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The Manitoba Junior Hockey League is continuing its investigation into an incident that happened this past Saturday between the Dauphin Kings and Waywayseecappo Wolverines.

The league released the following statement to Twitter.

730CKDM has reached out to the league's commissioner Kevin Saurette on a timeline for a final decision.

"Out of respect of the ongoing process to deal with this matter, we are providing no further comment at this time," said Saurette.

We will provide more when a decision has been made. 

Supporting the Canadian Agriculture industry is as important as ever, and that’s why today, we celebrate Canada’s Agriculture Day.

Every February, Canadians from coast to coast come together to celebrate those who put food on our tables.

So make sure you’re cooking with Canadian ingredients today, and share what you make on social media using the #CdnAgDay

UPDATE: according to the RCMP Jagger Beaulieu has been safely located.


The Dauphin RCMP got a report of a missing 27-year-old man yesterday. Jagger Beaulieu was last seen in Gilbert Plains around noon on Saturday. It is believed Beaulieu was hitchhiking to Portage la Prairie, but police are unsure of the route he was taking, but the starting point would have been Highway 5.

Beaulieu is described as Indigenous, 6’0”, 220 pounds, with shoulder-length dark hair, and a tattoo of “Jag” on his hand. He is possibly wearing a dark grey jacket with a white stripe, black neck warmer, grey toque, black jeans, and black shoes.

If you have information, please call Dauphin RCMP at 204-622-5020, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or secure tip online here.

There is an extreme cold warning in effect right now and it's expected to stick around for most of the week. Before hitting the road, make sure you're prepared for an emergency. CAA Manitoba's Heather Mack suggests having an emergency car kit, which can include;

  • Water
  • Non-perishable food
  • Flashlight
  • Cell phone charger
  • Extra socks and mitts
  • Shovel

They suggest including anything else you can think of that you might need if you're stuck on the side of the road. You can find CAA's winter driving tips here.

The Louis Riel Day fireworks planned for tonight at 6 pm at the Dauphin fair grounds have been moved to 7 pm. They are asking that people remain in or right beside their vehicles if planning to watch the fireworks near or at the fairgrounds. You can catch the rest of today's events virtually on the Northwest Metis Councils' social media.

The festivities that were planned for today in Ochre River are being postponed because of the extreme cold. They announced the postponement on Facebook this morning.

Check out the Community Calendar to see what other events are happening today.

On Monday, Manitoba recognizes its founder, and there are Louis Riel Day celebrations happening all over the parkland.

There are events taking place throughout the weekend at RMNP. Then on Sunday, Ste. Amelie is hosting events at the Hall Grounds. Finally, on Monday, there are events happening in Dauphin, Ochre River, and Gilbert Plains. 

Stay tuned to 730 CKDM throughout today and Monday to hear from Manitoba Metis Federation Vice President Francis Chartrand, about what's happening, and why we celebrate. Also, check out the Manitoba Metis Federation's social media pages for more information.

There is another peaceful rally taking place in Dauphin today to support the protestors in Ottawa. Groups from Roblin, Kamsak, Russell, Ethelbert, Grandview, Gilbert Plains, and Swan River, are all planning to travel to Dauphin to join the rally.

The group is planning to meet at the Dauphin Marketplace Mall parking lot at 1, before convoying throughout the city and ending up back at the parking lot for a rally.

UPDATE: Susannah Lamirande and Isaiah Poitra have been safely located.


Dauphin RCMP received a report of two missing people on Wednesday. Susannah Lamirande, 29, and her son Isaiah Poitra, 5, are from The Pas but were staying in Dauphin. They were last seen getting into a vehicle at the Dauphin Regional Health Centre.

It is believed they were headed toward Ebb and Flow First Nation. Police understand Lamirande may have been in contact by phone with an individual in Dauphin on February 17, but police have not been able to locate the mother and son to confirm their well-being.

Lamirande is described as Indigenous, with blond hair and blue highlights. She was last seen wearing black pants and a grey hoodie. Isaiah was wearing a winter snowsuit.

If you have information, please call Dauphin RCMP at 204-622-5020, Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or secure tip online here.

On Wednesday, Portage la Prairie RCMP responded to a single vehicle collision on Highway 1 near the city, in which a vehicle had gone off the highway and rolled.

The driver was a 28-year-old female from Portage la Prairie, who was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries.

A search of the driver and the vehicle resulted in the seizure of approximately 20 grams of individually packaged meth and fentanyl.

The female was arrested for two counts of Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking, and Possession of a Controlled Substance. 

An investigation is now underway.

The Manitoba government is set to invest $8 million in the development of a two-year pilot bridge program to serve families that are eligible for Children's Disability Services.

The money will go towards families that can no longer provide care but do not want to place their children in Child and Family Services care. 

“Out-of-home residential supports and in-home family supports enhance the crucial services available to families of children with disabilities outside of the child welfare system,” said Families Minister Rochelle Squires. “This pilot project will provide the right level of support to families experiencing caregiver fatigue and ensure their children are safely supported in fostering arrangements, with access to specialized services. These arrangements will include family involvement, which will reduce the need for Child and Family Services care.”

The program aims to support approximately 20 families per year with flexible service options, the minister noted. Children’s Disability Services (CDS) currently provides a range of services and supports to approximately 6,000 families caring for children with developmental disabilities.

CDS allocates family supports, like respite, according to families’ assessed needs and the availability of resources. Services are intended to strengthen and support families, so more costly, out-of-home placements within the CFS system are avoided, delayed or shortened. In August 2021, the department announced the development of a two-year out-of-home respite initiative.

The pilot bridge program will be established for two years, with dedicated funding of $4 million per year, for a total project cost of $8 million. The government has said they'll release more information about exactly who is available and how to apply in the near future. 

The backlog for diagnostic and surgical procedures in the province continues to rise.

As of Thursday, the backlog is estimated at 161,585 cases, a surge of nearly 8,000 cases since last month. 

In a release, Dr. Kristjan Thompson had this to say.

"The Omicron wave has been hugely disruptive to hospital care in Manitoba," Dr. Kristjan Thompson, president of Doctors Manitoba and an emergency medicine physician at St. Boniface Hospital in Winnipeg.

The backlog breakdown now consists of:

  • 52,327 surgeries, up 2,168 over the last month.
  • 42,524 diagnostic imaging procedures — MRIs, CT scans, ultrasounds, a decrease of 35 cases since last month.
  • 66,786 other diagnostic procedures, including allergy tests, endoscopies, mammograms, sleep disorder studies and lung function tests, an increase of 5,615.

The backlog numbers are expected to continue to rise, despite the province announcing their plans to open back up the economy.