Accessibility Tools

The province of Manitoba has made some improvements to the Dauphin Courthouse.

Accessibility and security to the courthouse is the focus of the improvements. A handicapped parking spot has been added right next to the building. Access is arranged to the entrance and elevator usually used by judges with a power door opener and activation panels installed for the judges’ entrance.

The Sheriff’s Services are just a button away with a call button being installed for assistance. The existing door has been widened and a new power door opener connected to new access security system was added. Renovations were undertaken to the judges’ washroom to improve handicap accessibility. A portable ramp is available for the purpose of providing handicapped access to the well for the Queen’s Bench’s Courtroom.

Even though they’ve made these improvements, the province is still looking at ways to make it better.

The RCMP in Thompson are investigating two different reports of gunshots that happened earlier this week.

Around 2 am Wednesday, RCMP were called to an incident where a 37-year-old man claimed he had been shot at by a vehicle driving by. He suffered no serious injuries.

Officers later stopped the suspected vehicle, 2 out of the 4 passengers got out and escaped on foot. The others, a 13-year-old and 19-year-old male were arrested.

The 13-year-old, whom police say was carrying a knife at the time of his arrest, is facing a number of charges including assault with a weapon, uttering threats, carrying a concealed weapon, and possession of property obtained by crime.

The 19-year-old is facing charges of assault with a weapon and possession of property obtained by crime.

Police are still searching for the other two suspects.

Earlier that morning, police responded to a call where a 30-year-old man had been shot with a pellet gun.

No suspects have been identified and police continue to investigate.

Cool northeasterly winds across the prairies have lead to a frost advisory being issued.

The advisory is in effect for Dauphin, Russel, Roblin, and Winnipegosis. 

Temperatures are expected to drop to near or below freezing tonight. 

It is recommended that plants, especially ones in frost-prone areas get covered up. 

Take preventative measures to protect frost-sensitive plants and trees. 

Yesterday, the ground was broken for a multi-million dollar development of an urban reserve in Brandon.

A ceremony was held with officials from Gambler First Nation, the City of Brandon, and provincial and federal governments.

The 3.5-hectare site is located on Brandon’s north hill.

The project has been in the works since 2016 when the first nation came to Brandon to purchase the land, they also had to go through the process with the federal government of getting reserve status for the land.

The main reserve for the Gambler First Nation is 132 km northwest of Brandon and is one of the smallest indigenous communities in Canada with a population of around 400 people.

Phase one of the project will begin in the next month with a gas station, gaming centre, and a pair of retail units employing 20 – 30 people. Future plans also include more retailers, offices, and a hotel.

The total cost is estimated at $50 million.

Today is National Impaired Driver Enforcement Day.

There will be additional checkstops, patrols, and additional traffic enforcement to remind people of safe driving techniques.

Julie Courchaine, an RCMP media relations officer, says they just want drivers to be safe.

In the past 12 months, the RCMP have laid 1306 impaired driving charges and there are about 20 drug impaired files pending blood analysis results. In the Parkland, the RCMP have laid 29 impaired driving charges this past year.

According to MPI’s impaired driving statistics, young males make up the majority of those involved in impaired collisions and males account for nearly three-quarters of those involved in impaired collisions.

Drivers under the age of 35 account for about two-thirds of impaired drivers involved in crashes and have a rate of involvement nearly four times that of drivers older than 35.

MPI’s RoadWatch program begins this Victoria Day weekend and will continue until November. The program supplements existing police enforcement efforts and will result in enhanced police presence on Manitoba streets and highways, particularly on holiday weekends.

The May Long weekend is here which means it’s time to break out the camper trailers.

When hauling camper trailers, it is important to know the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR). If a trailer's GVWR is over 4,540 kg (10,000 pounds), the driver must hold a Class 1, 2 or 3 license.

Making sure you have the right vehicle to haul the trailer is important as well. For example, if you own a half-ton truck, the GVWR of your trailer should not exceed 7,000 lbs.

To drive a motorhome or truck camper, no special license is needed.

One thing that all trucks hauling trailers should have is a factory trailer tow package because it allows your truck to perform better while towing a camper trailer. You should also have extendable trailer tow mirrors that extend past the width of the trailer.

While towing a trailer, the driver should give themselves lots of room and time to be able to stop safely.

Lisa Mitchell is from Brandon and she's living with Stage 4 metastatic bone cancer. Despite not knowing how much longer she has to live, she's not letting it get the best of her. 

Mitchell has created a Vlog that's available on YouTube and it showcases the fun times she's having around the province. It's also aimed to help you make some fun plans.

