The Manitoba snowshoe run 2020 kicked off this morning at 10am.
The 5km snowshoe walk at the Selo Site had a good turnout this year with 47 participants entered.
There were added activities along the way this year including snowball throwing targets and snow taffy.
Participants were treated with food and drinks afterwards.
Race director, Brian Byers says that the money raised goes back into the community.
“We’re raising money to put back into the community for the active living funds. That money goes towards things to help people get out and be active. Things like the skate park or the trails that were using today.”
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach
Update: As of 6:30 yesterday, water is back up and running in Gilbert Plains, however the municipality has put a precautionary boil water advisory in effect.
The advisory is in place and will be until the testing of the systems is complete. We will let you know when this happens.
At 9 am in Gilbert Plains, the entire water distribution system will be shut down for repairs.
A water main break is the cause for the repairs.
Michael Steven, urban lead hand in Gilbert Plains, says the entire town will have the water shut off and a precautionary boil water advisory will also be in place until further notice.
There's no word on how long the water will be turned off for.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Right around 10 pm on Valentine's Day, the Dauphin Fire Department was dispatched for a house fire.
The fire, located on 3rd Avenue Southwest between Main Street and 1st Street Southwest, had fully engulfed the house making entry impossible.
Fire fighters were told there could be occupants in the home, so they battled the blaze to the point where they could search inside the home.
Following the search, no occupants were found.
Crews were on scene until about 6 this morning to make sure the fire didn't rekindle.
The fire has been deemed to be accidental-electrical in nature.
There aren't any damage estimates at this time, but the home is a complete loss.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
6,500 more Manitobans were working in January compared to the month before, according to new employment statistics.
The increase is Manitoba’s largest in over a decade.
Premier Brian Pallister said the results are proof that his government is moving the province forward.
‘We continue to create a business-friendly environment and our plan to grow the private sector for the benefit of all Manitobans is working.”
The latest figures from Stats Can show that the increase in employment was accompanied by a decline in the province’s unemployment rate to 5.1 percent, down from 5.3 percent in 2019.
Manitoba now has the second-lowest unemployment rate in the country.
The labour force in Manitoba has increased by 1.1 percent, while the country’s rate has grown by 0.1 percent.
Pallister noted that the job growth in Manitoba shows the success of the province’s Economic Growth Action Plan, which outlines a goal of creating 40,000 jobs in Manitoba over the next four years.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
Yesterday was the annual Heritage Days Fair at the Dauphin Marketplace Mall.
The fair had displays from various organizations showcasing the history of Dauphin and surrounding communities.
The fair showcased items such as pioneer tools, toys, and collectibles from organizations including the Fort Dauphin Museum, Dauphin Rail Museum, and Dauphin Family History Group, and much more.
Bert Parsons of the Dauphin Agricultural Heritage Club said that the fair helps people learn about what life was like in the past.
“It’s good for the young children to see the way life used to be years ago. It’s quite a change from today. It’s just nice to be out here and talk to people about our stuff.”
Randal Townsend from Townsend Collection said it’s important to preserve memories and information from the past.
“I think the past has a lot to offer. Everything was simplistic way back then. It was a developing time for communities to grow, and it’s good to have memories and good times.”
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach
Do you go big on Valentine’s day?
That was the question we asked Parklander’s today.
The majority of people that were asked said they don’t think it’s necessary to make a big deal out of valentine’s day.
Eugene from Crane River said “I don’t think there should be one day. I think you should show your love all year round.”
Jerry from Dauphin said “It's not really a big deal. After 53 years being married I’m buying my sweetie some flowers, and tonight we’re going out for supper.”
Julie from Dauphin said “No, I don’t think the big things count. I think the little things count.”
In a recent Gains’ giant poll on Facebook, 90% out of 80 votes say they don’t like to make a big deal out Valentine’s Day.
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach
With protests of the Coastal GasLink pipeline in B.C. taking place across the country, Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister says he is open to talking about a pipeline to Churchill.
The notion comes seven years after the NDP government of the time said no to the idea of shipping oil by rail to Churchill.
