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Pine Creek First Nation is closing its band office, health centre, Jordan's Principle office and daycare centre because of the increase of COVID-19 cases in the community.

On top of the closures, the community is placing checkpoints at some highway junctions. Security at those checkpoints will take note of names and vehicles passing through, and those names will be passed along to the First Nation's health officials.

Figures released Sunday night showed that the community had 15 active cases of COVID-19, including eight variant of concern cases.

40 people and 13 homes are in isolation. 

The closures were implemented yesterday evening and will last for at least two weeks, and are set to be reassessed on June 4th.

Today’s Victoria Day, a Canadian federal holiday established to celebrate Queen Victoria’s birthday.

In 1845, it was declared an actual holiday by the parliament of the Province of Canada, and became a legal holiday in 1901, when the Queen died.

Victoria Day is known by different names like May Long Weekend, May Run, and May Long.

Victoria Day is the oldest state holiday of Canada and Canada is the only country to honour Queen Victoria with an official holiday.

As many areas in southern Manitoba experience wildfires due to extremely dry conditions, the Reeve of Mossey River is extending his thanks to everyone battling the fires.

Ron Kostyshyn says some fire crews have been at work for days at a time to control fires

 “The fire departments and various communities are trying to control numerous fires in our Municipality – anywhere from the Oakbank country to the east part of our municipality up to the northern parts and the western parts – so there’s a number of municipalities. More importantly, the fire departments who dedicate their times to help out and to deal with what I would call a historical event in our municipality for the amount of fires we’re putting up with.”

Kostyshyn is thanking all fire departments in the area, along with landowners who have come to assist, for all of their hard work and dedication.

“From the staff of the Mossey River Municipality and council, we appreciate all the hard work they’ve done.”

Last week, MLA Brad Michaleski introduced a private member’s resolution in Legislature commending the province’s commitment to protecting and enhancing Manitoba’s fish and wildlife habitats.

The province has made significant investments through the Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund to support initiatives like projects, programs and studies.

Michaleski says the move by the government to modernize funding is really smart.

“It puts a layer of accountability and transparency in those funds, and it also adds an element of marketability.”

Michaleski says the resolution gives him an opportunity as a private member to stand up in the house and acknowledge the work that’s being done.

“I took the opportunity to really showcase and shine the light on the great the work of the Inner Mountain Sport Fish Enhancement Group and other groups in the area.”

Moving forward, the province has entered into an agreement with the Winnipeg Foundation to administer a trust fund that will provide stable and long-term funding for fishing and wildlife initiatives.

The special air quality statement has ended for the Parkland.

Fires in western Manitoba caused heavy smoke in areas, reducing visibility and causing poor air quality.

The alert was in effect for the following areas:

  • Gilbert Plains Mun. incl. Ashville
  • Grandview Mun. incl. Valley River Res.
  • Mossey River Mun. incl. Winnipegosis and Fork River
  • Mun. of Ethelbert incl. Garland
  • Mun. of Roblin incl. Makaroff Shortdale and Bield
  • Mun. of Russell-Binscarth incl. Gambler Res.
  • R.M. of Dauphin incl. Sifton and Valley River
  • R.M. of Lakeshore incl. Ochre River and Makinak
  • R.M. of Lakeshore incl. Rorketon and Toutes Aides
  • R.M. of Riding Mountain West incl. Asessippi Prov. Park

The Mountain View School Division is advising of at least one positive case of COVID19 at Mackenzie Middle School.

The case was at the school on May 14th, May 18th, and May 19th in the Grade 7 French Immersion classroom when they may have been infectious.

 The school says they’re working with public health officials and following their recommendations.

Close contacts have been identified and advised to self-isolate along with their household members.

The Mountain View School Division is advising of another positive case of COVID019 at Mackenzie Middle School.

The case was at the school on May 17th in Grade 8 when they may have been infectious.

 The school is working with public health officials and following their recommendations.

Close contacts have been identified and advised to self-isolate along with their household members.

At least one case of COVID-19 has been confirmed at Barker School in Dauphin.

The confirmed case was in the school on May 10, 11, 13, 14, and 17.

The school is working with public health officials and following their recommendations.

Close contacts have been identified.

An emergency alert will be issued this afternoon to remind Manitobans to stay safe during the 3rd wave of the pandemic.

The alert will take place at 5:30 p.m., at the direction of Manitoba’s Chief Provincial Public Health Officer, to remind Manitobans of the importance of staying home due to the critical situation the province is facing due to COVID-19.

This is just a reminder alert from the province.

The provincial minimum wage is being increased by five cents to $11.95 on October 1st.

Manitoba’s minimum wage is tied to the Consumer Price Index. This adjustment is based on Manitoba’s 2020 inflation rate of 0.5 per cent, rounding up to the nearest five cents.

The last time minimum wage was increased in the province was on October 1st 2020, from $11.65 to $11.90.

The Fire Ban has been lifted for the R.M. Of Dauphin.

The ban was put into effect on May 13th and prohibited all burning except for essential crop residue burning.

Regular burning may resume.