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After dealing with an early outbreak of COVID-19, China is now expected to begin moving some manufacturing back online.

Some reports say China has signalled it will continue to allow Canadian canola imports, even with the April 1st expiration of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

It doesn’t mean a full return of Canadian canola traded into China, but it appears we can expect some trade to continue for the time being.

China pumped the brakes on purchasing Canadian canola in early 2019, citing pest issues. Relations became a bit rocky between the two trade partners following the detainment of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou in Vancouver.

According to Stats Canada, as much as 40% of Canada’s canola crop used to be purchased by China. Recent estimates say Canada is now only shipping a third of that volume in canola seed to China.

Going forward, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau indicates he’s seen promising signs, and discussions between Canadian and Chinese officials will continue.

A scheduled pay raise for all Members of Parliament is being condemned by a local MP.

Dan Mazier, MP for Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa, thinks it’s inappropriate for politicians to accept a raise during the COVID-19 crisis.

“COVID-19 is not only a health crisis, it is an economic crisis that is impacting the finances of all Canadians. It’s Canadians who need support at this time, not politicians.”

MPs are required to accept the raise under current legislation, so Mazier has decided to donate his pay increase to local organizations and charities working to support the people impacted by COVID-19 in his riding. Mazier notes it’s an especially challenging time for many local charities who are dealing with decreased revenue and increased demand.

The MP for Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa has also been virtually meeting with local businesses, industry leaders, and constituents to hear their stories, and voice their concerns to other MPs and government officials. He’s encouraging everyone to support local businesses in our rural communities during and after the pandemic.

Going forward, Mazier is encouraging community members to continue reaching out and assisting seniors, and to follow the advice of public health officials to reduce the risk of exposure to those with underlying health issues.

You can listen to Dan Mazier on 730 CKDM during “Parliament and the Parkland” this Thursday morning at 8:15am during the Al Morning Show.

The provincial government has released another Spring Thaw Outlook.

Our relatively dry winter should put us in a good position to steer clear of spring floods, although officials are saying a major storm in early April could put Manitoba at a greater risk.

The Red River Valley continues to be a focal point in Manitoba for potential high-water situations.

Water levels are expected to be similar to the spring of 2019, as forecasters are expecting a significant inflow of water from the northern United States, according to Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler.

With the province already devoting so many emergency resources to the fight against COVID-19, the minister assures Manitobans there are contingency plans in place in the event of a high-water situation.

The entire 2020 Spring Thaw Outlook report will be available here.

The provincial government has loosened up their Spring Road Restrictions, to better support the transportation of essential commodities during the fight against COVID-19.

Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler says this will help ensure communities continue to have access to items such as medical supplies, groceries and emergency equipment at this crucial time.

Essential commodities include groceries, medical supplies, fuel, fertilizer, bulk milk, potable water for non-industrial use, emergency equipment and materials, and mail delivery on behalf of the Canada Post Corporation. This also includes livestock and livestock feed in transit, and hay for feed in transit within Manitoba. 

Normally, spring weight restrictions are enforced on surfaced roads in Manitoba, to protect roads that are more susceptible to damage because of spring rains and thawing.

For more information on the updates to road restrictions, click here.

Environment Canada has issued a snowfall warning, calling for 10 to 20 cm.

On Wednesday morning, we’re expecting a low-pressure system that will track north out of the Dakotas, giving heavy wet snow to areas near the Saskatchewan Manitoba border. 

The snow will begin early in the morning in the south and work its way northward throughout the day.

The snowfall warning is in effect for:

  • Gilbert Plains Mun. incl. Ashville
  • Grandview Mun. incl. Valley River Res.
  • Mossey River Mun. incl. Winnipegosis and Fork River
  • Mun. of Ethelbert incl. Garland
  • Mun. of Roblin incl. Makaroff Shortdale and Bield
  • Mun. of Russell-Binscarth incl. Gambler Res.
  • R.M. of Dauphin incl. Sifton and Valley River
  • R.M. of Lakeshore incl. Ochre River and Makinak
  • R.M. of Lakeshore incl. Rorketon and Toutes Aides
  • R.M. of Riding Mountain West incl. Asessippi Prov. Park

Current indications are that 10 to 20 cm will fall with this system, although local amounts could be higher.

It was announced earlier today that all K-12 schools in Manitoba will remain closed and the 2019-2020 academic year will be suspended indefinitely. After that was announced by Kelvin Goertzen alongside Brian Pallister, CKDM spoke to MVSD Superintendent, Dan Ward to get his thoughts.

"We did expect that this news was coming. Dr. Brent Roussin did make some comments that the return to school on April 16 was unrealistic," said Ward. "We have been planning to go past that for quite some time."

Ward now says there are multiple steps to move forward as students will remain at home. Ward is continuing to work closely with teachers and support staff so that students continue to be supported during this tough time.

Schools remain open to staff when they need resources and connectivity. They are also working to offer a variety of alternatives and platforms so that students can access schoolwork easily.

"Schools do remain closed to all students," continued Ward.

At this point, high school students are already working through Office 365 which is a Microsoft program that has an online platform that includes a video conferencing component. That of course, is for students that do have connectivity. For those who don't, MVSD is working on a plan so that students receive print materials. 

When it comes to K-8 students, there are a variety of applications that can be used.

"The biggest thing for us right now when it comes to the younger years is us having the ability to be in touch with parents," continued Ward. 

Dan also wanted to reiterate that there is a big sense of togetherness right now despite the tough times. He says all staff has come together to put a great plan in place and the students are ready to make sure this plan works. They even put a video together called "We're All In This Together".

"Every single staff member wants to do their part to help students and to help families out," continued Ward. "We understand it's a tough time and I think that's what's going to help us moving forward, we understand that and everyone is ready to help in any way possible."

Roughly 200 grade 12 students across MVSD were set to graduate. As it was announced earlier today by Minister Goertzen, all grade 12 students that were on track to graduate will indeed do so. Ward does; however, feel bad that many students have been looking forward to a graduation ceremony and everything that goes with it and it may not happen.

"It's certainly disappointing that things aren't going the way we planned them to go," concluded Ward. "With that said, we don't know how long this will last. Schools could resume before June and graduation could happen. We're going to do everything in our power to make sure these students are celebrated for all of their accomplishments for the past 13 years."

Today we learned of a slight increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in Manitoba.

Chief provincial public health officer Dr. Brent Roussin says 7 more cases have been identified.

This brings the total number of lab-confirmed and probable cases in Manitoba to 103. Four people are listed as recovered.

The number of confirmed cases in the PMH region remains at 9.

Public health is reminding Manitobans to stay home as much as possible and limit travel to essential trips only. Anyone returning from international or domestic travel must self-isolate for 14 days and monitor for symptoms.

The chief nursing officer for Shared Health Lanette Siragusa says the province is putting out a call for more nurses to join the fight against COVID, especially those with critical care experience. 

“Specifically we are looking at registered nurses, or LPN’s, with previous adult or pediatric critical care experience, who may be looking to pick up additional shifts, or be reassigned from their current unit into the ICU" and added, “we’re also looking for nurses that may be willing to be redeployed to a different site.”

Anyone interested in these positions can get in touch by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Any person concerned about their exposure to or risk of having COVID-19 should call Health Links–Info Santé at 204-788-8200 or (toll-free) at 1-888-315-9257 to be screened to see if a test is required.

Dauphin now has a community drive-thru testing site at the MPI Service Centre. The hours of operation are from 10am - 3pm.

For more information and to access the online screening tool for COVID-19, click here.

Today Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the government is preparing for worst-case scenarios when it comes to the purchase and distribution of crucial medical equipment for COVID-19.

Thornhill Medical, Medico, and Spartans Bioscience are teaming up to manufacture more medical supplies such as respirators, surgical masks, and test kits.

Trudeau also announced that the government is allocating two billion dollars to purchase personal protective equipment for provinces and health care workers.

Trudeau encourages people to stay home to ease the demand for supplies.

Education Minister Kelvin Goertzen announced today that K-12 schools in Manitoba will be suspended indefinitely for the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic year. 

The initial suspension of Manitoba schools was set to expire on April 13. However, Goertzen alongside Premier Brian Pallister announced the suspension for the remainder of this school year.

"If prior to the regularly scheduled conclusion of the school year, the Public Health Officer deems it safe to open our schools, we will eagerly welcome our students back," said Goertzen from inside the Manitoba Legislature earlier today.

School buildings will remain closed; however, child care centres will continue operating under new guidelines which will be announced shortly. Teachers will be able to access their resources to ensure that learning from home for students continues. 

Student’s marks will be held where they were on the last day of regular classes. If you are a grade 12 student and you were on pace to graduate, you will indeed graduate. Students will be able to increase their marks through their additional "home" learning. 

Grade 12 provincial exams have been cancelled. All students will receive assignments, final marks, and assessments. 

"We are actively working with school divisions to find best practices and enhance their existing resources," continued Goertzen. 

For kindergarten to grade 8 students, teachers will continue to engage with students and parents using existing communication skills so students can continue to learn from home. When it comes to students in grades 9-12, they will continue to learn using online distance resources. More information will be provided on those resources when it becomes available.

When speaking about grade 12 students across the province, Goertzen understands this is a tough time for the so many students that were looking forward to graduating.

"We know that grade 12 students have such a bright future, this isn't how they envisioned their final year, so many have been looking forward to going through the graduating ceremony for years," he concluded. "This is about their futures and making sure they're safe."

Stay tuned for more including a conversation with Dan Ward, Superintendent of Mountain View School Division. 

The province has thrown a bit of a lifeline to restaurants struggling to keep business flowing during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Restaurants will be allowed to sell wine, beer, and single-serve beverages along with food take-out and delivery service.

Crown Services Minister Jeff Wharton announced the measure yesterday, saying licensed businesses have expressed a strong interest in continuing liquor sales.

This is after the provincial government ordered the closure of all dine-in eating at restaurants and commercial facilities serving food, from April 1st to at least April 14th.

Pricing for liquor take-out and delivery will be the same as the regular dine-in pricing for that business.

During this time, liquor stores are designated as a critical-service and will remain open, with slightly adjusted hours.

All non-critical businesses in Manitoba have been ordered to close by the provincial government.

Businesses deemed non-critical must close as of April 1st, until at least April 14th.

That means the closure of bars, hair salons and massage therapy offices.

Restaurants will not be allowed to have customers dine-in, but pick up and delivery is okay as long as the establishment adheres to social distancing guidelines.

Here’s a list of businesses that are able to choose to remain open at this time:

Supply chains
1. A business
(a) that provides another business listed in this Schedule with goods or services necessary for the business to operate, including transportation and logistics management relating to those goods or services; or
(b) that supports or facilitates the two-way movement of essential goods within integrated North American and global supply chains.

Retail and wholesale
2. A business that provides, either by wholesale or by retail sale, food or household consumer goods necessary for the safety, sanitation or operation of residences and businesses. Such a business includes a grocery store, supermarket, convenience store, butcher shop, bakery, market, hardware store and any other similar wholesale or retail business.

3. A business that provides personal protective equipment or protective clothing for use in the workplace.

4. A business that provides essential goods and services for the health and well-being of animals, including animal feed, pet food, and animal supplies such as bedding.

5. A gas station or other business that provides diesel, aviation, propane, heating fuel or other fuel used to power a motor vehicle, aircraft or watercraft.

6. A business that provides office supplies and services. The supplies and services include computer products and related repair and maintenance services for businesses and for individuals working from home.

7. A business that holds a retail liquor licence, a manufacturer's licence, including a manufacturer's licence with a retail endorsement, or a retail cannabis licence or that is authorized by the Government of Canada to produce cannabis.

8. A hotel or motel or a business that provides rental units or similar living accommodations, including student residences. Institutional, residential, commercial and industrial maintenance

9. A business that provides support and maintenance services, including urgent repair, to maintain the safety, security, sanitation and essential operation of institutional, commercial, industrial and residential properties, and includes:
(a) property management services, including residential snow clearing;
(b) services provided by skilled trades, such as plumbers, electricians and HVAC
(c) custodial or janitorial services and cleaning services;
(d) fire safety and sprinkler systems installation and monitoring; and
(e) similar services provided by other service providers.

Telecommunications and information technology
10. A business that provides telecommunications services, such as phones and cell phones, internet services and radio, as well as support facilities necessary for support and service delivery, such as a call centre.

11. A business that provides information technology, and includes online services, software products and related support services, as well as technical facilities such as data centres and other network facilities.

Communications industries
12. A business that provides information through radio or television broadcasting, telecommunication services or newspaper publications.

13. A business that provides transportation services necessary for the activities of daily living.

14. A business that provides transportation services to other businesses or individuals by road, rail, air or water, including a business that provides logistical support, distribution services or warehousing and storage, or truck stops.

15. A business that services or repairs vehicles, aircraft, watercraft, bicycles and includes car, truck and farm equipment dealerships and related facilities and auto supply stores and other similar retail businesses.

16. A business that provides towing services or roadside repair assistance.

17. A business that provides goods and services for the operation, maintenance and safety of the road, rail, air and water transportation systems.

18. A business that provides maintenance services such as clearing snow and completing necessary repairs to the transportation system.

Manufacturing and production
19. A business that manufactures or processes goods or materials, including a component manufacturer or a business that produces inputs used by another manufacturer. Agriculture and food production

20. A business that is engaged in farming, harvesting, processing, manufacturing, producing or distributing food or farm products such as crops, animal products and by-products or beverages.

21. A business that is engaged in fishing, hunting or aquaculture.

22. A business that supports the food supply chain, including assembly yards, livestock auctions, food distribution hubs, feed mills, farm equipment suppliers, feed suppliers, food terminals and warehouses, animal processing plants and grain elevators.

23. A business that supplies agricultural producers with necessary products or services, such as seed, fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, agricultural equipment, custom application of herbicides and pesticides and the repair of agricultural equipment.

24. A business that supports the safety of food, including animal and plant health and animal well-being.

25. A business that provides veterinary services or that supplies veterinary or animal control medications and related supplies and testing kits.

