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Manitoba RCMP's Holiday Checkstop Program officially began on December 1st.

So far, 28 people have been charged with Impaired Driving. The highest blood-alcohol reading reported was .27 which is 3.5 times the legal limit. There were also 8 alcohol or drug-related tiered administrative roadside suspensions, 9 people charged with improper storage of alcohol of cannabis, 10 people ticketed for using a hand-held electronic device while driving, and 4 people were ticketed for not wearing a seatbelt.

There was also a traffic-related fatality in Fisher Branch, and another in Swan River. Both collisions are still under investigation.

Manitoba RCMP say to date this year, 80 people have died, and another 189 people seriously injured in vehicle collisions in their jurisdiction. Impaired driving is a factor in approximately a third of those collisions.

The Selo Ukraina Centre received funding to help replace the floor in the Pavilion, otherwise known as the Mini Mall during Countryfest.

They are receiving just over $9,500 through the province’s Community Support Small Grants Program.

“What we’re doing is taking out the old plywood and replacing the material with crushed limestone, compacted and levelled. Covered with a layer of indoor/outdoor carpeting. So it’ll be nice and clean and most of all safe for all the vendors and visitors.”

Jim Perchaluk says the building is 30 plus years old with wood construction and overall everything is deteriorating to the point where they need to fix things up so they can continue using the building.

“The flooring was all original plywood, just built on the ground. So its deteriorated to the point where it’s not level anymore.”

Currently, in Grandview, the Grandview Legion is putting on the Best Decorated Home Contest.

Barry Bailey, president of the Grandview Legion, says this is a way to give back to the community.

Every house is automatically judged if they have Christmas decorations.

Prizes will be given out to the top 3 homes.

The judges change every year. Mostly they like to choose a house that looks original where everything goes together well, instead of a house that just puts up as many lights as possible.

The winners will be decided sometime before Christmas.

In the past three weeks Academy Video, Gloria Gayles, and Pass the Pop have all been broken into.

There is nothing indicating a connection between the three break-ins.

Charges are pending to a 24-year-old male for the incident that happened at Academy Video.

At Academy Video the windows were smashed by paving stones that were thrown through the windows, bars behind the windows keeping the suspect out.

The other two break-ins are still under investigation.

At Gloria Gayles, the thick pane display window was smashed and dress shoes, bracelets, neckless sets, and evening bags were also stolen.

Finally, at Pass the Pop, the front door window was smashed and the cash register was the only thing that got stolen, inside the cash register was some pocket change and some papers that he needs. 

Thanks to a number of different grant programs offered by the provincial government; a variety of community projects in the Parkland have received funding.

Dauphin Recreation Services received $17,572 to replace their tables. The Gilbert Plains Recreation Commission got $1,000 for First-aid training supplies. As well, the Selo Ukraina Folk Art Centre and Museum Inc. was given $9,540 to upgrade the pavilion floor, and the town of Minnedosa received $7,750 for a zoning by-law review.

For information on the grant programs available, click here.

The Dauphin Fire Department is ordering a new fire truck. 

The one it’ll be replacing is 20 years old, and is starting to show its age.

“The current one is a 1998 and although it doesn’t sound that old, it showing its age with the amount of miles that its put on. This is the truck that responds to every single vehicle accident and every single structure fire regardless of it being within the city of the RM. It’s also a mobile command unit, so its been used in large-scale incidents throughout the Parkland when going out to mutual aid calls.”

Cam Abrey says over the past year they figured out what the current needs for the truck are.

“Now our needs have changed, and our service delivery is changed. Where those neighbouring departments have bought their own equipment, and they’ve taken the training for their own firefighters in order to serve their citizens. We’ve downsized the truck. So rather than it carrying eight firefighters and all the equipment that it has on it, such as a mobile air bottle fill station for the FCBA bottles, we’ve gotten rid of some of that equipment and reduced our maintenance costs associated with that as well.”

The replacement is part of the City of Dauphin’s Equipment reserve’s 15-year capital replacement plan.

The new truck is expected to arrive in the late fall, around October or November.

“A lot of that is based on the fact that the cabin chassis, although it is a commercial cabin chassis, it’s going to be built on a Freightliner. These aren’t vehicles that are sitting on a dealership lot anywhere. So when the order is placed, than Freightliner, which this one will be, starts the manufacturing of the cabin chassis. Takes a few months for that to happen and be delivered to Winnipeg, where it’s going to be constructed by Fort Garry Fire Trucks.”

Boxes of Love will not be going back to Ukraine anymore.

They had to come to the decision of ceasing operations in Ukraine because the orphanage they send supplies to has been transformed into hospice care for kids, all the kids will be transferred into foster care.

Nicole Yunker is encouraging people to keep donating locally and internationally, she recommends donating to the Parkland Crossing’s clothing giveaway.

Yunker wants to express how thankful Boxes of Love is for everyone’s help over the past 10 years.

A house fire north of Inglis claimed the life of a  29-year-old.

On Sunday at 12:45 in the morning RCMP received a report of a house fire 10 km north of the community.

Two males aged 74 and 43 had safely escaped the home but told emergency personnel that a 29-year-old man was unaccounted for and was believed to be in the garage which was fully engulfed in flames.

When the fire was completely put out, the body of the 29-year-old was found in the garage.

The fire and death appear to be non-criminal in nature.

In the new year, Dauphin City Council members will be getting raises to their monthly indemnities.

The mayor will now be paid 2,581 dollars monthly, the deputy mayor will be paid 1,176 dollars and the councillors will receive 1,023 dollars every month.

Council members can also receive 28 dollars an hour for attending local board and committee meetings. They can receive a maximum of 140 dollars for attending those meetings.

4-H Canada is getting a boost from Farm Credit Canada.

F-C-C is providing nearly 115-thousand dollars to 233 clubs across the country as part of its 4-H Club Fund.

The fund is part of Farm Credit Canada's 250-thousand-dollar annual commitment towards 4-H Canada.

Grandview 4-H Variety Club, Russell Happy Helpers, Lundar 4-H Beef Club, and Spruce Creek 4-H Club are some of the groups that received money.

Awards of up to 500 dollars will support projects including achievement days, skill-building workshops, field trips, public speaking competitions, and the purchase of club supplies.

The provincial government has launched public consultations on a draft regulation expected to streamline approvals for drainage projects.

The government is looking for feedback on regulatory changes aimed at making approvals for lower-impact drainage projects faster.

“So we’re acting on a long-standing request from the Association of Manitoba Municipalities and many, many landowners throughout Manitoba to streamline the process so that we can have small minor drainage work approved and allowing that work to commence as soon as possible. As well as having a no net loss wetlands policy in place so that different categories for works that involve wetland.”

Sustainable Development Minister Rochelle Squires says it will streamline the approval process and allow a better water management strategy that will promote sustainable agriculture in Manitoba.

For more information on how to voice your opinion, visit

The deadline for feedback is Jan. 19, 2019. Submissions can be sent by email to or mailed to:
Attention: Drainage Consultation
Manitoba Sustainable Development
Box 16 – 200 Saulteaux Cres.
Winnipeg, MB R3J 3W3