"At first, to be honest, I did it for me. I wasn't really concerned if one person watched it or 1000 people did," said Mitchell. "It's become very clear to me that many people enjoy what I'm doing and I think it gives people some perspective on life. A lot of people have commented and they say they love what I'm doing."

She was originally diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2014. She had surgery and radiation therapy and she thought that was the end of that. That wasn't the case as she was re-diagnosed last year, and by that time, the cancer had spread throughout her body to her liver and most of her bones. 

As of today, Lisa's YouTube channel now has 213 subscribers. Her first Vlog was uploaded on January 8. Now she has five videos and she plans on keeping them coming.

"My plan is to do at least one a month," added Mitchell. "With all of my plans this summer, I think I’ll probably end up doing at least two per month. I also feel that it's important to find engaging and compelling content, no one wants to see me doing housework."

"It's really important to me to share these fun stories for people to see. There are some beautiful places around this province that some people don't even know about," she continued. "If I can have an impact on even just one person, I think I'm doing a good job."

She chose to launch her Vlog in January because that's when she was forced to stop working. She used to be a manager at a bank.

"Going from that to not working, it's a big shock on the body," said Mitchell. "I sort of lost my purpose, but doing this Vlog gives me that purpose."

A couple of Mitchell's videos include her trip to the Tim Hortons Brier in Brandon and her visiting Whiteshell Provincial Park.

Why did Lisa name her Vlog Lisa is Busy Living? Her husband came up with the name from Lisa's favourite movie, The Shawshank Redemption.

"There's a line in there that Morgan Freeman says, "You can get busy living or get busy dying," said Mitchell. “I think that's a pretty appropriate title for this."

Lisa also created the Vlog for when she's gone.

"It's always going to be there and that makes me happy," concluded Mitchell.

The provincial government is investing about 10 million dollars into enhancing Manitoba Parks.

New campground offices are now in Asessippi and Spruce Woods provincial parks.

The Asessippi office was built as a ready-to-move building in Winkler, while the office in Spruce Woods was built on site.

The two facilities each cost about 490 thousand dollars.

Other improvements to areas near us are at Duck Mountain Provincial Park at Wellman Lake, there has been a dock replacement and washroom upgrades.

Today is Fatigue-Impaired Driving Awareness Day as part of National Road Safety Week.

Brian Smiley, MPI Media Relations Coordinator says that between 20 and 30 collisions every year are fatigue related.

He also stated that 7 out of every 10 fatigue-related accidents happen in rural areas.

40% of fatigue-related collisions happen on weekends, with drivers between the ages of 16-34 accounting for 67% of all fatigue-related accidents.

Smiley recommends that if you are travelling long distances to make you sure you are fully rested before leaving. But if you do feel yourself getting tired, the best option is to get off the road and rest up. Whether that be checking yourself into a hotel or pulling over to a safe place like a camping area.

He adds that even a 45-minute nap can go a long way in getting rid of your fatigue.

The Muktuk Annie Festival returns to Kinosota tonight.

This year’s festival features events that have been part of the festival since the beginning such as log sawing and tea boiling competitions.

This is the first time the festival has been held since the ’80s.

Organizers, like Vicki Campbell, are hoping the festival brings the community together and maybe even bring people back to Kinosota.

The festivities begin tonight with the casino night starting at 7 pm. Outdoor activities begin at 10 am Saturday with a dance in the evening, and then Sunday is Family Day featuring a silent auction.

If you plan on spending time in the park this long weekend, you’ll probably see some wildlife. There are some rules to know when dealing with wildlife.

Feeding wildlife is illegal and could result in charges. This is the case because animals would learn that people provide food, and it could seek our food instead of their own natural sources.

If you have your dog with you, keep it on its leash, off-leash dogs is one of the most common causes of wildlife attacks.

If you’re in a campsite, keep it clean and store items that could lure wildlife in a vehicle to keep wildlife away from your site.

If you plan to hike, go in a group and go during the day. Animals are more active in the early dawn and late evening. One thing to note is travelling in a group and making noise is safer than travelling quietly alone.

If you see wildlife on the side of the road, only stop if it’s safe to do so. Pulling over to observe wildlife on highways can cause a few serious hazards. It teaches animals that vehicles on highways are nothing to be afraid of. Pulling over could also become a visual obstruction for other drivers.

If you come across wildlife, stay 30 metres away from large animals and 100 metres away from bears, wolves, coyotes, and cougars.

Carry bear spray, just in case, and know how to use it. If a large animal such as a bear, wolf or cougar approaches you bear spray can be very effective in deterring them. It irritates the animal’s eyes and skin and could affect breathing but the spray is not lethal.

Finally, always stay on designated trails and let someone else know where you’re going and when you’ll be back.