Sean Beaulieu is facing a number of charges after the RCMP responded to a robbery in Dauphin earlier this week.
On Wednesday at about 3:35 a.m., RCMP was called to a robbery at a business on Main Street South where a male had entered the store, sprayed the employee with bear mace, stole items, and fled on foot.
The employee was able to provide a description of the suspect which led to officers locating the suspect a short distance from the business. Beaulieu was arrested without incident and was found to be in possession of bear spray.
Beaulieu, 30-years-old, has been charged with Robbery, Assault with a Weapon, Carrying a Concealed Weapon, Possession of a Weapon for a Dangerous Purpose, Unauthorized Possession of a Weapon and Fail to Comply.
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- Contributed by Darnell Duff
This Sunday, many Manitobans will be celebrating Easter according to the Julian calendar.
Father Brent Kuzyk, with St. George’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Dauphin, says due to the recently tightened COVID-19 orders, the celebration will be limited.
“Unfortunately the COVID guidelines restrict me to having ten faithful in the church proper plus those that are needed to serve, like myself and those serving in the altar with me.”
The church’s Holy Week services began Wednesday evening and will continue every day up until Sunday.
Father Kuzyk says those that can’t make it in person have many online options to celebrate this weekend.
“Across Canada, there are livestream services on the internet through different Orthodox churches so people can be at home. There are livestream Paschal services as well as regular services during the week and Sunday services throughout the year so they certainly can be there.”
The Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Resurrection in Dauphin will hold their Easter service of worship broadcasted on 730 CKDM beginning at 10:30 a.m.
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach
The Manitoba Government is naming eight wildlife management areas after prominent Manitobans.
The Parkland Wildlife Management Area’s Horod unit will become the Kenneth H. Wark Wildlife Management Area.
Kenneth H. Wark, who passed away this year, lived near Lake Audy, where he had a conservation agreement on his farm.
Kenneth was a conservation officer who pioneered aerial wildlife enforcement. He flew enforcement patrols, wildlife recon, fire patrols and surveys.
Swan River’s MLA, Rick Wowchuk says this area being named after Kenneth is near and dear to his heart.
“He did so much, and I’m just really grateful to him and to his family. This was just one way the province could recognize individuals like him who did so much in agro-Manitoba.”
Rick personally knew Kenneth and recently gave a statement in the Legislature to honour him.
“I had the opportunity to fly with him on surveys and night patrols. You always felt so safe that he could probably land that Helio (plane) on top of a bunch of spruce trees in the case of an emergency.”
Rick adds, “as a friend I was ecstatic that the province had recognized him for what he’s contributed to conservation and wildlife management in the province.”
On top of the announcement to rename these areas, the province announced that they are directing $225,000 towards wildlife management priorities.
This includes increases to support the Wildlife Management Area Program to pursue habitat management and planning, increased public access and viewing opportunities, and the repair and maintenance of critical infrastructure.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson
The Manitoba government has announced over $25 million towards youth employment opportunities this summer.
The new $15 million Manitoba Youth Jobs Program will give employers a 50 percent subsidy on wages paid to young employees from May to September, with a maximum of $25,000 per employer.
Premier Brian Pallister anticipates this will support more than 2,000 employers recover from the pandemic and create long-term and short-term jobs.
For more information, and to apply, click here.
Application for the program begins Thursday, April 29th, and ends on August 31st.
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach
Two people from Dauphin are facing charges after RCMP conducted a search warrant in the city.
On Wednesday, April 28th RCMP seached a home on 4th Avenue SE in Dauphin and seized about 60 grams of cocaine, numerous illicit pills, cash, a firearm, and drug-related paraphernalia.
RCMP arrested 41-year-old Katie Schabler and 26-year-old Germaine Beaulieu, both from Dauphin, with possession of trafficking, possession of trafficking paraphernalia, and several firearm-related offenses.
Schabler was released and will appear in court at a later date.
Beaulieu was remanded into custody and will appear in court Thursday.
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach
One man from Gilbert Plains and four from Brandon have been arrested after a major illegal tobacco seizure.
Following a six-week joint investigation involving the Manitoba Finance Taxation Special Services Investigations Unit and Brandon Police Service Major Crime Section, the arrest was made earlier this week.
