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It's Canada Road Safety Week and the number of fatalities in our province is already at a shocking number.

In the first four months of 2019, pedestrians made up nearly half of the fatalities on Manitoba’s public roadways. Four pedestrian fatalities happened in Winnipeg while one each happened in Thompson and Peguis First Nation.

“Pedestrians are certainly vulnerable because there really is nothing they can do to help themselves when a vehicle is approaching them," said Brian Smiley, Media Relations Coordinator for Manitoba Public Insurance. "You want to be facing traffic and if you're walking at night, make sure you're wearing bright clothing. If there are lights to cross at, always cross at them. Also look at the wheels of a vehicle, if they're still spinning that vehicle isn't stopping."

On average in Manitoba, about 12 pedestrians are killed and about 130 are injured yearly. About half of all pedestrian deaths occur at an intersection, while one in 10 deaths take place either between intersections or while walking on the road.

Another tip is to never assume that vehicles see you, you need to walk defensively. You do have the right of way, but only when the vehicle allows you.