Manitoba RCMP's Holiday Checkstop Program officially began on December 1st.
So far, 28 people have been charged with Impaired Driving. The highest blood-alcohol reading reported was .27 which is 3.5 times the legal limit. There were also 8 alcohol or drug-related tiered administrative roadside suspensions, 9 people charged with improper storage of alcohol of cannabis, 10 people ticketed for using a hand-held electronic device while driving, and 4 people were ticketed for not wearing a seatbelt.
There was also a traffic-related fatality in Fisher Branch, and another in Swan River. Both collisions are still under investigation.
Manitoba RCMP say to date this year, 80 people have died, and another 189 people seriously injured in vehicle collisions in their jurisdiction. Impaired driving is a factor in approximately a third of those collisions.