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The Dauphin Fire Department, along with the ten other departments that make up the Riding Mountain Mutual Aid District, is hosting the Manitoba Association of Fire Chiefs Conference this weekend. Chief Cam Abrey says they kicked off the conference yesterday morning, and have events running all day today and tomorrow.

Hosting it here in Dauphin gives us an opportunity, not only to showcase our community and bring some outside revenue into the area because we're hosting 200 to 250 people in our community but also for everyone to get together because this is the first time since 2019 that we've been able to host a conference in the province.

He said the learning and networking opportunity from the conference is great, and it's an opportunity for all the departments to see the latest technology that's available for emergency services.

Johnny Pacey is back and he's set to play for a great cause.

The Dauphinite donated more than $500 to the Dauphin & District Food Bank last summer after his 'Summer Yard Series' concluded and if you've been missing some live music from Pacey, you're in luck. 

Johnny will begin a summer full of performances Friday night at 7:00 at 7 Macleod Avenue West in Dauphin. The free show will be 30 minutes in length and while it is free to watch, donations are welcomed. 50% of all donations received will be given to the Food Bank. 

When deciding where he wanted to donate the money raised from his shows, Pacey said choosing the Food Bank in Dauphin was a no-brainer.

"I grew up on the Food Bank. For me, it's near and dear to my heart," said Pacey. "Everyone needs food, every single person. It's plain and simple, food needs to be on the table for everyone."

Johnny mostly plays jazz music alongside blues music. If you're into music by artists such as Frank Sinatra, you're in for a treat. Pacey is hoping to do several shows throughout the summer and he's looking forward to seeing you on Friday to fire things up. At the end of the day, Pacey loves playing for some passionate music fans.

"It brings a lot of joy to my heart because I'm able to make people smile," said Pacey. "I've been saying for a while that I'm in the business of making people smile. If I can make people smile and have some laughs, that means the world to me."

That's Johnny Pacey performing live at 7 Macleod Avenue West in Dauphin Friday night.

The pork industry in Manitoba exports 90% of what it produces, so relationships are extremely important, especially with the United States. Manitoba Pork GM Cam Dahl says that there are a number of pressures that the relationship between the countries is facing right now.

"We're also facing pressure from protectionism. That was starting before COVID, where countries were turning inward and kind of going "me first" but it really expanded after COVID"

A number of representatives from Manitoba were recently at the State Ag and Rural Leaders’ Summit in Boise, Idaho, working to strengthen that relationship with producers from the US.

Environment Canada has put a frost advisory in effect for the Parkland. Frost advisories are issued when temperatures are expected to reach the freezing mark during the growing season, leading to potential damage and destruction to plants and crops.

Patchy frost is forecast to develop across parts of eastern Saskatchewan and western Manitoba overnight. They suggest people cover up plants, especially in frost-prone areas.

The ballot for Mayor of Dauphin has its first name as Kerri Riehl recently announced she's handed in her registration paperwork. Riehl was formerly a city councilor, and along with a career in law enforcement, she knows she'll be prepared for the role if she wins.

"I believe in people before politics, it means that by listening and engaging the community, I believe that together we can remove obstacles to give our citizens the tools to work and live to their greatest potential in our city."

Riehl said she didn't like the direction council was going, but ultimately, personal reasons were why she decided to step down from her position in the fall.

"I was there to serve the people who elected me, and at the time it was not my way of governing and was something that I found very difficult to be a part of."

 Riehl also talked about the importance of integrity and making sure that the process of the municipal act is followed with impartiality.

The Dauphin RCMP responded to a stabbing in an alley behind 2nd Avenue SW in Dauphin around 1:00 am on Sunday, May 29th. Officers arrived at the scene to find a 21-year-old woman with multiple stab wounds along with a 20-year-old man with a single stab wound. Both of them were taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

The RCMP's preliminary investigation revealed that the victims were walking along the street when they saw a group of men chasing another group. The couple attempted to avoid the fight by heading into the back alley, where the group of people being chased then ran past them. The couple were attacked and stabbed by suspects in the second group as they passed them in the back alley.

Officers in the area also found a 17-year-old male who they consider to be one of the suspects involved. He was arrested, but resisted, which resulted in a minor injury. He was taken to hospital as a precautionary measure and was later released from the hospital and remanded into custody.

The Dauphin RCMP continue to search for the other suspects and are asking anyone with information regarding this assault to contact them at 204-622-5020, call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or submit a secure tip online here.

Dauphin Consumer Co-op made a $24,100 donation to the Parkland Ukrainian Family Fund yesterday. With this donation, the fund has reached over $200,000 dollars in cash donations, as well as numerous donations in kind.

Co-op General Manager Lorne Eiffert says the fund reached out to them to see if they would help with the cost of food and fuel for the families.

It fits just perfectly into our vision of the co-op about enriching the lives of our communities and we're quite humbled and appreciative of being able to support those families coming in, especially during such a terrible time.

Dauphin Co-op also has a program where employees who volunteer around the community get their name in a draw and Co-op donates $500 to a charity of the winner's choice. Murray Lennartz won the Employee Volunteer Program, and on behalf of himself and the Dauphin and District Snowmobline club donated the money to the Family Fund as well.

Family Fund Co op 2

On Sunday, the Manitoba First Nation Police Service was called to a hit and Run on Sandy Bay First Nation. They found two pedestrians that had been hit, one was transported to the hospital via STARS, and the other was taken in an ambulance. Both are currently in stable condition.

MFNPS found the vehicle abandoned in Sandy Bay First Nation, and the suspect is still on the run. Anyone with information can report it to MFNPS anonymously over the phone at 1-833-978-0048, by emailing, or you can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or online at the Crime Stoppers website here.

The RM of Lakeshore has issued a mandatory evacuation for Ochre Beach and Crescent Cove.

The RM will be coordinating a door-to-door evacuation for anyone that requires assistance leaving their property.

You can contact the Municipal Office, at 204-733-2423, if you have questions about the evacuation, or need alternate accommodations.

First Street Northwest, and 5th Avenue Northwest, are closed to all traffic to repair a catch basin, according to the City of Dauphin.

All traffic must detour around the area.

The City of Dauphin is looking for feedback from the community for its new City Plan. The City Plan is done every five years and shapes the way the city looks at development and growth going forward.

Martijn Van Luijn, the Economic Development Manager for the City of Dauphin, says a big part of the plan is public feedback.

"The question is what is it that we need as a community. Do we need more housing, and if so what kind of housing. Do we need more commercial development, and if so what kind of commercial development and where. What would be the best place to do that? How do we envision our community looking 20 years from now?"

The City is hosting a Community Open House on Tuesday, June 7th from 6 pm to 8 pm, and an Open Planning Studio on Wednesday, June 8th, from 9 am to noon. If you can't make the events, you can also have your voice heard on an online survey that will be up on the City website starting June 7th.