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Dauphin Pet Valu is hosting a Walk for Dog Guides this Sunday, June 9th. This is the first time that Dauphin has held a walk.

The goal of the walk is to raise money that goes towards the training and placement of guide dogs for Canadians with disabilities. Each walk is organized by local volunteers with support from the Lions Foundation of Canada

More and more Canadians require the help of a guide dog every year and Jason Melson, manager of the Dauphin Pet Valu hopes the walk will bring awareness to how important guide dogs are.

One Parkland resident has been the benefactor of the money raised by these walks.

Alex Lytwyn received his dog Fanta at no cost thanks to the Lions Foundation.

Now he is giving back and trying to help others by participating in this years walk and also by raising over $600.

If you are interested in pledging Alex and Fanta you can pick up forms at Coffee Creations, Kelleher Ford, or from Alex himself.

The walk is open for all ages and abilities and participants don't have to finish the whole course.

It all starts at 10 am at the Dauphin Pet Valu.