The Mountain View School Divison board is holding their first meeting of the new school year.
This year has some big issues members are going to deal with.
Leifa Misko, the board’s Chairperson, shares what she thinks the main focus at the start of the year is.
“Probably the main focus right now would be the upcoming elections. We know for sure that we will have at least two new board members. Looking forward to who’s running and what’s going to happen after the election. After that, we’ll just be working on school achievements and having a focus on improving our overall achievement for our students.”
This year the province is planning to make some big changes to the education system. Misko shares what’s happening and how the public can get involved.
“The educational review will be the most pressing issue, I do believe, that the school board will be facing this year. it is something, that as a school board, we are welcoming because it has been a number of years since there has been an educational review and there are things that need to be improved in the educational system.” She continues, “we are hoping that the public will participate in the review and over the next couple of months we will be getting some information out for the public to review and hopefully inform them about some of the issues that we are facing.”
The review will start after the trustee elections taking place next month.
The first school board meeting for the Mountain View School Division takes place this evening.