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You can now pick up your early bird tickets for next year’s Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival.

Garett McKinnon says CNUF is aiming for younger crowds and more modern shows with performers between bands, so there are no lulls in between main acts.

“With your early bird tickets, you do save 25 dollars. And because all the prime sports, the most favourite spots, close to the gates, those ones are going fast.”

Early bird passes are only 90 dollars for the weekend with campsites selling for 55 a spot.

“We got a few left, but they are selling. We sold 50 last night and today we’ve sold about 15. There’s about 250 spots, so we’re already about 20 percent sold out.”

There are three ways to get early access to a great festival. Either in person, by phone at 204-622-4600, or online at

Since the tougher distracted driving penalties have been introduced, 237 people have been penalized.

The RCMP jurisdiction had charged 67 people, the Parkland makes up a part of that 67.

Brian Smiley, MPI media relations coordinator, is disappointed in drivers.

“It’s disappointing to see this many caught and suspended. We know that many drivers still aren’t getting it.”

Smiley is also asking drivers to not take the risk of answering a call or text while driving, especially if there are children or other passengers in the vehicle.

Manitoba wants to make it easier for health-care professionals to tell family members if a patient is suicidal.

Current provincial law forbids medical professionals from sharing someone's personal information without their consent unless there is a serious and immediate risk.

A bill now before the legislature would allow that information to be shared in any case where there is a risk of serious harm.

Health Minister Cameron Friesen says health authorities will develop rules on how such information can be shared. 

Tonight at 6:30 is there is a Christmas Concert at Whitmore School.

Lesia Jensen, Whitmore School Principal, says there's something special about this year,

"Well, this is our first Christmas Concert in at least 25 years."

Although there have been Christmas activities or potluck dinners, this is the first concert in 25 years.

The Mud Run will be donating 25 thousand dollars to their playground fund.

Jensen says they still have a bit to go before they afford the play structure.

They will be at 65 thousand dollars out of 100 thousand because of the donation.

Because of all the community support they’ve received, they will be giving back to the community by doing acts of kindness.

Barry Trotz’s family donated tens of thousands of dollars to three groups around Dauphin this afternoon.

The Dauphin Personal Care Home received 6,640 dollars, the St. Paul’s Personal Care Home also received 6,640 dollars, and PRVSI received 11,940 dollars.

His family went around Dauphin during the 2 pm hour giving the money raised during the Stanley cup day celebrations.

Barry Trotz dec 4 2

(St. Paul’s Personal Care Home above and PRVSI below) 

Barry Trotz dec 4 3

There are still more donations to come at the end of the week.

Scam emails are something that should be watched for.

Jean St. Marie received two emails that appeared as if they were from the Bank of Montreal.

The emails were titled, “BMO Online Profile Update, Important Notification”

The emails were asking for bank information and stated that if incorrect information was provided, criminal action would be brought against her.

Jean St. Marie reported the emails to the Bank of Montreal. The person who talked to St. Marie said they have been receiving lots of calls recently about these scam emails.

A company will never send you an email demanding your bank information or threaten to take legal action if incorrect information is supplied.

Products were stolen from the Gloria Gayle’s window display this morning.

The thick pane display window was smashed sometime during the night, and many things were taken.

Dress shoes, bracelets, neckless sets, and evening bags were stolen and they are still trying to see what else could be missing.

At 8 this morning Gloria Prokopowich, the owner, got a call at home saying the store window was broken.

Gloria Gayle’s has been in business for 33 years and has never had their front window’s smashed before.

They’ve had a back window smashed but they’ve never had anything stolen, like this morning.

Anyone with information about this break-in is asked to call the RCMP.

Taron Topham is a finalist for the LORAN scholarship. It`s a massive scholarship that awards the winners $100,000 to continue their studies at the post-secondary level.

Roughly 150 people in the province applied for the scholarship. 20 of the applicants including Taron were invited to the semifinals last month in Winnipeg. The day included an interview and more to decide who would move one step closer to winning the $100,000.

Out of the 20, Taron and just three others from Manitoba were chosen to advance to the finals. Those take place early next year in Toronto.

The award, in general, is a national one.

“You know, it’s a very prestigious award and It’s an honour that I’ve gotten this far,” said Topham. “I was honestly pretty surprised that I was chosen as a semi-finalist.”

“The only advice I was given going in, was to be myself. I thought that was the least I could do so I just went into it with a good mindset and it’s worked out so far,”

To be considered for the LORAN scholarship, you have to be heavily into volunteering. Some other criteria include being into athletics and being a solid person.

Taron checks off all of those boxes very easily. The 17-year-old, of course, plays hockey in the Parkland with the Midget Rangers after starting the season with the Kings. He’s also involved with student council and 4H.

“The selection committee felt those attributes were pretty attractive,” said Topham.

Taron will be one of just over 80 applicants from around Canada that will be in Toronto for the finals. Of those, up to 34 will receive the $100,000 scholarship towards their post-secondary studies.

The Grandview native knows everyone that will be in Toronto is super deserving of winning the award, but, he also likes his chances. Especially with some of the feedback, he’s already received.

“I’m sure everyone put a ton of hard work and effort in, but when it came down to it, the committee said I was one of the most personable ones there,” said Topham. “It really just made it feel that things are paying off.”

Winning the $100,000 would simply be a dream come true for the 17-year-old.

“It would mean the world to me, and it would give me more satisfaction in all of the work I’ve done,” added Topham. “I love what I’ve been doing and this would just sort of be the cherry on top.”

Not only do you have to be influential in your community through volunteering and sport, but you also have to excel in school. That’s also exactly what Taron does. Right now, he maintains a 95 average in school.

Moving forward, Taron wants to go into sciences and one day he wants to become a radiologist.

If Taron gets selected for one of the LORAN scholarships, it’s expected that he goes to school out of province.

“The University of Regina is looking pretty promising right now,” said Topham. “There are 24 universities that you can redeem your scholarship at. I just want to go into this with an open mindset and we’ll see what happens in the end.”

Manitoba Hydro is asking the Public Utilities Board to approve a 3.5 per cent rate increase to start next April, instead of 7.9%.
According to the application for the increase, the new rate should bring in approximately fifty-nine million dollars. However, Manitoba Hydro's debt remains around 19-billion dollars.
Hydro also expects their net income to be lower than projected next year, due to reduced export sales, as well as depreciation and financing costs associated with Bipole III.

Barry Trotz is giving back to more groups around Dauphin this afternoon.

His family is going to three different places around the community at 2 pm, giving out money raised during the Stanley cup day celebrations.

They are visiting the Dauphin Personal Care home, St. Paul's and then PRVSI.

A study has shown that you should hold off on cutting your crops early in the season to use as feed in the winter for cows.

Greg Penner, associate professor at the University of Saskatchewan, is recommending a switch from soft dough, to hard dough.

When the original recommendation of soft dough was made, it was based on silage requirements.

The hard dough is tougher, making it more nutritious for cows to digest.

Four experiments for the study were done at the U of S, ultimately they fed the results to the cattle which received a positive response.

This study helps save money because winter feed is a huge cost for cattle producers. Penner wants to help the industry by developing or refining technologies to improve profitability.