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If you feel that this winter has lasted a little longer than last year, you're not alone.

Environment Canada Senior Climatologist David Phillips says after a warmer, El Nino-style winter last year, this year's La Nina weather was a little harsher and is sticking around longer.

"Dauphin, for example, had 55 days this winter - and we are not done yet - of cold days or -20.  And, normally you would have 48 of those, so a little bit more than normal.  But compare it to last year when there were only 23 of those miserable kind of cold days."

Phillips adds temperatures in Dauphin from December to February averaged around -16, which is significantly below last year's average of around -10 for that time.

He adds snowfall over the winter was around normal to about 10 per cent below normal levels, and is sticking around a little longer as average temperatures for March have been about two degrees below normal so far this year.