It's Canada Road Safety Week and the number of fatalities in our province is already at a shocking number.
In the first four months of 2019, pedestrians made up nearly half of the fatalities on Manitoba’s public roadways. Four pedestrian fatalities happened in Winnipeg while one each happened in Thompson and Peguis First Nation.
“Pedestrians are certainly vulnerable because there really is nothing they can do to help themselves when a vehicle is approaching them," said Brian Smiley, Media Relations Coordinator for Manitoba Public Insurance. "You want to be facing traffic and if you're walking at night, make sure you're wearing bright clothing. If there are lights to cross at, always cross at them. Also look at the wheels of a vehicle, if they're still spinning that vehicle isn't stopping."
On average in Manitoba, about 12 pedestrians are killed and about 130 are injured yearly. About half of all pedestrian deaths occur at an intersection, while one in 10 deaths take place either between intersections or while walking on the road.
Another tip is to never assume that vehicles see you, you need to walk defensively. You do have the right of way, but only when the vehicle allows you.
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- Contributed by Darnell Duff
The federal government helped start Jordan’s Principle a couple of years ago.
It all started when a First Nation’s boy named Jordan River Anderson had to stay in the hospital for the first two years of his life.
He was then discharged, but because the federal and provincial governments kept arguing, he had to stay in the hospital.
He ended up staying three more years before he became very ill and passed away at the age of 5.
Jordan’s Principle is an initiative started to help First Nation’s youth get proper health, education, and social services.
Jordan’s Principle stopped by Whitmore School on Friday to talk about mental wellness and relieve some of the stigmas about mental illness.
If you know a First Nation’s youth that could use the service, the contact number for the Parkland is 204-622-9400.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
The Mountain View School Division held a public meeting to discuss the governments new comprehensive K-12 education review.
On Saturday, dozens of educators and parents came together in the Aspen Lodge at the Parkland Rec Complex to give their opinions about the changes being made to the education system in Manitoba.
A variety of topics were on the table including class sizes and teacher workload.
Marc Frison, a commission member said he hopes the public review sheds light on both the positives and negatives of education in the province.
People who may have missed the chance to come out on Saturday can still have their voices heard. They can voice their opinions by participating in an online survey or even sending in informal briefs.
All necessary information can be found at the MVSD website at
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
Mother’s Day is tomorrow and for those of you who are wondering what to get mom, the perfect gift might be easier to give than you thought.
Lots of moms in the Parkland say the best thing they can get is time with their kids, a homemade card, or having breakfast and supper made for them.
What do you think? Comment on our Facebook post, what is the best thing to get for Mother’s Day or give to your mother on Mother’s Day?
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Two teachers received a prestigious award at Gilbert Plains Collegiate.
Jody Jubenville and Lindsay Agnew were nominated by Erin Knight, a 2015 Loran Scholar and former Gilbert Plains Collegiate student, for their impact on her when she attended Gilbert Plains CI as a secondary school student.
Agnew is currently working at Whitmore School, while Jubenville has stayed at Gilbert Plains Collegiate.
Jubenville is honoured to receive the award.
“It’s truly an honour to be recognized, I mean Erin was an inspiration, I think to students and adults.”
Agnew shares her thoughts as well.
“I think for me, it’s every teacher’s hopes that they have an impact and that they inspire students and whom they teach. To be recognized, as being that person in Erin’s life is very honouring.”
Jubenville explains how she made an impact on Knight.
“She would throw ideas off and I’d be like ‘yeah let’s do it’ and just encouraging her I think. Just telling her, encouraging her, and supporting all of her choices, decisions and ideas and watching her make it happen.”
Agnew says starting a philanthropy group at the school was one thing that inspired Knight. Knight learned of a passion for water conservation in a global issues class with Agnew.
Knight came to Gilbert Plains and Dauphin all the way from Calgary where she is currently going to university.
Jubenville says Knight had an impact on them too.
“She raises the bar, she was an easy person to teach, she was a go-getter, she would go beyond expectations and just to show that no matter what you believe in and go after it, you can achieve it.”
Agnew was also impacted by Knight.
“Erin was ok with walking her own path and not letting other people’s influences deter her from what she believed was right. I think now, teaching the elementary school, I see what needs to happen in order for them to reach their full potential and that no matter how hard it is or how many barriers you face, nothing’s impossible.”
There have only been around 50 teachers across Canada to receive the awards.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
A 17-year-old man has been charged after 4 early morning fires left 3 homes damaged in Brandon.
