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COVID-19-related border restrictions in Canada are to expire as of midnight on Saturday, October 1st. The federal government is expected to make an official announcement today about them.

This means travellers will no longer have to submit public health information via the ArriveCAN app; provide proof of vaccination; or undergo testing before or after arrival.

As well, COVID-19-related quarantine or isolation will not be required when returning to Canada, nor will people have to wear masks on planes and trains or undergo health checks for travel on air and rail. You will also not be expected to monitor and report signs or symptoms of COVID-19 after arriving back in Canada.

The changes apply to all travellers regardless of citizenship.

The Parkland Family Medicine Residency Program focuses on training physicians to deliver health care in rural areas.

Dr. Scott Kish, the site director for the program through the University of Manitoba, says that it has been having a strong impact on Dauphin since 1991.

"The vast majority of the physicians in Dauphin have come as a result of having the residency program, so they're graduates from our program... Many physicians in the surrounding communities... There are some of our physicians in Ste. Rose, Swan River, Brandon, Neepawa, Selkirk, Portage la Prairie... so many of our previous graduates have gone on to work in other rural settings in Manitoba," he adds.

Dr. Kish went on to say that the success that they've had in Dauphin is now being replicated across the province and that this was only possible because of that success.

"I think we're in a healthy position... There's a shortage of family physicians... across the country... I think there's lots of need for ongoing training and for training physicians in rural practices... I think there's going to be an ongoing expansion of rural training programs across the country," he adds.

According to Dr. Kish, they've been really fortunate to be able to recruit and retain physicians locally.

"I think that's one of the primary benefits and then I think the secondary benefit is just being able to seed and expand the physician base in other areas in the province and in rural Canada," he adds.

Dr. Scott Kish says that if someone from outside Canada is already a physician and they're looking to work in Canada, they would have to go through the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Manitoba to evaluate their previous training.

"For some of those physicians, there's... a one-year assessment process that they could do through the College. Some of our students would then apply for a competitive match through the Canadian Residency Matching Service (CaRMS) and that's, unfortunately, a very competitive process and it's tough to get into our program, so out of seven hundred applicants to our program that are international grads, we would pick two of them," he adds.

Dr. Kish went on to say that it's less competitive for those who graduated from Canadian universities to be accepted into the program.

"We would have, in that situation, around eighty applicants for four positions," he adds.

Anyone interested in learning more about the residency program can visit the University of Manitoba website.

Fusion Credit Union's Community Infusion event is coming up on October 4th, at 6 p.m. at the George P. Buleziuk Community Centre in Russell. Four businesses will give their pitch to a panel of judges, with the chance to win part of $30,000.

Fusion's Business Development Manager Mike Csversko says last year's event was so successful they decided to make it an annual competition.

"We opened it up for anybody to enter, whether that's a new business, maybe it's just a concept people have on paper and they need more information or help or financial help, and also to people who are in business but are looking to expand. So we go through a process where they apply and then we go through a business plan, judging around, and then it leads us to what we're talking about today in the final event where it's like a live pitch, much like, I guess, you would see on T.V. with the Dragons Den or Shark Tank."

This year, there are four businesses competing for a portion of the prize money says Csversko.

"We have four finalists, unfortunately, we had five but one just very recently had a family commitment come up so they weren't able to make it on October fourth, so we're going ahead with four. We have Fierce Female Hockey, Modern Mini and Me, Dauphin Lake Rentals, and Moonlit Canopy, so they'll all be competing for a chance to share in $30,000 which should be very exciting and really fostering that economic development in our region."

The event is free to attend and the winners will be announced after the business pitches.

The Municipality of McCreary is advising residents that they will be conducting repairs to improve isolation valves on September 26th, 27th and 28th.

According to the Municipality, this will cause a temporary water supply interruption, as well as low water pressure, for an undetermined period of time.

They say that the valves in multiple locations north of Highway 50 and east of Burrows Rd. will be replaced and that the entire urban municipality will be affected.

