Mountainview School Division is set to hold its public budget consultation meeting this Thursday night at the administration building, beginning at 7 pm.
Anyone wanting to participate, either in person or virtually, has until 4 pm this afternoon (Monday) to register through the division's website at
Board chair Jason Gryba encourages everyone to participate, adding this meeting directly impacts how community resources will be used to support students.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
Dauphin City Council approved a proclamation earlier this week, encouraging residents to shop Canadian and support local businesses.
Mayor Dave Bosiak says given the current state of mind of many Canadians regarding U-S President Donald Trump and his plans to place tariffs on Canadian products, the proclamation seemed like the right thing to do.
"We just wanted to remind citizens that individuals have an opportunity to do something. So rather than complain or worry, they could help other Canadian producers in this current state of unrest to consider buying local or shopping Canadian."
The proclamation stated the city's commitment to stand with local businesses, workers, producers and industries, as well as to foster a strong, united and prosperous future for our community.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
The flood risk in Manitoba is currently considered low to moderate according to the latest flood outlook.
The Red, Assiniboine and Pembina rivers are at a moderate risk of flooding – while most of the other rivers in the province are low.
The spring flood risk is largely dependent on weather conditions from now until the spring melt and throughout the spring.
Only the Shellmouth Reservoir is operating right now to reduce flood risk on the Assiniboine – the Red River Floodway and Portage Diversion will only be used if we get severe weather.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
After being elected to the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, a provincial agricultural representative will use her skills on the national stage.
Jill Verwey, the president of Keystone Agricultural Producers will take over the role left vacant by Todd Lewis of Saskatchewan.
Verwey will serve as first vice-president, partnered with Stéphanie Levasseur of Quebec as second vice-president.
The CFA membership passed 18 resolutions on Wednesday covering a range of issues, including international trade, conservation, climate change, labour, rural infrastructure, crop protection, and risk management
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- Contributed by Michael Brossart
As the CountryFest Primer Weekend rolls on, we at CKDM thank all the volunteers who make this event possible.
"The Volunteers are the heart of the festival, the heart of this community, right? They're all working together to make the event a success. It takes so many people to get through the weekend, but they always show up, they always support us. They're helping to make the weekend a success. The businesses, the groups, the volunteers that come together, they really make amazing things happen for Dauphin, as well as the neighboring communities when they show up and give up a little time to help the festival."
That's Megan Porter, a long-standing Volunteer with Countryfest. She notes that volunteering can be a very rewarding experience that's easy to get involved in.
"it's just important to know that we can make something work for you if you're willing to give up a few hours or more of your time. Is that we're flexible in making it work, whether you're a big group or just one individual person. We definitely want to see you there."
When People volunteer for Countryfest, they're volunteering for their community, as so much of the revenue from the annual bash goes back into the community.
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- Contributed by Michael Brossart
One council position needs to be filled in the RM of West Interlake, and nominations are now being sought.
Nominations can be submitted between March 21st and 27th by appointment with SEO Myrna Little at their office in Eriksdale.
All nominations should be made in writing and be signed by at least one per cent of eligible voters, or 25 eligible voters, whichever is less.
They should also include the candidate's declaration of qualification.
Anyone wanting more info can contact Little at 204-941-0156 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
If you want an elevated Countryfest experience from just purchasing regular weekend or day passes, there is also the VIP option.
Colette Hykawy says you can choose from VIP Bar, Bar Seated, and Deluxe options.
"With CIP Bar, you get access to the bar and patio in the VIP area, complimentary non-alcoholic beverages, popcorn, and you have the option of using tokens at the bar or you are also able to use cash or our debit machine which allows you to use debit or credit."
There is also access to VIP bathrooms and Wi-Fi, as well as to the nightly after-parties.
Bar-seated VIP tickets also get reserved seating in the VIP area, while Deluxe passes all of those features as well as lunch and dinner for the days that they attend.
Hykawy says there are a number of benefits to VIP passes.
"The proximity of the VIP area to the seated area. You do not have to walk up the whole steps of the Amphitheatre to get up top. People really enjoy having convenient access to the bar and being able to use their debit card rather than having to have tokens in their pocket."
She adds the close proximity of the VIP area to parking is another benefit.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
The list of local recipients of the King Charles III Coronation medal continues to grow.
Among the latest recipients is Dauphin's Kayla Gillis.
"I was pretty speechless and surprised but ultimately very honoured to receive such a prized medal."
Gillis was recognized for contributions to the community, including her involvement with Canada's National Ukrainian Festival, 4-H, Ukrainian Dance, and Dauphin's Countryfest.
She says anyone that asks her if they should consider volunteering will get a simple response from her.... Go for it!
"If you do not try it and do not volunteer, you are not going to know if you like it. And chances are after you finish volunteering, you are going to want to continue."
Gillis says her willingness to volunteer comes in large part from the example that her parents showed her when she was little.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
Provincial Justice Minister Matt Wiebe has spent the past couple of days in Dauphin meeting with local residents and stakeholders regarding the proposed new justice centre for our community.
On Thursday, he sat down with representatives of both the City and RM of Dauphin.
Mayor Dave Bosiak says the need for a facility like this is huge after the previous jail in Dauphin was closed a few years ago by the P-C government.
"When you lose a significant number of jobs that are well paying and professional in many regards, there is a huge impact on the community. We have experienced that and we hope that the opposite is true and that the facility is sort of the foundation to bring back a lot of good paying jobs to the community, as well as more children for the school system."
Bosiak says the city would like to see a restorative justice or training component in the new facility.
"(We hope) the facility could have training components, whether they are developing skills for potentially a work situation upon release, but also the basic life skills, the things that you need to know for when you are in general society."
Bosiak says no timelines were discussed during the gathering.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
Dauphin's Countryfest has been a community staple for over 3 decades, bringing Musicians, Country fans, and revenue to our fair city.
Countryfest President Duane McMaster tells us some of the numbers behind the Big event.
"On average here, we have 6,847 out-of-town visitors come to Dauphin every year because of Countryfest, and we're talking a total economic impact of $5.8 million to our region. between what the visitors spend, and what Countryfest spends to put on the event, it's quite a large impact in our region. A lot of money comes in because of Countryfest."
McMaster is truly proud to play such a role in making it all happen.
"I've always thought it was really incredibly impressive to see what Countryfest does for our community, and I feel very honored and proud to be part of this organization because of what it has given back to the community over the years. Obviously I haven't been here the entire time, last year was 35 years Countryfest has been around, and they've been giving back since 1990."
Between investments in infrastructure like the Cinema, The Dauphin Rec center, and dozens of local organizations, Countryfest continues to craft a legacy of Community Development in Dauphin.
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- Contributed by Michael Brossart
Water Testing has wrapped up on the Eb and Flow First Nation, after wells #6 and #7 dropped in pressure earlier in the week.
According to a notice on Ebb and Flow's social media, test results have come back as Safe to drink, with no significant evidence of bacterial contamination.
The Ebb And Flow Chief and Council thank their constituents for their patience and understanding.
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- Contributed by Michael Brossart