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RCMP were called Wednesday, after a group of hunters found, what they believe are, human bones.

The eight bones were found at Cauchon Lake, southeast of Thompson.

Thompson RCMP, along with the major crime service, forensic identification unit, and chief medical examiner, are investigating.

Driving by Whitmore School, you may have noticed a garden and mural out front.

A few years ago, the staff at Whitmore School had an idea that since they planned to plant trees, they should plant apple trees so the students and community could come by and enjoy the fruit.

The idea blossomed when Whitmore principal, Lesia Jensen moved to the school, heard about the idea, loved it, and kick-started the project by ordering boxes, and dirt.

The community played a big role in contributing seedlings, and Neighbourhood Renewal contributed some flowers and helped fund the mural.

The mural features Whitmore’s slogan, working together to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit. The 7 teachings, love, wisdom, courage, humility, honesty, truth and respect, are also featured on the mural’s tree.

Since the kids take time out of their day after school to do the planting, the kids get to decide what they plant next spring.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

As part of the month, Cancer Care Manitoba’s mobile mammography clinic is visiting the Parkland. The clinic will be in Ste. Rose, McCreary, and Grandview.

The clinic offers mammograms for women ages 50 to 74, the ages where breast cancer is most common.

Laryssa Sawchuk, a health educator with Cancer Care Manitoba says having the mobile clinic has improved accessibility for women in northern communities, and helped detect more early cases of breast cancer.

A mammogram can detect breast cancer 2-3 years before it would become noticeable by a patient or doctor.

Breast cancer is the most diagnosed form of cancer for women in Manitoba. It is projected that in 2019, 850 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, 180 of whom won’t survive.

Women interested in booking an appointment at either the mobile clinic or at Cancer Care’s permanent locations in Winnipeg, Brandon, Thompson, or Winkler, can call 1-855-95C-HECK.

For more information on the Breastcheck program, and the mobile mammography clinic go to the Cancer Care Manitoba website.

The Ste. Rose Hospital is celebrating 80 years in the community today.

The day will start with a mass at the Ste. Rose De Lima Church at 11 am. Then the festivities move over to the Ste. Rose Community Hall for a formal program.

The formal program will include an unveiling of a plaque that celebrates the 80th anniversary, a video presentation, and displays of medical equipment that used to be in the hospital.

Michelle Quennelle, the Executive Director of the Ste. Rose Health Centre says the hospital means a lot to the community.

“The hospital here has been a pillar in the Ste. Rose community, serving not only the community of Ste. Rose, but all of the surrounding areas including several First Nations communities to the East and North of Ste. Rose,” said Quennelle “It has been here for the community when there has been a need for health care. It is just so important to this community here in Ste. Rose.”

The formal event at the Community Hall starts at 1:30 pm.

Brian Pallister has announced the start of the Manitoba Works plan, with the goal of creating new private-sector job opportunities.

To create the 40,000 jobs, the province will focus on improving investment in the province so existing companies can expand, attracting new investment, fast-tracking the development of Manitoba’s skills, talent, and knowledge strategy to accelerate talent acquisition and business expansion, and using a targeted new trade strategy to expand export markets.

In a press release, Pallister says Manitoba led the country in private sector investment growth.

“We’re going to build on this momentum by opening up new markets, creating more opportunities and expanding economic prosperity in our province.”

Pallister adds the province will build on their success building a better environment for economic growth and job creation, which includes lowering the PST to seven per cent from eight per cent, moving toward balanced budgets through responsible deficit reduction and reducing the total number of regulatory requirements across government by almost 80,000 since 2016.  

A disease leading to the death of bats called "white-nose syndrome" has been found in Riding Mountain National Park.

Shannon Landels, resource management officer with RMNP, says white-nose syndrome is a fungal disease responsible for the deaths of millions of bats.

The fungus grows around the bat’s nose, mouth, and wings, disrupting them during hibernation, causing them to burn their fat reserves, and leading to starvation.

White-nose syndrome isn’t a threat to humans, however, Parks Canada recommends not touching bats due to other diseases they could have.

Landels says it’s a cause for concern because of how vital bats are.

“They play a very important role in our ecosystem, both as pollinators and as insect eaters. Some bats actually can devour up to half their weight in insects during a single nighttime feeding. The impact on bats is what the cause for concern is.”

Landels says to report any sightings of dead, sick, or injured bats to Parks Canada by calling (204) 848-7275.

