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Manitoba RCMP has arrested an 18-year-old man connected to a pair of swatting incidents in the United States.

On Aug. 17th, the RCMP was contacted to help an Investigation in the U.S. where heavy police resources were sent to the scene of two non-existent crimes.

In both swatting incidents, the U.S. police agencies said they received 911 calls from a man claiming to be armed inside a school and ready to start shooting.

It was later determined by RCMP and Winnipeg police that the calls were coming from a home on Fisher River Cree Nation.

According to the initial Investigation in Tennessee, the phone calls originated from Manitoba.

RCMP raided the home on Aug. 30th and seized electronic items.

The suspect was taken into custody and later released, with a pending court date of Dec. 7th on Peguis First Nation.

“Swatting” is when a person fakes an emergency to provoke the police and draw police presence.

Police continue to investigate.

Mental Health, Wellness, and Recovery Minister Audrey Gordon announced Wednesday that Manitoba is launching a social impact bond, partnering with the Reh-Fit Centre and Victoria General Hospital Foundation to support women’s heart health.

A social impact bond is an innovative social policy tool that brings together government, the private sector, not-for-profits and other stakeholders to deliver effective solutions focused on prevention.

Gordon explains the decision for this:

“Women experience heart health differently from men, and rates of heart disease in women come at a significant cost to society and the individuals involved. Women may not prioritize their health above the health of others, and signs of heart disease often go unrecognized. Our government’s fourth social impact bond offers a much-needed tailored approach that aims to reduce the risk of heart disease among women in Manitoba and support post-pandemic efforts to increase physical activity levels.”

Gordon noted circulatory diseases are the leading cause of death and a leading cause of hospitalization in Manitoba, and approximately six percent of Manitoban women have heart disease.

A 2017 study commissioned by Manitoba Health and Seniors Care found the cost of treating individuals with heart disease is six times greater than individuals with general medical needs.

According to the provincial dashboard, there are 52 new cases of COVID-19 in Manitoba today.

Of today’s cases:

  • Two are in the Prairie Mountain Health region
  • Four are in the Interlake-Eastern Health region
  • Six are in the Northern Health region
  • 26 are in the Southern Health–Santé Sud health region
  • 14 are in the Winnipeg Health region

Dauphin still has two active cases of COVID-19 in the city. 

The numbers of active cases in other Parkland health districts are:

Riding Mountain (0), Swan River (0), Duck Mountain (1), Porcupine Mountain (4), Agassiz Mountain (2), Asessippi (2), Little Saskatchewan (0), Whitemud (1). Brandon has two active cases.

In the Interlake, the Eriksdale/Ashern health district has three active cases. The Fisher/Peguis district has seven active cases.

The current five-day test positivity rate is 2.8 percent provincially. 2,079 laboratory tests were completed yesterday.

There are 438 active COVID-19 cases in the province.

31 Manitobans are hospitalized, including nine Manitobans in intensive care units with active

A man was arrested after an ATV he was operating rolled and killed one occupant. 

On September 7th, 2021, at 10:05 pm, Gypsumville RCMP received a report of an off-road vehicle rollover that occurred on Memorial Crescent on the Lake St. Martin First Nation.

Officers have determined that an ATV, being operated by a 39-year-old male from Lake St. Martin, was travelling on Memorial Crescent, with two other passengers, when the operator attempted to make a turn but lost control. The ATV entered the ditch and rolled, ejecting the three males.
A 25-year-old male passenger, from Dauphin River, was pronounced deceased on scene. The other passenger, a 23-year-old male, was not physically injured.
The investigation led to the arrest of the 39-year-old male driver for Refusal to Comply with Breath Demand in an Accident Resulting in Death. He remains in police custody.
The three occupants of the ATV were not wearing helmets and alcohol and speed are believed to be factors in the rollover.
Gypsumville RCMP continue to investigate.

With the 2021-22 school year starting today, students and parents alike are interested to see how this school year will play out.

Last night, the Mountain View School Division held a virtual town hall where they answered some questions about the division's re-opening plans and explained how the school year will operate.

As Mountain View School Division Superintendent, Dan Ward explained, the wearing of face masks are not always going to be mandatory:

"Masks breaks can still occur within the school environment; in an indoor space if physical distancing can occur of two metres. We are asking, however, when students and staff move around, that they are always wearing their masks in the school environment." 

 Ward added that not every kid has to go to school this year either:

"The option of home-schooling still does exist as a legal option for parents who may not feel comfortable in sending their children back to school, and for families who have a child or member of the household who is immunocompromised, still have access to remote learning through the Manitoba Remote Learning Centre."

He went on to say that entries and exits to schools will be managed to avoid congestion and that there will also be screening protocols for all people entering a school or division building.  

School transportation returns to pre-COVID-19 policies and practices, with buses running at full capacity with some additional cleaning requirements. Mask requirements would follow public health recommendations and orders at the time.

The division also said that they are prepared to allow extracurricular activities, including extracurricular sports, to resume at the grade 9-12 levels according to MHSAA and individual sport return to play guidelines and general public health COVID-19 protocols while allowed for under the current level within the Pandemic Response System. The sports teams will be school-based teams only and school co-op teams will not be permitted at this time.

Playgrounds and play structures are low risk for transmission. There are no specific requirements for cleaning play structures.

For more information about the MVSD 2021-22 school year, click here.

At last night's City Council Meeting Deputy Mayor Christian Laughland announced a series of proclamations. 

The first was Welcome Week, which Laughland says is an opportunity to promote a spirit of belonging, and to build connections with new, and long-time residents in the community.