The fires happened with a 40-minute window between 3:42 and 4:15 am. All the fires were started within a 10-block radius and according to police the fires were started in sheds, trees, a dumpster and on a porch.
Two homes were completely engulfed while the Brandon Fire Department was able to contain the other two fires.
The 17-year-old suspect was arrested near one of the fires. He has been charged with arson with disregard for human life, arson causing damage to property, and possession of incendiary material. He is scheduled to appear in court July 2nd
No one was injured in the fires and police are not looking for additional suspects.
A damage estimate has not yet been released.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
Fusion Credit Union in Dauphin is a big-time winner.
They won the best overall marketing award for 2018 for their new brand, an award they beat out 46 other Credit Unions to win. They received the award at the National Conference for Canada's Credit Unions Gala Event at the RBC Convention Centre earlier this week.
"It's awesome, it's just such an honour to win the award," said Ron Hedley, CEO. "It pays tribute to our marketing department, our board, our members, and our staff. It truly is incredible."
"We have an incredible marketing department," he added. "We also have really good buy-in from our members, the board, and management. What we're doing is working."
Ron has been with the company as CEO for 19 years. With many years ahead, he's looking forward to what's next.
"We talked a while ago about making the "Fusion" name famous and we're going to continue in our goal of achieving that," added Hedley.
"I'm very proud to be a part of Fusion Credit Union," he added. "I'm just a small part, this really is a group that has come together quickly and we're all working together towards a common goal and it's very exciting."
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- Contributed by Darnell Duff
McHappy Day took place this past Wednesday and was quite successful.
Owner of the Dauphin McDonald's, Brady Johnson, says they raised 7100 dollars this year.
The Dauphin kids of mud mountain biking program will receive half of the money raised to go towards bike trails in Vermillion Park and at the Selo site.
The Ronald McDonald House in Winnipeg receives the other half of the money raised.
Johnson says Dauphin is always a top contributor in the province.
Dauphin was 7th or 8th out of all the McDonald's in Manitoba for most money raised
The Dauphin kids of mud mountain biking program volunteered at McDonald's all day.
Some were even there from 7 am to 6 pm.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
The government of Manitoba announced this week that it would be creating an endowment fund to restore military memorials.
The 2 million dollar fund will be used to preserve more than 200 military memorials honouring everyone who has fought and continues to fight for Canada’s freedoms.
This is the first government-sanctioned fund. Organizations previously used other means, including grants and donations to cover restorations.
The fund will generate around $100,000 per year to provide grants for projects. Communities given the grants will be asked to match them.
Any physical memorials including cenotaphs, sculptures, and plaques as well as moveable objects like books and banners are eligible for the fund.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
There are new set fines in effect this year for those who aren’t compliant with aquatic invasive species regulations.
You will be fined 1296 dollars for possession of an aquatic invasive species in Manitoba, if you don’t pull the plug when transporting watercraft you will be fined 237 dollars.
Since these are new fines, this will be the first time law enforcement will be looking for people to ensure they are being compliant.
The point of the fines is to send the message that people need to clean, drain, dry, dispose and decontaminate their boats.
The nearest aquatic invasive species to the Parkland are in Red River, Lake Winnipeg, and Cedar Lake.
There is a very high risk of invasive species invading Parkland Lakes.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Fishing season starts on Saturday for fishers in the Parkland.
Catherine Ward, recreational fishing program manager, says there’s one notable change to fishing in our area.
“There is a new walleye limit of 4 and all walleye shorter than 35 cm must be released.”
Those restrictions apply to this zone:
Fishing limits are based on the kind of fishing license someone has, as well as how the species is affected by being fished.
A conservation license will allow fishers to catch a combined 4 walleye and sauger, while a regular license would allow 6, at Dauphin Lake, walleye and sauger must be released if they are between 45 and 70 cm long.
The limit for northern pike is 4 with a conservation license and 6 with a regular license. Only one is allowed to be longer than 75 cm.
Fishers catching yellow perch have no limit except if they are fishing in lakes Winnipeg, Manitoba and Winnipegosis the limit is 25 in those lakes.
Ward says there are limits because anglers need to take responsibility to ensure they are sustaining the resource now and for future generations
Ward says there are some fines fishers should be aware of.
“If you fish without a license, it’s $298, if you used a barbed hook, it’s $52, and fines start at $102 for overfishing your limit.”
Ward hopes everyone has a great season and stays safe around the water.
Click here to go to the Manitoba 2019 Angler’s Guide.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak