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Driving by Whitmore School, you may have noticed a garden and mural out front.

A few years ago, the staff at Whitmore School had an idea that since they planned to plant trees, they should plant apple trees so the students and community could come by and enjoy the fruit.

The idea blossomed when Whitmore principal, Lesia Jensen moved to the school, heard about the idea, loved it, and kick-started the project by ordering boxes, and dirt.

The community played a big role in contributing seedlings, and Neighbourhood Renewal contributed some flowers and helped fund the mural.

The mural features Whitmore’s slogan, working together to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit. The 7 teachings, love, wisdom, courage, humility, honesty, truth and respect, are also featured on the mural’s tree.

Since the kids take time out of their day after school to do the planting, the kids get to decide what they plant next spring.