Basic compulsory motor vehicle premiums are going up by 1.8 percent next year.
MPI was approved for their over-all general rate increase which will go into effect on March 1st.
The general rate increase doesn’t mean that rates for all motorists will experience a rate adjustment.
Adjustments to specific classifications of vehicles will be determined based on MPI’s rate design.
Rates paid by individual policyholders within each class will be determined based on their driving record, the registered vehicle, the purpose the vehicle is being used, and the territory in which the policyholder resides.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
The entire school division around Selkirk is closed today after 2 online threats on Sunday.
An initial threat surfaced on Sunday prompting a message from the Lord Selkirk School Division that only one high school in Selkirk would be closed.
But after a second threat was posted online it was decided to close the entire division for the day.
A spokesperson for the division it was decided to close all the school to make sure all students and staff remained safe.
Selkirk RCMP received a report of a social media post where an 18-year-old male, from Selkirk, had made multiple violent threats.
Officers identified and located the suspect who was then arrested for Uttering Threats. He is currently in police custody with charges pending.
The investigation identified two more suspects who were quickly found. An 18-year-old female and 16-year-old male, both are from Selkirk, were arrested for Uttering Threats, and remain in police custody.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
The Uptown Vet Clinic on Main St. is expanding.
But don’t worry, they aren’t moving locations.
They will be moving an old building onto the lot for extra space sometime in December. They hope to connect the buildings in March or April.
The expansion will bring in an extra exam room, larger treatment room and surgery room, and a larger kennel area.
Expanding will help the vets do their job better, as well as make it more comfortable for the clients.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Mountain View School Division is releasing their latest community report.
Student mental health, reports on bringing teachers together to help students solve problems mentally and communicate their thinking are some things covered in this year’s report.
“We’re excited to present the 2017-2018 MVSD Community Report. The board of trustees; it’s their communication to the community about progress towards that strategic plan. So what community members will notice is the goals are there, the numeracy, career education, literacy, mental health and safe and caring schools."
Donna Davidson says there will be an online version of the report posted on and 2000 hard copies will be sent to all schools and municipal offices within the division. The report was sent to the printer last week.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
This afternoon from 1:30 to 4:30 there will be a holiday swim fundraiser for Swimability Dauphin at the Kinsmen Aquatic Centre.
Kelsy Black, program director, says,
“Our fundraiser is to raise money to keep our program running in our community, as well as keeping it affordable for families that participate. At the same time, our goal is to raise awareness for our program in hopes of reaching other families who may benefit from the program, as well as gathering volunteer interest to work with our program.”
Along with the swim, there’ll be a few activities. There will be a bake sale, a rainbow auction, and on deck activities.
Admission is cash only, costing 6 dollars per person or 20 dollars per family. If you attend the swim you are automatically entered to win a holiday book.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
If you had too much to drink and want to avoid those increased drunk driving penalties, you can call the Dauphin RIDE program.
When you give them a call, volunteers like John Shuttleworth, will take you and your car home.
“They phone us, and a couple of us go down there, one to drive their car and one to pick up the driver of our car.”
Every Friday and Saturday until the end of December you and your car can get a safe ride home between 9pm and 3am.
The number to call is 204-638-5707.
If you want to help people get home safe after a night celebrating the holidays, consider giving John a call and volunteering for the Dauphin RIDE program.
“We are always looking for volunteers. Anybody that wants to volunteer, come and talk to me, phone me. They can phone me at home 638-7181. I’ll explain everything to them. They need to have a valid driver’s licence and we check them out and go from there.”
The program is for people with cars. If you don’t have your vehicle with you, it's best to call a friend, a taxi, or arrange for a designated driver.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
Tonight is the first lighting of the Christmas tree in Gilbert Plains.
Everything starts at 6:30. There will be carolling and free coffee, hot chocolate, and cookies.
The event should take about 30 to 45 minutes. Afterwards, the splash park is hosting a movie at the elementary school.
Brian Romaniuk, with the Gilbert Plains Lions Club who is putting on the event and activities, says that tonight should be a fairly warm night so you won’t need to dress up too bad.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Don’t miss out on activities going on at Fort Dauphin tomorrow.
Theresa Deyholos is inviting everyone to Christmas at The Fort.
“It’s our way of bringing in Christmas in the Parkland. It’s nice to have some family to partake in, in Dauphin.”
Horse rides, an old fashion Christmas concert and a whole lot more are going on from 1 till 4 tomorrow.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
Richardson Pioneer Grand Plains made a huge donation to the Grandview Rec. Commission.
Twenty-five thousand dollars was given to help fund the Multi-use building at Wilson Park.
“The impact that this donation from Richardson Pioneer is huge for our community."
Jill Wiebe says the facility will be used to house fundraisers, events like the mud bog, and many of the festivals that the community holds.
"It will touch everybody in our community that uses the building, to the people that use the playground, the ball diamonds, to the batting cage, to the campground. It’s a necessity at the park to have an accessible washroom so from Richardson Pioneer really made that possible.”
The building will include washrooms, showers, and a concession.
It will be complete by this upcoming spring.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
The Manitoba Government could be privatizing the Lifeflight air ambulance service.
Brad Michaleski thinks it’s important that they assess the service and make sure it’s there in the most cost-effective way.
Michaleski doesn’t think privatizing Lifeflight will stop people from being able to have access to the service.
He doesn’t think the public will even notice a difference.
He adds that if you’re in a situation where you need the service you’re probably not concerned about who’s flying the plane, you’re just happy there is a plane and the service is available.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Be prepared for tougher impaired driving laws next time you’re thinking about driving after having a couple of beer.
The provincial government has introduced amendments to The Highway Traffic Act that would adopt more severe sanctions for drunk drivers.
Drivers under the influence of alcohol who register a ‘warn’, suggesting a blood alcohol content between .05 and .08 would face a new monetary penalty of at least $200 for a first offence, escalating to at least $400 for a third or subsequent offence.
They would also face a vehicle impoundment of between three days for a first offence and 30 days for a third or subsequent offence. Anyone caught a third or subsequent time would also be required to drive with an ignition interlock for a year.
Adding up all the administrative sanctions and penalties, the minimum cost for a ‘warn’ range driver would be $2,600 for a first offence to around $3,200 for a third or subsequent offence.
For first time drunk drivers that register a ‘fail’ on a test, police would have the discretion to impose a new monetary penalty of at least $500 as well as a mandatory ignition interlock of one year rather than proceeding with a criminal charge.
The minimum cost for a ‘fail’ would be over $3,300. All monetary penalties would be established by regulation.
Last year, 73 people were killed and 442 were seriously injured in traffic collisions in Manitoba. Drunk driving accounted for 32 percent of those killed and six percent of those injured. Already this year, 28 people have lost their lives because of a drunk driver.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson