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The province is allowing the temporary opening of certain facilities during this week’s heatwave.

Current public health orders restrict the operation of many businesses; however, libraries and community centres will be allowed to open for the next week in order to accommodate those that may not otherwise have the means to cool off during the warmer temperatures.

The change also allows for the operation of outdoor pools or splash pads at hotels, campgrounds and other private businesses.

The restrictions on gatherings and interactions with people who do not reside at the same private residence continue to apply.

The orders went into effect today, June 2, at 2 p.m. and will be in place until June 12 at 12:01 a.m.

Heat illnesses are preventable. The health effects of heat can be reduced by:
• drinking plenty of liquids, especially water, before you feel thirsty
• wearing loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing and a wide-brimmed hat
• planning outdoor activities during cooler times of the day
• limiting alcohol consumption
• avoiding sun exposure and considering cancelling or rescheduling outdoor activities
• going to a cool place such as a mall, community centre, public library or place of worship, after checking the hours these sites are open under COVID-19 restrictions
• taking a cool shower or bath
• blocking the sun out by closing awnings, curtains or blinds during the day

Manitobans are encouraged to check in regularly with vulnerable or socially isolated community.

A 30-year-old Manitoba man with COVID-19 has died in an Ontario hospital.

Shared health says the man had been receiving care in Ontario since May 20th.

He is the first patient to have died after being moved out of the province for care. Last week another patient died in a Manitoba hospital after a failed attempt to airlift her to a hospital in Ontario.

There is now a record of 110 Manitobans in critical care.

As temperatures continue to rise here in Manitoba, barbeque and campfire season are once again upon us. CKDM contacted Dauphin's fire Chief Cam Abrey for his tips on how to safely enjoy your barbeque and campfires this summer.

"First and foremost, never leave your barbeque unattended," Abrey said

"Make sure your barbeque is clean, they do accumulate a little bit of grease, and that grease can lead to a fire, but it's more than just the fires that can happen. Make sure you don't burn yourself with the tools you are using as well."

When it comes to campfire safety, the fire chief reiterated Dauphin's guidelines for backyard fire pits.

"There are certain dimensions you have to adhere to. You have to be 10 feet away from any structure like a house, garage, fence or anything like that and no burning of any leaves, garbage or garden waste."

Lastly, Abrey encourages you to always have a means of extinguishment.

Second-dose COVID-19 vaccine eligibility has been expanded to include all Manitobans who received their first dose on or before April 20th.

All indigenous Manitobans aged 12 and up are eligible for a second dose, as long as they received their first dose on or before April 20th.

All Manitobans aged 12 and up are eligible for their first dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine.

Everyone aged 40 and up - and people aged 30 to 39 with specific health conditions – are eligible for their first dose of AstraZeneca.

To book an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine at a supersite or pop-up clinic in the province, call 1-844-626-8222, or click here to book online. 

On May 6 at about 3:30 p.m., the Brandon RCMP responded to a report of a deceased person found in a field, in a rural area, in the RM of Souris-Glenwood.

The RCMP has confirmed the body was that of Adam Klimchuk, who was reported missing on December 18.

The death doesn't appear to be suspicious and the investigation continues. 

If you're driving in the Riding Mountain National Park on Wednesday, you're asked to drive with extra caution.

Staff members will be picking up litter in the park.

You're reminded to never litter and Riding Mountain staff wants everyone to know a few of the effects of litter on animals and the environment.

  • animals get trapped and entangled and even suffocate in plastic packaging or similar litter;
  • animals are in constant search for food. When humans litter along the road, animals risk getting hit by cars and venture further from their natural habitats and behaviours; 
  • and nearly 60% of roadway litter is comprised of tobacco products and cigarettes which often end up in streams, lakes and wetlands.

The hot weather is here and it's here to stay. A heat warning is in effect across the Parkland.

A ridge of high pressure will bring with it daytime high temperatures in the low to mid-thirties and overnight low temperatures in the mid to high teens.
Although the hottest air is expected to move off Saturday, temperatures still remain above normal into early next week.

If you're spending an extended period of time outside, make sure you're watching for side effects of heat illness.

They include swelling, rash, cramps, fainting, and heat exhaustion.

From May 24th to May 30th, Covid enforcement officials handed out a total of 161 tickets in Manitoba to businesses and individuals, totalling $199,456 in fines. 
44 tickets worth $1,296 were given out to individuals in relation to gatherings in private residences or outdoors.

Nine $298 tickets were given to individuals for failure to wear a mask in indoor public places.

One $5,150 ticket was given to an individual for breaking the Federal Quarantine Act.

One $5,000 ticket issued to a business, and six warrants were issued to repeat offenders; This comes with a max penalty of $100,000.

Officials did note that this is the highest number of tickets issued in one week since enforcement efforts began in April 2020.

Two people are facing charges after reports of shots being fired at a security checkpoint on Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation.

On May 27th at around 11:30 p.m. Swan River RCMP received reports that shots were fired at a vehicle being driven by security.

While officers were on route, they were advised that the victim had fled in his vehicle, and that the suspect was pursuing him in his own vehicle and discharged the shotgun for a second time.

The victim was not hurt and was able to get to safety.

RCMP say the two suspects – a man and a woman - drove to a home in the community and began breaking windows. A press release states that the male suspect pointed a shotgun at a resident.

When officers arrived the two suspects fled inside a nearby home. The suspects were arrested without incident and officers recovered the shotgun.

31-year-old Ryan Kematch-Genaille, was arrested and charged with Assault with a Weapon, Discharge Firearm with Intent, Using a Firearm in the Commission of an Offence, Pointing a Firearm, Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm and Mischief. He was remanded into custody.

A 29-year-old woman is facing a charge of Mischief and was released with an upcoming court date.

Mr Mikes Steakhouse Casual has been serving Dauphin and the area for 6 years, and on Tuesday they are celebrating their anniversary.

General Manager Katelyn Mowat says to commemorate the anniversary the restaurant is offering guests a gift with takeout orders.

"We are unfortunately limited to takeout right now. But, we are still trying to do something to honour being here for 6 years as well as the support we have received. So with every takeout order placed today, we will be supplying a $10 gift card in the bag."

Mowat went on to say that the restaurant is so excited to have guests back in the building, whenever that may be at this point.

The restaurant will open for takeout from 3 to 8 pm tonight. Call them at 204-701 -6453.

Today is Lieutenant Colonel Barker Day, in Dauphin.

Lieutenant Colonel William George Barker was born in Dauphin, and served as a pilot in World War 1.

On this day the City recognizes his loyalty, dedication and sacrifice.

Mayor Allan Dowhan says the City has been proclaiming this day for around 15 years.

“City Council in collaboration with the Barker family has named June first Billy Barker Day, so every year we issue a proclamation on that.”

Barker received the Victoria Cross in 1918, and has been commemorated by the Government of Canada as an “Individual of National Significance” as one of Canada’s most renowned and decorated servicemen of any armed conflict.