The government of Manitoba unveiled new traffic signs that will remind drivers that they have to “Slow Down, Move Over” when passing stopped emergency vehicles, including tow trucks.
Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler said that slowing down and moving over is a matter of safety, common sense and courtesy and yet near misses and close calls happen too often.
The signs are regulated as traffic control devices and municipalities can install them on any roads, including busy rural roads. The signs will be used on all major routes entering Manitoba and departing major cities and lesser used roads as well to ensure reasonable coverage.
While Slow Down, Move Over laws have been in effect for almost a decade in Manitoba, emergency service members have seen too many close calls. They believe that having more signage will make people more aware of the law and its importance.
The Highway Traffic Act requires all drivers to slow down when passing emergency crews, to 40 kilometres per hour in zones where the maximum speed limit is less than 80 km/h and 60 km/h in zones with maximum speeds above 80 km/h.
Drivers also must move over on multi-lane highways, if it's safe to do so.
More than 100 tow truck drivers are killed every year in North America.
Drivers who fail to slow down will face a fine of $298 and two demerits on their licence.
The new signs will be placed this summer.