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It’s been a busy year so far for the Dauphin Fire Department.

They responded to 163 incidents this year. That’s an increase of 16 compared to last year’s 147 at this time.

132 calls came from the city, and 29 were rural responses. Rural consisted of only 18 percent of calls but took 39 percent of the response time.

So far this year emergency response crews put in over 3,313.5 hours in the 132 city responses. They put in just over 2,122.5 in 29 rural responses. They also up in over 1,870.0 hours of training.
The department’s busiest year to date before 2018 was in 2011.

In May they predicted they’d break the record for the busiest year after responding to 39 incidents in that month alone.

In the Emergency Response review for the third quarter Fire Chief Cameron Abrey says no one wants to break the record for most calls. Since May the number of calls slowed down, and the department is 20 calls down from the same time frame in 2011.

The Dauphin Fire Department is on the scene of a Garage Fire on 10th Avenue South East.

The fire Department got the the scene around 6.

 We'll have more details in the morning. 

People who violate rules around the use of recreational marijuana will face fines of up to $2,542.

When pot is legal next month you will be fined for supplying cannabis to a minor, selling it without authorization or growing it at home.

People who smoke pot in a provincial park or campsite will face a fine of $672 plus fees and surcharges.

Premier Brian Pallister said banning homegrown cannabis will better protect both users and non-users, and has fought federal calls to allow marijuana users to grow small amounts at home.

Every year an estimated 4000 Canadians die by suicide, making today’s World Suicide Prevention Day very important.

Join the Suicide Prevention and Resiliency Committee for a time of remembrance and hope tonight at 7 pm at the Dauphin Watson Art Centre. If you can’t make it to the DWAC, at 8 pm, light a candle to show your support for suicide prevention, to remember someone who has died by suicide, and to honour those whose lives have been impacted by suicide.

Suicide occurs across all age, economic, social, and ethnic boundaries. Suicide is the 9th leading cause of death overall and the 2nd leading cause of death for youth.

If a friend or loved one talks or behaves in a way that makes you believe he or she is experiencing thoughts of suicide, encourage them to access help from a trained professional or encourage the person to call 1-866-332-3030 or Manitoba Suicide Prevention & Support Line (1-877-435-7170).

The Mountain View School Divison board is holding their first meeting of the new school year.

This year has some big issues members are going to deal with.

Leifa Misko, the board’s Chairperson, shares what she thinks the main focus at the start of the year is.

“Probably the main focus right now would be the upcoming elections. We know for sure that we will have at least two new board members. Looking forward to who’s running and what’s going to happen after the election. After that, we’ll just be working on school achievements and having a focus on improving our overall achievement for our students.”

This year the province is planning to make some big changes to the education system. Misko shares what’s happening and how the public can get involved.

“The educational review will be the most pressing issue, I do believe, that the school board will be facing this year. it is something, that as a school board, we are welcoming because it has been a number of years since there has been an educational review and there are things that need to be improved in the educational system.” She continues, “we are hoping that the public will participate in the review and over the next couple of months we will be getting some information out for the public to review and hopefully inform them about some of the issues that we are facing.”

The review will start after the trustee elections taking place next month.

The first school board meeting for the Mountain View School Division takes place this evening.

29 tornadoes touched down this summer in the prairies with Manitoba seeing eight of them.

The EF-4 twister that went through the RM of Alonsa officially caused the most damage this summer.

On July 10th Saskatchewan recorded the same number of tornadoes that Manitoba had all summer.

Saskatchewan had the most this summer with 19 and Alberta had two.

The Dauphin Vet Clinic is making it easier on cats that come into their clinic.

They are cat-friendly accredited, which means taking measures to make their patients' experiences less stressful.

Dr. Roxanne Neufeld, the owner of the clinic, explains what that means.

“So a visit to the vet for cats can be very, very stressful which also makes it stressful for the owners. So this is just a way to make things as easy and as less stressful as we can make it.”

This program was established by the American Association of Feline Practitioners and the International Society for Feline Medicine.

“Basically the program just outlines a whole list of requirements that a clinic needs to meet and depending on which requirements you met you can either be given a status of silver or gold.”

The Dauphin Veterinary Clinic established the silver level back in October of last year.

“Some of the things that we would need to meet would be having a cat only exam room, which is made very friendly for them. So we’ve got a cat tower in there. The scale is right in the room, and we make use of some plugin pheromones, just to make cats feel a bit more relaxed and comfortable. We also work on using less stressful handling techniques. Just being more gentle with cats, having a cat only kennel room, so they are not stuck in a room with a bunch of barking dogs to stress them right out.”

Neufeld says their continued education now has extra focus on conditions and surgery that are specific to cats.

Tuition at the Assiniboine Community College has risen by 250 dollars entering into this school year.

Mark Frison, president of Assiniboine Community College, explains why they increase the tuition.

“There are a couple reasons for tuition increases. One is to keep up with inflationary costs and pressures to offer quality programs. But two, Manitoba is historically a jurisdiction with very low tuition and so, as a result, our program costs feel more pressure as a result of that particular environment.”

Manitoba has the lowest tuition in western Canada.

Crop residue burning is authorized through Sunday in the northwest and Interlake zones.

Manitoba agriculture is allowing burning to begin at noon and all fires must be completely extinguished by six in the evening.

Any permits issued by local authorities are also required.

The government reminds farmers that smoke from any crop residue fire must not obscure any public roadway or create problems for neighbouring residents.

"The Wonder of the Human Body" is a weeklong speaker series in Dauphin.

Pastor Terry McComb plans to give a presentation every night about a different system of the body.

He shares with us what his goal of the presentations is.

“One of the 11 different systems of the human body in detail, one each night. And we start with the cell, which is 100 trillion cells in the human body. That’s a lot of cells. Most people don’t realize they manage that big of a company, but they do. These 100 trillion cells make up the 12 systems of the human body and it’s my goal to show how they all interrelate how these systems all coordinate together.

The first presentation is called "Wonder of a Cell" and it takes place tomorrow at 7 in the evening at the Curlers' Lounge in the Parkland Recreation Complex.

Those attending will learn how having a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of certain diseases.

Mccomb gives some examples. “A classic example is diabetes. Insulin does not cure diabetes, it only controls it. But the program I’m going to talk about is some things they can do as a diabetic that can actually reverse diabetes and not have to take Insulin for the rest of their lives. And heart disease, likewise, they may have to put a stint in there, but that stint doesn’t cure heart disease, it only manages it. So it’s my burden is to help people understand there are simple laws of health that either makes your body healthy or unhealthy.”

The schedule of topics are:

Sunday, September 9th @ 7 pm:  Wonder of a Cell

Monday, September 10th @ 7 pm:  Ponder the Brain

Tuesday, September 11th @ 7 pm:  See the Skeletal System

Wednesday, September 12th @ 7 pm:  The Muscular System

Thursday, September 13th @ 7 pm:  The Reproductive System

Friday, September 14th @ 7 pm:  Lungs, Heart & Circulatory System

Saturday, September 15th @ 9:30 am:  Diving into Digestion

Saturday, September 15th @ 11 am:  Wonder of the Senses

Saturday, September 15th @ 7 pm:  The Clocks of Life

Each session wraps up nightly with Blacklight Chalk Painting.

Construction at the Dauphin Regional Health Centre is half complete.

They passed the halfway mark and entered phase three in June.

They are now working on enclosing the ambulance garage area and redeveloping the Personal Care Home. Mechanical and electrical rough-in and interior steel stud work is going on at the main Emergency Department area.

Phase three is expected to complete in March or April.

It’s expected the whole project will be done in late summer next year.