“The previous NDP government dismissed the very idea of shipping oil products out of Churchill out of hand, without even looking at it,” said Pallister. “We’re very, very big on northern development and I’m very, very committed to working in partnership with affected people in northern Manitoba-including First Nations and Métis people- to make sure that we find great job opportunities and economic development opportunities for northern communities.”
Many politicians have pushed for a Churchill pipeline to try and get oil form Alberta and Saskatchewan onto tankers bound for international markets.
As it stands right now there is no company proposing to build the pipeline.
When a proposal was made to ship oil to Churchill by rail in 2013, the Manitoba government opposed the plan over fears of a potential spill devastating the environment, and in turn tourism to the region.
Many opponents have also said that the boggy terrain of the area would cause stress to the pipeline due to the subarctic ground heaving and shifting.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
At the 2020 CropConnect Conference in Winnipeg, Federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau announced new funding for projects that will help the grain industry in Canada.
The Canada Grains Council will receive $1.2 million from the federal government to help manage risk and improve public trust. $430,000 will go towards developing a pilot insurance product for grain exporters to address the risks they face in regards to having shipments rejected at foreign borders.
The government said it wants to ensure that grain farmers are protected against the uncertainty of the global market. This project will help the government on its way to accomplishing its goal of achieving $75 billion in annual exports by 2025.
The CGC will also receive $789,558 to develop a Code of Practice for the production of grains. The new codes will be voluntary and led by farmers, and they will help farmers lay out the best practices to follow to be considered sustainable.
The Government of Canada says it knows how important grain farmers are to the national economy and rural communities, and they will continue to work on their goal to support farmers and grow the ag sector in Canada.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
At this week’s city council meeting, it was discussed what to do now and in the coming days in regards to the province’s announcement to close the Dauphin Correctional Centre.
The decision was made for the city to continue its efforts from two angles.
The city will continue to fight to keep the 80 jobs in the Parkland.
Dauphin will continue to join neighbouring communities to lobby the province, and on Monday’s meeting, a resolution was passed to ask the province to amend the timeline of the closure and to participate in consultations for the development of a new rehabilitation facility in the area.
Parkland municipalities are meeting today to continue their efforts to work together to bring about these changes.
Dauphin will also continue with efforts on economic development projects and seek special help from the province for support and incentives to bring in new commercial and industrial opportunities.
Council says it’s their responsibility to continue to fight the province on the decision to close the jail without a joint announcement to open another facility. But adds that it’s also their responsibility to expand economic development prospects and create employment opportunities.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
This year's Louis Riel Day is being celebrated with a variety of events in Dauphin and the surrounding areas.
Tomorrow there will be activities at the Kinosota community centre starting at 10am including a pancake breakfast, sleigh rides, and a silent auction.
There will also be live music as well as bannock and stew at the McCreary Community Centre starting at 5pm.
Sunday there is a supper and entertainment at the Ste. Rose Community Centre starting at 4:30.
Monday is the Fort Dauphin Museum’s celebration with live music, bannock, wagon rides, snow taffy, and more.
Vice President of the Dauphin Northwest Metis Office and the MMF Frances Chartrand says the events that are held allow the Metis to share their history and their culture.
“It teaches people about our history and our rich Metis culture and our traditions and our language. So now we will be able to embrace our culture and our history and be able to share it with everyone throughout the province of Manitoba and the region.”
MMF president David Chartrand encourages all people who live in the province to celebrate.
“On behalf of the Metis government and the Metis families and the Metis citizens we want to express a day of celebration for all citizens, not just Metis people from all nationalities. From our perspective we want everyone to have the chance to reflect and one of the pivotal that we’ve always stood for as a Metis nation is family.”
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- Contributed by Tess Kovach
The province has announced that all weekend long, including Monday’s Louis Riel Day, anglers won’t need a licence to fish.
The free fishing will apply everywhere except in national parks where a federal licence is still required.
Agriculture and Resource Development Minister Blaine Pedersen says the province encourages all Manitobans and visiting anglers to take advantage of our amazing fisheries free of charge.
Conservation limits still apply to those fishing without a licence.
The province wants anglers to be sure conditions are safe before venturing onto the ice, adding that it’s important to let someone know where you are fishing and to wear appropriate clothing so the ice-fishing experience will be enjoyable.
As well as the free fishing this weekend, there is free park entry for the month of February in provincial parks.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak