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Manitoba’s new COVID-19 case number remains low, and the province is focusing on increased testing to get a better idea of the spread of the virus.

Four new cases have been identified today by Manitoba public health officials.

The total number of lab-confirmed and probably cases is 267. As of 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning, there are 62 active cases and 199 that have been listed as recovered.

The number of COVID-related deaths remains at six.

As of April 23rd, there have been 173 COVID-19 screening tests conducted at the Dauphin drive-thru location. The other testing site in the Prairie Mountain Health region — a site in Brandon — has administered 718 screening tests.

Public health officials are now expanding testing criteria to include people who are showing even mild symptoms — such as a cough, runny nose, sore throat, and fever — to get a clearer picture regarding the spread of the virus in Manitoba.

If you’re showing symptoms of COVID-19 and meet the testing criteria, call Health Links–Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or (toll-free) at 1-888-315-9257 for more information. As a reminder, testing sites are operating by referral only.

You can also access the latest information for the province, and the online screening tool, by visiting

The Manitoba government is investing up to $500,000 towards the development of trails in provincial parks.

Municipal Relations Minister Rochelle Squires says that trails can play an important role in our recovery and rebuilding following this pandemic.

With the assistance of Trails Manitoba, the funding announced today will allow for the completion of six trails in Manitoba provincial parks.

This will help in the linking the 1,755-kilometre Great Trail in Manitoba including:

South Whiteshell Trail;

South Whiteshell Trail – Penniac Bay;

Cabin Lake Creek Pedestrian Bridge;

Centennial Trail – Hansons Creek Bridge Phase 2

North Whiteshell emergency repair washout

Spruce Woods Provincial Park

Last week Saskatchewan announced its 5 phase plan to re-open non-essential services beginning May 4th.

CKDM wanted to know the Parklands thoughts on Saskatchewan’s re-opening plan, and whether or not Manitoba should adopt a similar plan.

Michelle, Ashley, and Derek agree that starting to re-open is the right choice.

Michelle says that opening certain services will be beneficial for Manitobans' mental health.

Ashley says that it is necessary to have a plan and that staggered openings are the best way to do it.

Derek believes that while there might be future outbreaks, we must overcome the fear of the virus and do what’s sustainable for our province.

However many people seem to disagree with the plan, saying it is too early.

Jamie thinks that we should continue to wait, and see the results that Saskatchewan gets with their plan before we make any changes.

Matt says Manitoba should wait until Mid-May to announce any openings. He adds that May long weekend might have an impact on the province's numbers.

Pauline thinks that opening things up again could set Manitoba back to square one.

Premier Brian Pallister says the government will update Manitobans on their re-opening plan next week

The provincial government has announced $120 million for a new wage subsidy program to support students working over the summer.

The Summer Student Recovery Plan will enable employers to hire up to 5 students, and subsidize up to $7 of an hourly wage, for a maximum of $5,000 per student. The program is open during the period of May 1st to September 4th.

Manitoba students aged 15 to 29 are eligible for the program.

In the first two weeks, priority will be given to Manitoba employers who do not qualify for federal government assistance programs.

In addition to the new subsidy program, Manitoba is also aiming to help post-secondary students by deferring payments on student loans.

The Premier says enrolment for the subsidy program will begin over the next few days.

The Manitoba First Nations Police Service (MFNPS) is reporting a 14-year-old was arrested after an alleged stabbing on Waywayseecappo First Nation.

On Thursday, April 16th around 11:00 am, a man suffering from a stab wound entered MFNPS detachment.

The victim, a 20-year-old man from Waywayseecappo First Nation, told police he was sleeping when he was woken up by the suspect who was stabbing him. The victim was then taken to hospital by EMS, where he remains in stable condition.

Police went to the home where the incident allegedly took place, and arrested the 14-year-old, who faces charges of Aggravated Assault, Assault with a Weapon, Possession of a Weapon Dangerous, and Failing to Comply with an Undertaking.

The suspect was later released and is set to appear in the Waywayseecappo Court in June.

Public Health Officials have announced one additional case of COVID-19 in the province.