“We all have the power to welcome newcomers and help them feel at home in our shared community, and whereas welcoming week recognizes the important work of immigrant settlement organizations including Regional Connections, which provides settlement, employment, language, and community connection services to newcomers to South- Central Manitoba.”

The Council of the City of Dauphin proclaims September 10th to the 19th of 2021 as Welcoming Week.

The next proclamation was commemorating Dauphin’s historical anniversary dates.

Laughland says that 2021 marks the 125 anniversary of the settlement of the new town of Dauphin in 1896.

“Whereas 1896 saw the founding of Dauphin through a series of historic events including the designation of the new town known as section ten on September 9th, the sale of the first lots on October 7th, the laying of the railway tracks across Main Street on November 7th, and the dispatch of the first telegram from Dauphin to the outside world on November the 9th.”

The final proclamation was on Rail Safety Week, which is to be held across Canada from September 20th to the 26th.

Christian says that “Operation Lifesaver” is a partnership whose aim is to work with the public to raise rail safety awareness.

“And whereas CN has requested that City Council adopt this resolution in support of its ongoing efforts to prevent injuries and save lives in communities include our Municipality, now therefore, we the council of the City of Dauphin declare September 20th to the 26th, 2021 Rail Safety Week.”

The next Regular City Council Meeting takes place on September 20th.

Education Minister Cliff Cullen and Mental Health, Wellness and Recovery Minister Audrey Gordon announced more than $1 million in funding for staff and student mental health support programs for schools across the province today.

Cullen spoke about the funding.

“The impacts of the pandemic are far-reaching and continue to be a critical issue for schools, families and communities as students return to school this fall. These supports are in addition to the $2.5 million announced last year that was invested to support Manitoba students’ mental health during COVID-19.”

The new Manitoba Mental Health in Schools Strategy will be implemented in partnership with school divisions and stakeholders to support school-wide strategies, including:

· Talking about mental health;
· Training for teachers and school staff;
· Teaching supports for mental health;
· Ensuring appropriate tools and supports are available for students; and
· Support for teachers and school staff.

Today’s announcement advances one of the critical priorities of Manitoba’s plan for restoring safe schools in 2021-22, in addition to the focus on ensuring health and safety measures in schools, such as improving ventilation and providing personal protective equipment.

$58 million has been given to support safe schools in 2021-22, building upon the $185 million given last school year.

This afternoon, PPC Leader Maxime Bernier attended a rally at Vermillion Park in Dauphin, hosted by local candidate  Donnan McKenna.


There were many topics covered throughout the event that ran for over an hour, but the overall theme was rights and freedoms.

Mr. Bernier was happy with the size of the crowd, which was over 200 people.

“I’m very pleased; we have more and more people. I’m doing four ridings a day in bigger towns and smaller towns and people are coming because they’re like me, they’re fed up and want to gain back their freedoms.”


Maxime says that his party wants to help every industry, including the agriculture industry.

“We have a plan that we want to have a flat tax rate for all businesses, but I must be honest we won’t be able to implement that in our first mandate, because it’s all about cutting, it’s all about balancing our budget, and after that, we’ll have a policy that will help every industry.”

This will be the second election contested by the Peoples Party of Canada, and today was Maxime’s first visit to the riding.

On September 6th, at approximately 8:40 pm, Peguis RCMP received a report of a fatal motor vehicle collision in Peguis First Nation on Provincial Road 224.
When officers arrived on the scene, a male was located on the roadway.
The 37-year-old from Peguis was pronounced deceased on the scene.
The investigation revealed a vehicle was travelling northbound on PR 224 when it struck the male, who was standing in the middle of the road.
The 78-year-old male driver and his 20-year-old male passenger, both from Peguis, were not physically injured.
The investigation is ongoing.

Manitoba's Deputy Chief Provincial Public Health Officer, Dr. Jazz Atwal and head of the vaccination task force, Dr. Joss Reimer, addressed the province today regarding vaccines and their safety.

Reimer said that the Delta variant is much more deadly:

"There was a new study that came out of the U.K. that looked at all people who were infected with either Alpha or Delta variants of COVID over several months this spring, and when Delta was spreading rapidly amongst their population, and it showed what we've been hearing fro a lot of other jurisdictions as well, that Delta is more likely to result in more severe outcomes, including hospitalization, emergency care and death."

Reimer also noted that the COVID-19 vaccine is proven safe:

"We also have some good new data coming out of the United States surrounding the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. The Journal of the American Medical Association released a new study earlier this month and it conducted an analysis of 6.2 million people who received 11.8 million doses of an mRNA vaccine, and they found no significant difference in many different types of potential outcomes that we were worrying about."

82.9% of people in Manitoba are at least partially vaccinated.


On Friday at 5:45 p.m., officers responded to a disturbance in downtown Dauphin; they attempted to speak with a 22-year-old male on the scene.

When the man was advised that he was being placed under arrest for breaching several court-imposed conditions, he ran back into his apartment complex and barricaded himself inside the apartment.

Officers did not pursue the 22-year-old as it was believed he was armed with a knife.

The suspect was believed to be alone in the apartment.

After several hours of communication with the suspect, he exited the apartment and was arrested without incident.

The 22-year-old male was taken back to the Dauphin Detachment and may face charges of Resisting Arrest, Failing to Comply with Release Order, Mischief, and Failing to Comply with an Undertaking.

The investigation in this case continues.


There was a heavy police presence at 213 Main Street North in Dauphin Friday evening.

Officers could be heard shouting to an individual inside the apartment building. 

Residents of the apartment couldn’t leave or enter the building as police barricaded both the front and back doors.

Witnesses say officers left the area at about 9:15 pm after being on the scene for several hours.

We continue to wait for more details, and once they become available, you will find out about them here first.