The Municipality recommends that residents take necessary measures to avoid undue inconvenience.

They advise all homeowners to be prepared for service interruptions, allowing for unforeseen and emergency issues that may arise.

People can call the Municipality of McCreary for more information at 204-835-2309.

Dauphin Neighbourhood Renewal will be hosting a fall fundraising supper tomorrow, September 25th, from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Parkland Rec Complex Curling Rink.

Event Organizer Monica Archer says that it will start with a photo-op area and that there will be a 50/50, a guess-the-weight-of-the-pumpkin contest, and a silent auction.

"If you're dining in, you're going to get a plate. Then you'll go through the buffet, choose what you want, and desserts, and beverages... If you're doing takeout, then we'll give you takeout containers [to fill up with whatever you like]... and wrap up any desserts you want," she adds.

Archer went on to say that the main goal of the event is to help Dauphin Neighbourhood Renewal with its programming.

"It's $20 to come to the supper and $2 from every [ticket] will be going to Dauphin Neighbourhood Renewal," she adds.

Monica Archer says that the event is important because a lot of people in Dauphin need help.

"This summer I met a young man who had worked for me years ago and he was in the situation where he didn't have a roof over his head, he didn't have meals and we had talked and he was using the organization... [He was very] thankful... to have it and to see that it was here," she adds.

According to Archer, they will be serving Ukrainian food, including perogies and cabbage rolls.

Tickets must be purchased in advance to attend and that can be done by calling Monica at 204-648-5911 or Tracy at 204-672-0202. They can also be picked up at Under One Roof or at the Arena Concession.

More information can be found here.

A new high-resolution surveillance system has been installed to monitor the D-Town Plaza Skatepark.

Justin Tokarchuk, ICT (Information & Communications Technology) Manager for the City of Dauphin, says that the upgrade was made at the request of the City's Protective Services Committee, which liaises with the RCMP.

"They hope that it will reduce crime and vandalism and, quite frankly, it's also nice for parents just to be able to take a quick peek and see what's going on there," he adds.

Tokarchuk strongly believes that having a surveillance system at the skate park will deter crime and make it a safer place.

"We will be providing footage to the RCMP when they request it," he adds.

According to Tokarchuk, the funding for the project came from the City of Dauphin's budget.

Anyone interested in having a look at what's happening at the D-Town Plaza Skatepark can do so by visiting the City's website.

The City encourages any crime or suspicious activity to be reported to the Dauphin RCMP by calling 9-1-1 or 204-622-5050 in the event of an emergency, or 204-622-5020 for non-emergencies.

The City of Dauphin is notifying residents that the City's Fall Clean-Up campaign will commence on Tuesday, October 11th.

According to the City, crews will be making one pass through the City starting with the Day 4 area on the garbage schedule. Once the Day 4 area is complete, crews will continue in reverse order through the remainder of the four-day cycle. 

They are warning residents to have their yard waste ready before crews arrive, since this will only be a one-time pickup.

City crews will be only collecting the following items at no cost:

  • Accumulated garden waste
  • Grass
  • Leaves
  • Shrubs and tree branches less than 15 centimetres (6 inches) in diameter (2.44 metres or 8 feet maximum and piled parallel)

The City says that the items mentioned above will only be collected if they are free of household waste, hazardous waste and recyclable materials, and are in a clearly identifiable pile or packaged in biodegradable bags or boxes.

They also say that materials other than the ones listed above will not be collected and that City crews will not be sorting through items.

More information on the City's Fall Clean-Up campaign can be found here.

Anyone interested in learning more about the campaign can also call the City Shop at 204-622-3202.

On the morning of September 4th, the Dauphin RCMP responded to multiple robberies in town, the following is the RCMP's press release.

On September 4th, 2022, at approximately 7:05 a.m. Dauphin RCMP responded to a report of a robbery at the 7-eleven in Dauphin, Manitoba.  A male, dressed in black wearing a blue baseball cap, a mask, and brandishing a knife entered the store demanding money.  After taking money from the cash register he fled the scene on foot. 

At approximately 7:20 a.m. Dauphin RCMP received a report of a robbery at Mountain Esso in Dauphin, Manitoba.  A male, dressed in black wearing a blue baseball cap, a mask, and brandishing a knife entered the store demanding money and cigarettes.  After taking cash and cigarettes he left the scene as a passenger in a burgundy pick-up truck. 

At approximately 9:15 a.m. patrolling officers observed a vehicle matching the truck used in the robbery.  A traffic stop was initiated and an adult male and an adult female were taken into custody.  A knife and clothing used in the robbery along with money and cigarettes were recovered.     

23-year-old Andrew MARTINDALE of Dauphin has been charged with Robbery (x2), Disguise with Intent (x2), Utter Threats (x2), Possess a Weapon for a Dangerous Purpose (x2), and Possession of Property Obtained by Crime.  He was remanded into custody.  A 44-year-old Dauphin woman was released from custody on an Undertaking to appear in Dauphin Provincial Court for charges of Robbery (x2) and Possession of Property Obtained by Crime. 

A unique set of events will take place over the next few weeks starting tomorrow, with the goal of showing off Dauphin's creative community.

Dauphin's Culture Days is back in full force this year after having to scale things back slightly due to COVID concerns. First up is Yardfest which gives you an opportunity to take in some outdoor music shows during the afternoon followed by the Route 10 Collective playing at the Watson Arts Centre at 7 pm.

The first show, Jazz With Johnathon Pacey, will be at 4 pm at 7 Macleod Avenue West. After that The Fret Shredders will play a show at 311 Wellington Crescent. Admission for those shows is Pay What You Can ($5 is suggested). The music keeps going at the Watson Arts Centre where the Route 10 Collective will play a show at 7 pm. The performance will be a tribute to the music of George Harrison. Tickets are $30 and you can phone 204-638-6231 to get yours. 

On Sunday, the always highly-anticipated Yardfringe will happen around town. This is a one-of-a-kind event where you will be able to join in on a group of people biking around to different venues. Each venue features a different display of Dauphin arts and crowd participation may be required at times so be prepared to have some fun. Admission is free and since locations will be all over town, it is highly recommended you get on a bicycle and ride along with the group. If you do not have a bicycle, the Dauphin Derailleurs Cycle Club will have fat bikes available to use. They are free to use but you must register by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. It is first come, first served for use of them. A map will also be provided to anyone travelling by vehicle.

Beyond the events this weekend, there will also be a Pechakucha Night at the Dauphin Public Library on October 13th, a live reading of Gunsmoke at the Watson Arts Centre on October 15th, and Film Day at the Countryfest Community Cinema on October 16th. Also keep an eye on the Cultural Intersection at Main Street and 3rd Avenue NE. Most events are free to attend or pay what you can.


A small amount of cocaine, cash, a sawed-off shotgun and drug-related paraphernalia were seized after police searched a home in Fairford last Thursday, September 15th.

According to the RCMP, officers with the Manitoba East District CREST unit, who were assisted by the RCMP Emergency Response Team and the North District CREST unit, executed a search warrant at the residence in Fairford.

After finding a firearm, drugs and cash inside the home, officers seized the items and arrested 29-year-old Greyson Ryle, 25-year-old Jeremy Beardy, 55-year-old Andrea Ryle, and two male youths, ages 17 and 16.

Police say that they were all remanded into custody on numerous firearm and drug-related charges.

The RCMP continue to investigate.

UPDATE (Sept. 22nd, 5:52 p.m.): According to the Municipality of McCreary, water service has been restored.


The Municipality of McCreary is advising residents that they will be conducting repairs to improve isolation valves, which will cause a temporary water supply interruption as well as low water pressure in some portions of the town today.

They say that the valve at the east end of Fletcher Ave. will be replaced and that the areas south of Highway 50 will be affected.

The Municipality recommends that residents of the affected areas take necessary measures to avoid undue inconvenience.