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Anhydrous Ammonia is a costly input for many producers, but what if you could make it yourself?

FuelPositive is making that a reality through a unique system that uses water, electricity, and the nitrogen that makes up nearly 80% of the air we breathe to generate Ammonia on your farm.

Ian Clifford is the CEO of FuelPositive, who's thrilled to see how this innovation could change how producers acquire and manage their inputs.

"So, our system is designed to sit on farm running off the grid. it can also run off renewables on farm, but initially, this system is running directly off the grid. and it produces approximately 100 tons of green ammonia per year"

The process, chemically speaking, is pretty straightforward. Using electrolysis on water to split it into hydrogen and oxygen, and extracting nitrogen from the air, FuelPositive's proprietary catalytic systems synthesize anhydrous ammonia.

That ammonia then flows to a storage tank, available to use whenever it's needed. 

Clifford notes that having the power to make anhydrous ammonia directly on the farm could shake things up.

"It's massively disruptive, if you will, because it takes a multi-decade way of doing things and turns it right on its head. It gives farmers complete and ultimate control over cost and supply."

On top of this, Clifford says that Manitoba is a perfect province to debut this technology. The combination of the primarily hydroelectric grid system and lots of producers allows FuelPositive to meet its goals of an environmentally friendly way to create decentralized nutrient production.

Ultimately, Clifford aims to make Manitoba a global center for excellence in on-farm green ammonia production by manufacturing and popularizing these systems in the province.

One of these systems was recently installed on a farm near Sperling, Manitoba, marking a sizeable step forward for FuelPositive's progress.

To learn more about what this company can do for your farm, visit