A new $94-million oat processing facility is being built just outside Winnipeg thanks to tax incentives from the province.

President of Paterson Globalfoods, Andrew Paterson announced the construction of the mill, to be known as O Foods Ltd., which will begin this winter in the RM of Rosser.

When completed, the mill will process up to 250,000 metric tonnes of oats, which will provide producers with another outlet for their crops.

Premier Brian Pallister spoke at the announcement and said that the province is supporting the company’s move through tax-increment financing, a funding method that uses future tax revenue to stimulate development. He added that investment into an agricultural project like this is also an investment in the province.

“When Manitoba has a good farm year, then Manitoba has a good year,” said Pallister. “What’s good for the farmer is good for the province of Manitoba.”

Paterson said that the company approached the province about the tax agreement to try and keep it in the province instead of building it at the company’s other plant in North Dakota.

Premier Pallister said the new oat processing plant would create 70 jobs and would mean that people wouldn’t need to leave to find work.

Kirk Nyquist has been a nurse for almost 40 years, but now he’s set to embark on a whole new adventure.

Starting Friday, Nyquist will be taking off to Ethiopia to work at the Fitche Hospital to try and help them build stronger health systems.

Nyquist is volunteering with Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief, who undertake several projects in Ethiopia, Malawi, and Tanzania.

Nyquist found out about the opportunity through a former colleague, who now serves on CPAR's advisory committee. After an interview process, Nyquist was selected to go.

“This is something that I’ve dreamt of doing since I’ve been nursing,” said Nyquist. “One of the things that attracted me to nursing was international travel as a nurse. What I’m excited about doing, is the fact that I’m doing some international travel as a nurse. Working in a different jurisdiction, in a different system, in a different country, I’ve never done that before so that in itself is what I’m excited about.”

Nyquist says that the trip will serve as rest, as it’s a change of environment and pace.

Anyone interested in the project can go to CPAR’s website.

Several police officers are said to be among at least 4 fatalities in a knife attack that occured at a police station in Paris, France today.

The attacker, who was armed with a ceramic knife which allowed him to get past metal detectors, was shot dead by police. The individual was also a longtime police employee.

The attacker's motive is still unknown.

The full list of MP candidates for the federal election has been finalized. The Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa riding has a tie for the most ever candidates from this constituency with 6.

The PPC candidate is Frank Godon, the Christian Heritage Party candidate is Jenni Johnson, the NDP candidate is Laverne Lewycky, the Conservative Party candidate is Dan Mazier, the Liberal Party candidate is Cathy Scofield-Singh, and the Green Party candidate is Kate Storey

Advance polls for the election open up next weekend, Friday the 11th to Monday the 14th from 9 am to 9 pm.

In Dauphin, you'll be able to vote at the Dauphin First United Church at 37, 3rd Ave NW.

The federal election takes place, October 21st.

Hundreds of concerned producers gathered at the Ste. Rose Community Hall to discuss the new changes regarding crown land leases.

The government of Manitoba introduced new changes to crown land leases, effective as of October 1st. Some of those changes include: all new leases are 15 years long and non-renewable, allocations of new leases will be determined by auction results, and rental rates are to be based on cattle prices. The rental rate system will result in producers paying, in some cases, more than double the amount they are paying now.

Another change is that ranchers have to pay their total amount of rent owed within thirty days, otherwise their leases could be considered void.

After hearing these changes, the producers in the room became very emotional. Some producers voiced their concerns that the farms that their families have worked for generations could be lost easily.

Others shared the struggle that young farmers and newly re-located producers face in trying to start an operation on the guarantee of only 15 years.

In the room of nearly 400 producers, were some delegates from Manitoba Beef Producers, including General Manager Carson Callum. Callum stressed that ranchers were not alone in their opposition to the changes; he added that MBP had met with Ag Minister Ralph Eichler that morning.

In that meeting, MBP proposed the government give current leaseholders the first right to refuse, meaning that if they maintained the conditions of the lease, and they wanted to continue using the land, they would have the choice to do so.

Ideas of how to fight the changes bounced around the room, ranging from picketing at the legislative building to pursuing legal action.

Producers that doubled as nurses, bankers, and real estate agents all shared their concerns that producers losing the use of crown lands, would result in economic disaster for communities that rely on farmers. They stressed that without farmers, hospitals and schools would shut down.

One of the most immediate courses of action the group took was the signing of a petition.

Most of the leased agricultural crown land is in the Parkland.