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You can now pick up your early bird tickets for next year’s Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival.

Garett McKinnon says CNUF is aiming for younger crowds and more modern shows with performers between bands, so there are no lulls in between main acts.

“With your early bird tickets, you do save 25 dollars. And because all the prime sports, the most favourite spots, close to the gates, those ones are going fast.”

Early bird passes are only 90 dollars for the weekend with campsites selling for 55 a spot.

“We got a few left, but they are selling. We sold 50 last night and today we’ve sold about 15. There’s about 250 spots, so we’re already about 20 percent sold out.”

There are three ways to get early access to a great festival. Either in person, by phone at 204-622-4600, or online at