The total number of cases is now 263.

As of today, the number of active cases is 61, and the number of recoveries is 196.

No new COVID-19 related deaths have been announced.

For the most up to date information about COVID-19, visit

The public hearing for Dauphin’s 2020 budget will be happening virtually on May 4th, and there are three ways you'll be able to weigh in with your feedback.

City Manager Sharla Griffiths explains that city staff have been conducting their business virtually over the past few weeks using Microsoft Teams software. Council meetings and the budget hearing are also being live-streamed on Youtube, and shared to Facebook.

To give your input during the May 4th budget hearing, you’ll have the option to (1) call in, (2) join by Microsoft Team, or by (3) writing a comment or question on the live Youtube stream.

Griffiths encourages anyone looking for more information to phone City Hall.

What she could say about the budget was that “staff have done a great job at determining what are crucial projects", and what projects are more “cosmetic” in nature and may be easily postponed until 2021.

She suggested money may be directed to things like street maintenance and crucial underground water sewer lines.

“I suspect the public will see a very basic budget, but definitely continuing on with scheduled maintenance and rehabilitation of our major infrastructure.”

The City Manager finished by saying she understands there are lots of questions about what the municipal government is doing for residents and business owners struggling through the COVID-19 crisis:

“Once we’re able to talk about the budget, we will have information put together for that. Just know, those are things that council is also looking at; how do we help residents and what’s in our purview to be able to help them.”

At 7:00 p.m. on April 19, the Swan River RCMP executed a search warrant at a residence located in the RM of Minitonas-Bowsman.

It was during this search that officers recovered stolen property which included a 2020 Polaris Ranger 1000 side-by-side ATV. 

As a result, a 30-year-old male, from the RM of Minitonas-Bowsman, and a 23-year-old male, from Swan River, were both arrested. They face charges of Theft Under $5000 and Possession of Stolen Property over $5000. 

Both have been released on conditions and they're set to appear in Dauphin Provincial Court on August 19, 2020. 

Public Health Officials have announced 5 additional cases of COVID-19 today.

That brings the total number of cases to 262.

The number of deaths in the province remains at 6 and 7 people are being hospitalized.

Right now there are 82 active cases and 174 have recovered.

Dr. Roussin warns that we must not stop social distancing.

 "We can see our efforts paying off in our low numbers, but we continue to detect this virus in our province. If we let up our measures too soon, we will see the propagation of this virus."

For more information, and access to the online screening tool you can visit

If you have a policy with Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI), you may get a rebate cheque.

Crown Services Minister Jeff Wharton made the announcement today that MPI is returning up to $110 million to its policyholders.

The rebate amount will depend on how much you paid last year, and the average policyholder can expect between $140 and $160, according to the Minister.

We are still waiting on more details, but rebate cheques could be coming at the end of May or early-June.

The rebate is a result of fewer claims during this COVID period. As of mid-April, MPI notes claims are down 48 percent, compared to the same month a year ago.

More details about the rebate will be available in the coming weeks. More information can be found on the MPI website.

It’s a promising sign from our next-door neighbours.

Today Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe revealed the details of the province’s plan to reopen its economy and services.

The plan will happen in 5 stages, beginning on May 4th.

The first phase will involve the reopening of medical services, like dentists, optometry, physical therapy, and chiropractic treatments.

Outdoor activities deemed to be low-risk will also be allowed during the first phase of reopening. On May 4th, fishing and boat launches will be permitted.

The limit on public gatherings will still be capped at 10 people.

Moe says restriction will be gradually lifted over the following weeks, and more types of businesses will be allowed to reopen, if they choose.

Saskatchewan's 2nd phase of reopening will begin on May 19th, which will see businesses like clothing stores, hairdressers, and massage therapists cleared to reopen.

Here in Manitoba, Premier Brian Pallister says the government will unveil plans to begin easing social distancing measures. We'll have to wait until next week to find out more details about Manitoba’s reopening plan.

Manitoba's chief public health officer Dr. Brent Roussin says the reopening of Manitoba's economy could look similar to Saskatchewan's plan.