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Aspen Insurance in Dauphin is expanding.

They have acquired A/C Insurance of Winnipegosis.

Tyler Carefoot, president of Aspen is excited.

“Aspen Insurance is very excited to announce that we’ve acquired A/C Insurance, it’s something that we’ve been exploring for the past several months and it fits our business model. Not only are we working with our Dauphin and area customers but there’s an opportunity to acquire A/C Insurance and we’re excited to be a part of their community.”

Carefoot says there isn’t going to be a lot of change.

“Other than the re-branding of Aspen Insurance. Long-time staff member Kelly is going to be there, she’s staying on and she’ll be supported and complemented by some of our current staff here with Aspen Insurance. We plan to go up to Winnipegosis for sure once a week, considering two times a week on an appointment basis. Otherwise, it’s business as usual, there will be some growing pains with the change, but that’s to be expected.”

The official take over day is tomorrow and they’re open for business in Winnipegosis on Thursday.