohibiting night-hunting in southern Manitoba states, "this direction does not extinguish or give up the Metis right to harvest at night in any way; it simply puts Metis-created limitations on this aspect of our inherent right based on our collective decisions and self-government."


The Metis Laws of the Harvest are collectively decided and self-governed, which will allow the MMF to give punishments they feel are more appropriate than simple fines.

Adjudication procedures still need to be defined.