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For farmers, Mother Nature is the boss. In their line of work there is so much they can’t control, and stress levels can get very high.

A free mental health first aid course is taking place in Grandview next week.

Wendy McDonald says Grandview is the only community in Manitoba to host one of the 12 courses.

“Mental first aid is giving the appropriate treatment until other treatment can be found or until a crisis is resolved.” She continues, “so this program is going to teach participants how to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health problems, how to provide initial help, and how to guide a person to appropriate professional help.”

It’s put on by the Ag Do More Foundation. A course of this kind usually costs 225 dollars per person.

It runs on Monday and Tuesday at the Grandview Kinsmen Hall. Pre-registration is necessary, and only 25 spots are available. To register contact Jennifer at 647-5366 or Wendy at 648-4401.

A 26 year old man from Easterville was found dead inside a home in the community west of Grand Rapids.

RCMP arrested Mason Scott, a 20-year-old male from Easterville, and charged him with Second Degree Murder.

The Chemawawin RCMP, Major Crime Services and Forensic Identification Section continue to investigate.

A Brandon couple was arrested 68 kilometres north of Grand Rapids after an incident on Saturday. 

Grand Rapids RCMP say 44-year-old Raymond Vidler was acting erratic and was threatening to shoot people while he stood in the middle of Highway 6.

Witnesses say there was no visible firearm but that his behaviour was becoming increasingly violent. At one point, the male began punching and banging his head against the window of a semi-trailer while uttering threats towards the driver.

A number of semi-truck drivers had stopped and used their vehicles to block off the highway while RCMP was en route.

Police found his vehicle about a kilometre north on Highway 6. Officers observed footprints from the vehicle heading towards the woods. As the officers approached the vehicle, a female was observed exiting the wooded area and walking towards the vehicle. The female was searched and was found with methamphetamine.

Officers searched the vehicle and located a knife and some illicit pills.

Vidler was arrested and charged with Mischief, Possession of a Weapon for Dangerous Purpose x 2, and Possession of a Controlled Substance x 3.

The 42-year-old female was arrested and charges are pending.

The man who was charged with second-degree murder in a Swan River stabbing appeared in court yesterday.

Tyler Brass has a new court date of March 26th.

The original incident was on January 18th when Brass stabbed 39-year-old, Christopher Chartrand.

Chartrand was a father of four.

The Dauphin Red Cross Personal Disaster Assistance team is looking for more volunteers.

If you want to help out a family dealing with a sudden, devastating event, consider becoming a team member.

Annie Papadakis, Coordinator of Emergency Management, says they have seven team members right now. They are looking for at least six more people to “beef up our team a little bit and have people that are ready to respond when a personal disaster happens.”

Papadakis says it would be great to have more people volunteer. It would let team members be on call less. There are always two volunteers on call at a time.

Volunteers should expect to attend a monthly team meeting and to respond to an emergency around once every month, month and a half.

If you want to help those in need call 1-204-982-7330.

Applications for the community grants program are due tomorrow.

Traditionally, they get most of their applications in the final week. Daley encourages anyone with a project they might be interested in to put in an application.

Kit Daley says there are over a dozen groups that have applied so far.

They are looking for projects that will benefit the community. This year they have just under 80 thousand dollars to give out this year, in the spring they will give out 40 thousand.

The next intake period will be sometime in the fall, more information will be announced during the summer. If you have any questions call Daley at 638 4598 or stop in at city hall to see her.

For the link to the applications click here.

The Emergency Department and Special Care Unit Redevelopment Project at the Dauphin Regional Health Centre is 75 per cent complete.

They expect the main work to be finished in June.

The health region will still need some time after taking possession to move over all necessary functions. Planning to ensure the move from the much smaller temporary emergency and Special Care Unit, which is currently in use, into the new, larger areas is taking place.

After these areas are opened this summer, more construction will continue.

The front ramp area will be demolished and reconstructed beginning in early to mid-summer 2019. It’s anticipated the final phase will be completed in November 2019.

Work on the $23 million project started in May 2017 and, once completed, will see a much more spacious, modernized and efficient Emergency Department, Special Care Unit and ambulance bay area.

More information on future milestones and important timelines will be provided in the coming months.

The second Dauphin and District Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Series is coming up on Thursday.

Richard Bankert will be presenting that morning about how businesses can use Facebook pages.

The presentation will look at what a Facebook page is and what it does for an organization, the difference between profiles and groups, what the ins and outs of a Facebook page, and what the benefits are for an organization.

Chychota says if you haven’t been to one before, they are a great opportunity to network with other businesses, and there’s a great presentation with an opportunity to learn and pick up new skills.

If you would like to see more of an in-depth look at what Bankert will be talking about, you can check out the chamber’s Facebook page.

For tickets, you can get a hold of Stephen at the Chamber Office by phoning 622-3140. You can also email, or stop in at the chamber office at City Hall.

A 63-year-old man died after getting his clothes stuck in some farm machinery.

The accident happened yesterday evening around at 9:25 pm, on his farm about 15 kilometres north-west of Virden.

RCMP say the man was operating a tractor and grain auger operation when it's believed parts of his clothing got caught.

Police say the Prairie View, Manitoba resident was seriously injured and died at the scene.

Virden RCMP and Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health continue to investigate.

The Community Foundation of Swan Valley recently received a donation of $20,000.

In a press release, the CFSV says the donation is from Matt Black. Matt currently offers a bursary with the Swan Valley Regional Secondary School and wishes to have the CFSV take over management of the fund.  The memorial bursary is in honour of his late wife Monica and adds more opportunities for students to advance their education at the post-secondary level.  

The endowment will create a new Education Fund with the CFSV.

Each endowment with the Community Foundation provides a never-ending source of income to the community. The original gift remains untouched and the interest earned is used to support local charities, scholarships and bursaries.  For more information on the Community Foundation call 204-734-9129 or email

A group to help kids feel safe enough to express their feelings called Finding Your Voice is being created.

Eleanor Snitka is hoping to start in the summer and keep it going throughout the school year.

The group will be a safe place for kids to talk about their feelings that are harder to talk about.

Snitka will help kids by doing interactive activities like drawing or making crafts to help kids express themselves.

She’s starting this group because of the high amount of adults she works with at Mood Disorders that could have used this kind of help when they were younger.

She would be looking for volunteers that could help out the group especially if they have a larger group. Snitka thinks teenage volunteers could be a great help.

Snitka wants to make it clear that she’s not trying to take away jobs from teachers or guidance councillors, she’s trying to be a helping hand.

If anyone wants to talk to her about this for volunteering or if you know a kid that could use this program, her phone number is 638-7278.