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The Government of Manitoba says they are proud of the investments they made into improving mental health and addictions services in the province in 2019.

The investments include $25 million spent in the last three months of the year towards new or enhanced programming.

Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Cam Friesen says that since being re-elected the government has accelerated efforts to help make sure that Manitobans get the help they need.

Some of the initiatives announced this year include enhancing access to school-based mental health and addictions supports by expanding school clinical teams with psychiatric nurses, and implementing the Métis CART  pilot project, which will provide support for at-risk families.

Some new announcements made include some increased support for the Rapid Access to Addictions Medicine (RAAM) clinics, and a partnership with Bell Let’s Talk to offer programming online and over the phone for families with mental health issues.

Minister Friesen said that the announced initiatives show the government’s commitment to repairing mental health and addictions programs in the province.

“We know there is more to do,” said Friesen. “We have shown we are up to that challenge and will continue to roll out initiatives in the New Year that help Manitobans, their families, and communities.”