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As the CountryFest Primer Weekend rolls on, we at CKDM would like to thank all the volunteers who make this event possible.

"The Volunteers are the heart of the festival, the heart of this community, right? They're all working together to make the event a success. It takes so many people to get through the weekend, but they always show up, they always support us. They're helping to make the weekend a success. The businesses, the groups, the volunteers that come together, they really make amazing things happen for Dauphin, as well as the neighboring communities when they show up and give up a little time to help the festival."


That's Megan Porter, a long-standing Volunteer with Countryfest. She notes that volunteering can be a very rewarding experience that's easy to get involved in.

"it's just important to know that we can make something work for you if you're willing to give up a few hours or more of your time. Is that we're flexible in making it work, whether you're a big group or just one individual person. We definitely want to see you there."

When People volunteer for Countryfest, they're volunteering for their community, as so much of the revenue from the annual bash goes back into the community.