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Update: Waylon Mckay was arrested on March 2, 2019, for First Degree Murder, in Thompson.

The RCMP would like to thank the media and the public for their assistance.


Nelson House RCMP arrested three and are still searching for one more person involved in the homicide of an 18-year-old.

Police are searching for 27-year-old, Waylon Alfred Mckay, who is wanted for first-degree murder as well. He could be in the Thompson, St. Laurent, or Winnipeg area.

Mckay has a tattoo of a teardrop under each eye and a tattoo on his right cheek.

Two arrests were made February 23rd, a 27-year-old, Patrick Linklater and 23-year-old, Gerald Lee Spence were both charged with First Degree Murder.

On Monday an additional arrest was made to 31-year-old, Russel Sinclair, also for first-degree murder.

He is considered violent and police are asking anyone with information on his whereabouts to please call Nelson House RCMP at 204-484-2837, local police or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or submit a secure tip online at

The provincial government is committed to addressing the underlying issues related to poverty.

They released a new poverty reduction strategy this morning.

Families Minister Heather Stefanson says ‘Pathways to a Better Future’ renews the province’s commitment to address the underlying issues related to poverty and create better outcomes for more Manitobans.

“Our renewed strategy aims to break the cycle of poverty by giving Manitobans the resources they need to succeed and our primary goal is to reduce Manitoba’s child poverty rate by 25 per cent by 2025,” said Stefanson.  “This plan is guided by Manitobans’ ideas and experiences, driven by outcomes and contains measurable goals and indicators we can use to track success.”

To measure progress in a transparent and accountable way, the strategy will focus on a new set of 13 indicators and the following six priority areas:
• investing in Manitoba’s future prosperity through supports to children and youth;
• working together to improve health outcomes and standard of living;
• promoting economic inclusion through employment, education and training;
• facilitating partnerships and supporting community-based organizations;
• strengthening client-centred service delivery; and
• making positive change through social innovation.

Released last week, Statistics Canada’s 2017 Canadian Income Survey shows a 20 per cent improvement in Manitoba’s child poverty rate and a seven per cent improvement to Manitoba’s overall poverty rate to 2017 from 2016.  Manitoba now ranks second lowest among the provinces in poverty.

The Poverty Reduction Strategy Act requires the province to implement a poverty reduction and social inclusion strategy, review and update it every five years, and develop indicators to measure success.

The Pathways to a Better Future report is available at

Saturday night around 11, Russel RCMP responded to a fatal snowmobile collision.

A 35-year-old Roblin man failed to negotiate a turn and collided with the thick brush.

He was pronounced deceased on scene.

The collision happened 8 kilometres northwest of Inglis on a groomed snowmobile trail, northwest of the Assessippi Ski Hill in the RM of Riding Mountain West.

He was wearing a helmet. Alcohol and speed are believed to be factors in the accident.

The RCMP is continuing the investigation.

The Brandon Police are asking for your help in finding a missing 20-year-old woman.

Leah Ernest was last seen by her family last Sunday when she left home.

She's 5-foot-5, 150 pounds, she has curly shoulder length hair, brown eyes, and a medium complexion.

Ernest usually wears a white winter jacket with a green or brown hoodie.

Anyone with information regarding Leah is asked to call the Brandon Police Service at 204-729-2345.

In recent years, Syphilis has been making a major comeback.

In 2018 the rates of the disease were at historic highs in the Prairie Mountain Health region.

It’s something PMH has been dealing with since the end of 2014.

In 2014 there were two cases of Syphilis, by August of 2018, 31 cases were reported.

The total could go up because they are still investigating cases.

Across the province, 350 cases were reported compared to 118 in 2014.

Syphilis was passed down by mothers to newborns ten times last year.

The increase in cases is likely from the increase in crystal meth use.

Using a condom is the best way to avoid spreading syphilis.

People were freezin’ for a reason on Saturday when they took the Polar Plunge.

