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After holding a public safety summit earlier this week in Winnipeg, the province has announced plans to hold three of these meetings across rural parts of Manitoba.

Premier Wab Kinew was in Swan River Thursday morning to announce three additional public safety summits.

"In different regions around the province, including one in Northern Manitoba, one in Westman, and importantly through a partnership with the Association of Manitoba Municipalities, we are also going to be bringing one of these Public Safety Summits right here to Swan River."

Kinew added he has been hearing about issues regarding crime in the Swan Valley for some time.

"In the past few years, we’ve heard about business locking their doors, frustrations with a revolving door of chronic offenders and average families worrying about the future of their community. It’s really hit home for us."

A date for the Swan River meeting is still being determined, as it will be held in conjunction with a future district meeting.

Kinew assured that members of the public will be allowed to attend though and voice their concerns and thoughts at this meeting. 

The public safety summits are a part of the government's five-point plan on bail reform. 

A 47-year-old man has been sentenced to more jail time following a death last year on the Skownan First Nation.

RCMP from Winnipegosis were called to a home in January of 2023 over a report of an assault, where they found the body of a deceased 68-year-old man.

Melvin Catcheway admitted to Manslaughter in the case, and was sentenced to four and a half years behind bars,

Once credit for time already served was taken into account, Catcheway will still have to serve 936 days in prison.   

Gypsumville RCMP has responded to a report of a shooting that's left a woman dead.
On May 1, at approximately 9:00 am, Gypsumville RCMP responded to a shooting at a residence in Lake St. Martin First Nation.
Officers responded immediately and located a deceased adult female on the scene.
Her death is currently being investigated as a homicide, as this does not appear to be a random event.
RCMP Major Crime Services is en route to the community to take care of the investigation.

Plans are well in the works for the 12th annual MVSD/ACC Graduation Pow Wow event. 

Is it set to take place on May 16th on the Dauphin Rec Services Fairgrounds, with a backup plan to be held inside of Rotary Arena if the weather does not cooperate on that day.

Organizer Wade Houle says the event continues to grow every year,

"Historically we have hosted it in gymnasiums in our schools.  Last year we hosted it in the curling rink.  It was a beautiful, hot day and we had about 1,000 people including students.  The curling rink was packed and it was hot, so we thought we should move it outside if this event continues to grow, wo that we could have access for more people and parking so that more people could come and watch. "

Organizer Carole Shankaruk it is going to be a special day.

"When we talk about pow-wow, it represents all people coming together and dancing for life.  And it really speaks to reconciliation.  We are going to be honouring both indigenous and non-indigenous grads, and so we really encourage people to come out.  It is our largest cultural divisional event of the year.  And again we are partnering with Assiniboine Community College and we will honour all of their graduates as well."

There will also be a special tribute to Elder Bev Harvey, who recently passed away. 

Registration goes from 9-10 am that day, with the Pow Wow going from 10 am to 2:30. 

You can pre-register for the event online at

The City of Dauphin is hosting a massive gathering of union employees.

CUPE's 60th Conventions kicked off earlier today, packing the DRS curling rink with people eager to get to a week of excellent discussion.

Several delegates from both the city and the province took part in greeting the crowd.

The morning started with smudging, a traditional greeting from Elder Reg Nepinak, and a performance from the Ebb and Flow Drum group.

After some formalities and a review of last year's minutes, Mayor David Bosiak took to the podium to welcome the attendees to the city.

Bosiak was pleased to see how many people were there who could experience Dauphin.

"It's great to have them select Dauphin for the 60th, I know it's a big one for them as an organization. I think it reflects our communities willingness to be a great host and I just hope they have a great time here. The curling rink is full of people from outside of the community, and any time I see people from out of town, it puts a smile on my face."


Kevin Rebeck, President of the Manitoba Federation of Labor took to the podium as well, and he looks forward to a very productive week for CUPE.

"I'm always excited to hear delegates set the priorities for what they want their unions to fight for and what sort of issues are important to them. Provincial conventions often focus on what sort of legislation they want to see to make - not just in their own individual workplaces - life better for working people, but for people who don't have a union as well."


Also offering greetings this morning was Dauphin's MLA and Provincial Ag Minister Ron Kostyshyn, who offered greetings on behalf of the municipality and province.

Kostyshyn applauded the great work CUPE does and continues to do, for workers.

"Conventions are an opportunity to share ideas, and at today's convention there are representatives from all across Canada. I think that's the key, talking with representitives from other provinces as to what's being done to enhance work force opportunities and improving fairness in wages to people who deserve to be paid a respectable wage."


The week is set to include a lots of topics ranging from diversity, work place safety, wages, and all aspects of workers rights.

This CUPE Convention is scheduled to wrap up this friday afternoon, so expect some extra company in Dauphin throughout this week!

A two-vehicle crash in the RM of Westlake-Gladstone on March 23rd has now claimed the lives of two more people. 

A 35-year-old woman from Sandy Bay First Nation was pronounced dead at the scene after her northbound vehicle collided with a northbound car that had crossed into the opposite lane. 

