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Provincial Justice Minister Matt Wiebe has spent the past couple of days in Dauphin meeting with local residents and stakeholders regarding the proposed new justice centre for our community.

On Thursday, he sat down with representatives of both the City and RM of Dauphin. 

Mayor Dave Bosiak says the need for a facility like this is huge after the previous jail in Dauphin was closed a few years ago by the P-C government.

"When you lose a significant number of jobs that are well paying and professional in many regards, there is a huge impact on the community.  We have experienced that and we hope that the opposite is true and that the facility is sort of the foundation to bring back a lot of good paying jobs to the community, as well as more children for the school system." 

Bosiak says the city would like to see a restorative justice or training component in the new facility.

"(We hope) the facility could have training components, whether they are developing skills for potentially a work situation upon release, but also the basic life skills, the things that you need to know for when you are in general society."

Bosiak says no timelines were discussed during the gathering.