26. A business involved in ensuring the safe and effective management of animal waste, and includes a business responsible for the disposal of dead animals, rendering, nutrient management and biohazardous materials treatment or disposal.

27. A business engaged in construction work or services in the industrial, commercial, institutional and residential sectors, including demolition services and expanding, renovating, converting or repurposing existing spaces.

28. A business engaged in construction work or services that are required to ensure safe and reliable operations of provincial and municipal infrastructure.

29. A business engaged in construction work or services that supports environmental rehabilitation projects.

30. A business engaged in the capital markets.

31. A bank, credit union or caisse populaire.

32. A business that is a payday lender or a cheque-cashing service.

33. A business that provides insurance services, and includes the adjustment of insurance claims.

34. A business that provides pension services and employee benefits services.

35. A business that provides financial services, including any of the following:
(a) payment processing;
(b) the payroll division of any employer or an entity whose operation is the administration of payroll.

36. A business that deals in securities or manages financial portfolios.

Natural resources
37. A business engaged in the extraction or processing of natural resources, such as minerals,
forest products, oil and gas, or aggregates, including a business engaged in the production or
sale of biofuels.

38. A business engaged in natural resource exploration and development.

39. A business that provides supplies or materials used in the natural resource sector.

40. A business that supplies or ensures the supply of natural resources, such as petroleum and petroleum by-products or aggregate, to other businesses.

41. A business that supports the health and safety of natural resource extraction or processing operations.

Environmental services
42. A business that supports environmental management or monitoring services or that provides environmental clean-up and response services or services in respect of industrial sewage or effluent, and includes environmental consulting firms, septic haulers, portable toilet suppliers, well drillers, pesticide applicators and exterminators.

43. A business that provides laboratory services in respect of water or wastewater.

44. A business engaged in waste collection or recycling, waste and sewage treatment and disposal, the operation of a landfill or hazardous waste disposal. Utilities and public works

45. A business that operates a utility, and includes a business that provides goods, materials and services needed for the delivery of utilities, such as potable drinking water, electricity and natural gas.

46. A business engaged in or supporting the operation, maintenance or repair of provincial or municipal infrastructure, such as railways, dams, bridges, highways, erosion control structures and water control works.

47. A business that maintains research facilities and engages in research, including medical research and other research and development activities.

48. A business that provides goods and services that support research activities. Health care, seniors care and social services

49. A business that provides land medical emergency response services, air medical response services or stretcher transportation services.

50. A business that provides home care services.

51. A child and family services authority and a child and family services agency.

52. A business that operates a personal care home, supportive housing or an assisted living

53. A business that provides personal support services in home or provides residential services for children or for individuals with physical or mental disabilities, including developmental disabilities.

54. A business that provides or supports the provision of food, shelter, safety or protection, or social services and other necessities of life to economically disadvantaged and other vulnerable individuals, including food banks, family violence and abuse shelters, homeless shelters, community housing, supportive housing, services that promote or protect the welfare of children, services to newcomers, and custody and detention programs for persons in
conflict with the law.

55. A business, including a pharmacy or other business, engaged in the manufacturing, wholesaling, distribution or retail sale of pharmaceutical goods and medical supplies, such as medications, medical isotopes, vaccines and antivirals, medical devices and medical supplies.

56. A business engaged in providing logistic services or manufacturing or distributing goods or services that support the delivery of health care, and includes a business that provides laboratory services.

57. A business that provides mental health or addictions supports or services, such as counselling.

58. A business that provides goods or services that support the health sector including the sale, rental or repair of assistive devices, mobility devices or medical devices, and other similar devices or supplies.

Justice sector
59. A business that provides professional or social services supports in the justice system. Professional services

60. A lawyer, paralegal, accountant, translator, veterinarian, engineer or geoscientist.

61. A regulatory body of a profession.

Other businesses
62. A business that provides rental and leasing services, including renting or leasing automobiles and commercial and light industrial machinery and equipment.

63. A business that provides mailing, shipping, courier or delivery services, including post office boxes.

64. A business that operates a laundromat or provides dry cleaning or laundry services.

65. A business that provides funeral, mortician, cremation, transfer or burial services, or any related goods and products such as coffins and embalming fluid.

66. A business that operates a land registration service, provides real estate services or moving services.

67. A business that provides security services, including private security guards, or provides monitoring or surveillance equipment and services.

68. A business that provides staffing services, including temporary help.

69. A business that provides tax preparation services.

70. A business that provides travel consulting services.

71. A business that supports the safe operations of residences and critical businesses.

72. A business that provides arboriculture or lawn care services.

73. A business that provides for the health and well-being of animals, including farms, boarding kennels, stables, animal shelters, zoos, aquariums, research facilities and other service providers.

74. A business that provides child care services for essential workers, and home child care services provided for eight or fewer children.

To view today's entire update from the provincial government, click here.