The Louis Riel Day long weekend is shaping up to be a busy one across the Parkland.
The Dauphin Agricultural Heritage Society, the Dauphin Pioneer's Association and the Fort Dauphin Museum will all have displays at the Dauphin Marketplace Mall this weekend as part of Dauphin's Heritage Day Fair, which goes today and tomorrow (Friday and Saturday).
Besides hosting the Rogers Rhythmic Rumble on Saturday, Eriksdale is also hosting its Winter Carnival Weekend, which includes a quiz night, pancake breakfast, and a dance.
Sunday will see Louis Riel Day activities held in Winnipegosis, Russell and Lundar, with more events set for Monday in Swan River, Roblin, Birtle and several in Dauphin.
Among the Dauphin events on Monday is the annual Manitoba Snowshoe Run at Northgate Trils, put on by the Dauphin Rotary Club.
For more details on these events, you can check out the community calendar section on our website.