On April 23, members intercepted a shipment of illicit cigarettes in the RM of Whitehead. Four days later on April 27, three vehicles and three trailers were seized and searched.
As a result, 92 cases of unmarked contraband tobacco cigarettes were seized and each case contained 10,000 cigarettes. Also seized were over 53 pounds of illicit marihuana and over $25,000 in cash.
The tobacco represented a potential tax loss of over a million dollars to the Province of Manitoba. All five men, aged 46 to 60, face numerous charges and all will appear in a Manitoba courtroom in July.
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- Contributed by Darnell Duff
Have you ever wondered how all those “National ‘So and So’ Days” we hear about all the time, get started?
Well, CKDM’s René Hübener knows exactly how, because 41 years ago today, he started one, by proclaiming the last Thursday of every April as International Yellow T-Shirt Day!
"At first it was just a fun idea to make up a National day, let the media know about it, and see what happens. I had no idea that five years later, I’d be interviewed by over 1000 radio, TV and newspaper outlets around the world!”
Hübener, a career radio advertising and marketing professional, says his experiment in using the media to spread a message, even one as frivolous as suggesting people wear a Yellow T-Shirt, has helped him appreciate the importance of messaging responsibly.
“The fact is that deep down, people still trust what they hear and see and read in the media, which means the media has a responsibility to always message with integrity. A lot of people in the industry forget that people are listening to what’s being said or written, whether it’s in a news story, or a commercial, or an announcer break, and that everything they say needs to be said with the understanding that it’ll actually affect the listener.”
René keeps International Yellow T-Shirt Day alive these days by promoting it through Facebook and a few radio interviews each year. If you’d like to join in, just wear Yellow today, and post a picture of yourself on the International Yellow T-Shirt Day page on Facebook.
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach
The Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) has been constructing two new buildings on Main Street in Dauphin and is updating the community on their progress.
Construction is currently underway on their main office, which will include a pharmacy and a gym, and is set to be completed by December.
The federation is also looking to complete their new child care building by August.
MMF President David Chartrand says the new additions will add many job opportunities in the city.
“Their projection in the two buildings is to see 75 to 100 full-time employment positions taking place.”
Chartrand says he’s quite happy with the progress so far.
“I’m quite amazed; they sent us updates on where the building’s state is. It’s quite amazing to watch how fast they put in the foundation. Next thing you know you have a building. We’re making impacts in many of these towns and villages and I’m very pleased with the reception we’ve received from the mayor. I’m very pleased with the enthusiasm.”
Chartrand adds that while he is very pleased with the investments into Dauphin, they’re working on expanding projects into smaller rural communities.
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach
RCMP are asking for the public’s assistance in identifying two suspects after an alleged assault in Gypsumville.
On March 6th, at around 5 p.m. RCMP responded to a business on 1st Street in Gypsumville.
RCMP say two young females were assaulted by a group of unknown women, who fled the scene in a white truck.
RCMP obtained video surveillance and are asking for assistance from the public in identifying two possible suspects.
Anyone with information can call Gypsumville RCMP at 204-659-2682.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson
Public Health officials have announced that a COVID-19 vaccine supersite will be coming to Dauphin next month.
The site will be located at 304 Whitmore Avenue East and will be open on May 10th.
The province will announce when appointments will be available for booking in the coming weeks.
There is also a new Supersite coming to Steinbach on May 18th at 294 Lumber Avenue.
All Manitobans aged 50 and older and First Nations people aged 30 and older are currently eligible to receive a vaccine at a supersite or pop-up clinic.
Current eligibility includes all Manitobans living and working in the Northern Health Region, and Manitobans over the age of 18 that work at specific front-line jobs in high-risk communities.
Today the province expanded the list of which areas are considered high-risk, to include the Brandon Downtown health district and the neighborhoods of St. Johns, Wolseley, and the West End in Winnipeg.
To view the full list of who’s eligible for the vaccine, click here.
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach
Norwex in Dauphin is working closely with public health officials in regards to a positive COVID-19 case identified at the facility.
David McInnes, Vice President of Operations at Norwex says all close contacts have been identified and are self-isolating.
McInnes would like to ensure the public that they are following all public health directives, and have enhanced cleaning protocols in place.
Public health officials have determined the level of risk to the community as low.
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach