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The Town of Grandview has played host to an evening promoting the stay of healthcare workers in Rural Areas.

Eight family medicine residents currently with the Parkland Family Medicine Unit in Dauphin trekked to Grandview. There, they networked with other healthcare professionals and community representatives to learn about the benefits of practicing in Grandview and showcase the infrastructure and available lifestyle opportunities.

Outside of the medical facilities, local volunteers toured the Medical workers around the area and even got them involved in their first games of curling a the local rink.

Dr. Vlad Omelchenko expresses gratitude to the volunteers who made this possible: "On behalf of the residents, we wish to thank the community of Grandview for organizing this evening. It is invaluable for our education and gives us a better understanding of working in the area."

The Parkland Family Medicine Residency Unit of the University of Manitoba began in 1991 and has graduated over 200 residents. Some 75 percent of the program graduates have stayed in rural Manitoba communities.