New night hunting laws are in effect for Manitoba Métis Citizens.
Some of the changes include the prohibition on dangerous night spotlighting throughout the province, a ban on night hunting in “agro Manitoba” and permission to night hunt in “non-agro Manitoba.”
The Manitoba Metis Federation made the changes effective April 10th.
In a news release, the MMF said the changes are a result of Métis Citizens expressing their concerns with dangerous night hunting practices.
MMF President David Chartrand says the Métis People have relied on the land for generations and that the governance traditions of the Métis Nation emphasize sustainable, safe harvesting.
“Our People spoke, and the Manitoba Métis Government listened with these new night hunting laws. As founders of the Province of Manitoba, we take our role as partners in Confederation seriously. I am proud to enact legislation that protects the safety of all Manitobans,” stated MMF President David Chartrand.
The MMF hosted several sessions to get the feel and the thoughts of Métis Citizens. These new laws are a direct result of the consensus from the meetings.
These new night-hunting laws amend the Metis Laws of the Harvest 3rd Edition. The MMF established the Laws of the Harvest in 2012.
Night Hunting is hunting from dusk to dawn using natural light or artificial light when stationary. Night Spotlighting is the use of artificial light while night hunting.
The new night-hunting laws, Metis Laws of the Harvest, relevant maps, and definitions can be found here.