15 brave participants jumped into freezing water in support of the Special Olympics. Last year 12 people jumped.

Michelle Meadows, Chair of the Dauphin Polar Plunge says so far they have raised $3500, which is about what they raised last year.

“It’s not only the fundraiser, but it’s the exposure. Well, the cold exposure, but it’s also the exposure for people to come out and see.”

With the temperature on Saturday around -22 and a wind-chill of -36 both the jumpers and those who cheered them on were cold. 

“We’re lucky enough to have the fire department really helping us out. They were awesome! We had two volunteer firemen who have been trained in cold water rescue, and they were in their rescue gear. They were in there and they said it was warm. I don’t know if that was just to lure people into the water. We also had the firemen fill up the tank.”

Darren Anderson, Manager of law enforcement torch run and partnerships with Special Olympics Manitoba, says these kinds of events support the dozens of athletes here at home. He spoke to us last year.

“Provincially we have over 17 hundred athletes. In the Parkland region alone we have 54. In Dauphin, we have 15-25 and that’s just on the floor hockey program. Around the region, we have bowling in Winnipegosis, Russell, and Swan River. Snowshoeing in Russell and Swimming in Swan River.”

Meadows says organizers are looking forward to holding the 3rd plunge next year.

A new important bird area has been established south-west of Riding Mountain National Park near St. Lazare.

The Ellice-Archie and Spy Hill Community Pastures are important because of the threatened bird species that depend on these grasslands.

The two birds are called Chestnut-collared Longspur and Sprague’s Pipit.

The two species need grasslands for breeding and the area provides the greatest density in Manitoba.

The area is an actively managed pasture, so you need to contact the pasture manager if you would like to visit.

The pasture manager’s phone number is 204-722-2062.

The extreme cold warning in the Parkland has returned. 

It had ended a few hours ago. 

The wind chill could be as low as -40 to -45 in some areas. 

If you would like to see all the areas effected, click here

This afternoon you can jump into some ice cold water for the Polar Plunge to raise money for Special Olympics Manitoba.

All the money raised from the Polar Plunge in Dauphin stays in the Parkland to support the local programs and about 50 Parkland Special Olympic athletes.

We checked in with Tristen Osborn, from Team CKDM, to see how he’s feeling heading into these freezing moments.

“I’ve always kind of liked the cold. So I think feeling like a popsicle for a bit is going to be fantastic."

Alex De Vries, from Team CKDM, is the one who organized the team.

“I haven’t actually got involved as being the person part of the fundraiser in a while. I’ve supported other people in their fundraisers. But, I just wanted to be a part of something and I just thought, spring is here, why not jump into some ice cold water.”

Dallas Jansen, from Team CKDM, is happy to be a part of the fundraiser.

“I think I’m looking forward to drying off and warming up after, haha no but, I’m just looking forward to raising money to help a great cause.”

There is still time to register by going online to, or you can walk up this afternoon for registration forms at 12pm.

Even if you don’t want to jump into the cold water you can still come down to Credit Union Place and say hi to Team CKDM.

The Mountain View School Division is holding a public budget forum this week.

Everyone is encouraged to come and discuss the 2019-2020 Operating Budget.

Bart Michaleski isn’t anticipating any significant changes to the budget this year. He says they are trying to stay as far away from the classroom as possible.

“We’re looking at all the things that go in, and typically non-personale and non-instructional and we try to pare back where we can.”

The last few years have been challenging in terms of resources. Michaleski says they are trying to protect what they already have.

“This is our third year now, and as you continue to remove any flexibility in your budget, it just makes it harder and harder to make reductions.”

Those interested in participating are encouraged to attend at the Administration Office on Monday at 7 in the evening.

There's an extreme cold warning in effect across the Parkland.

Overnight the windchill will be close to -40.

The warning isn't expected to be long with Sunday warming up to -14.

Click here to see all the affected areas.