Now, her 36-year-old male passenger from Langruth, as well as the 19-year-old male driver of the southbound vehicle - who hailed from The Pas - have both also died from their injuries. 

The accident occurred on Highway 50 near Road 99 North. 

Two 16-year-old boys are in custody following an early morning incident in the city. 

Just before 1 am this morning, RCMP were called to a report of a disturbance and assault at a home on Dunfield Avenue. 

They located a 17-year-old male suffering from injuries consistent with having been shot with an airsoft gun. 

The victim refused medical care.

Two suspects were seen running from the home when police arrived, with one stopping as soon as he was instructed to do so. 

The other suspect, who was observed carrying what looked to be a firearm, allegedly pointed the firearm briefly at officers before attempting to take off on foot. 

He was arrested after a short foot chase. 

The suspects, who are from Dauphin and Brandon, remain in custody, as RCMP continue to investigate. 

On April 18, 2024, at approximately 2:35 pm, Winnipegosis RCMP responded to a distress call reporting that a man had threatened occupants of a residence with a firearm before fleeing with an infant. Whether the man had access to a firearm remained uncertain, but he was familiar to the residents.

Shortly after receiving the report, RCMP located the vehicle the man had been using. They observed him abandoning the vehicle and escaping into the wilderness on foot with the infant, who was ill-prepared for the freezing temperatures.

RCMP promptly called in their Police Dog Services, deploying Police Service Dog Marook to track the fleeing man. After navigating through roughly two kilometers of dense forest, Marook and his handler successfully located the man and the infant. The man was apprehended, and the infant, thankfully unharmed, was transferred to Emergency Medical Services upon exiting the wilderness. Medical evaluation confirmed the infant had not sustained any physical injuries.

Further investigation revealed that the man did not have a firearm.

The 26-year-old man has been charged with several offenses, including Flight From a Peace Officer, Criminal Negligence Causing Bodily Harm, and Uttering Threats Against a Person (x2). He remains in custody pending legal proceedings.

Jon Montgomery is coming home to Russell, and he's bringing the Amazing Race Canada with him.

According to a Facebook post from the Municipality of Russell/Binscarth, competitors in the newest edition of the reality TV show will be in the community today and tomorrow (May 1st and 2nd). 

Montgomery, who won gold in the men's skeleton at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, is the host of the Canadian version of the popular competition. 

The release states there may be closures on Main Street in Russell due to the competition.

Residents are also asked to not record and/or share any details of the competition on social media. 

A warm dry week last week let many farmers put themselves in prime positions to start in the fields. seeding has already begun for some producers, with the provincial average sitting at 2%, on track with the 5-year average for this time of year.

Producers have begun seeding spring wheat, barley, oats, and corn. The Central region is the most advanced with approximately 10% of each of the major cereals planted. Corn planting is approximately 1% complete.

Field pea planting is at 4% complete across the province. The central region is the most advanced at 10% complete and the southwest region is at 3% complete.

Winter cereals are seeing a decent survival rate of 80-90%, with most producers getting some fertilizer in their fields.

Projections for crops this year from Stats Canada are seeing 3.1 million acres of Spring wheat, 3.2 million acres of canola, and 1.48 million acres of Soybeans being planted this year.

A bit closer to home in the northwest area, a week of warmer, drying weather led to an improvement in field conditions.

Some field work has started near the end of last week with Harrowing and fertilizing started over the weekend. However, there are still fields with standing water in low areas.

A very few select fields have been seeded. Field preparation and fertilizing will continue. Soil moisture at this point is adequate for most of the region. Fall rye and winter wheat conditions in the region are varied.

 There has been some winterkill on fall rye in the Swan River area, but in areas with adequate snowfall, fall rye and winter cereals have fared well so far.

Seeding of field peas and spring wheat in the Dauphin/Swan River area over the weekend. Less than 1% for each crop.

As for forage and livestock, pastures are beginning to green up nicely, and the precipitation should treat them well this week.

Hay and pasture stands are being rated as mostly fair, but there has been some winter kill of forage establishment.

more info on that will be available as inspections continue.

Livestock are still primarily in their winter feeding areas, though some operations have opened smaller paddocks adjacent to corrals to allow animals more space and to get them out of the mud. 

Dugouts have seen some good recharge so far from the melt, but are still considered low in some areas.

So begins another busy season for the people that feed the world.

thanks to all the producers out there, we here at CKDM wish you all a safe and profitable year!

An Ontario man was arrested on drug trafficking charges after a traffic stop last night.

Officers from the Manitoba First Nation's Police Service's Sandy Bay detachment pulled over a vehicle at roughly 9 pm last night.

During the stop, officers formed the grounds and detained the occupants for a Controlled Drugs and Substances Act investigation.

A search yielded over 100 grams of suspected cocaine and crack cocaine which was then seized and the driver arrested.

26-year-old Sicetus Akhinagba of Brampton, Ontario was charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking and was held in custody to appear in Portage La Prairie court  today.

The 3 other occupants of the vehicle were released without charges.