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Mayor Dowhan has been elected by acclamation and will remain mayor for the next four years.

The election date for the remaining six city council positions is set for October 24th.

The names of those running for city council will be revealed tomorrow at 1 pm.

Stay tuned to 730 CKDM for updates.

Cannabis will be legalized on October 17th.

The legal age to purchase and consume marijuana in Manitoba is 19, and you can expect to show a valid ID if you want to purchase it.

Any marijuana product purchased must be from an LGCA licensed retailer.

Cannabis cannot be homegrown, sold without authorization or bought for a minor. Fines can be as high as 2,542 dollars.

Marijuana can only be consumed in a private place, smoking in a provincial park or campsite will result in a 672 dollar fine. If driving in a vehicle, cannabis cannot be accessible by anyone in the vehicle.

There aren't any confirmed locations in Dauphin that will sell Marijuana.

At the start of the month, Tom Teichroeb became the president of the Manitoba Beef Producers.

Only a couple weeks into his presidency, Teichroeb has identified this year’s dry weather as being one problem for the members. As well, a long-term goal of his is getting more youth involved in the industry.

After Ben Fox stepped down as President, Teichroeb became the interim president before he got the interim tag removed.

Manitoba Beef Producers are the voice of beef producers, and they go out and speak on behalf of beef producers in Manitoba.

He is quite experienced having been a second vice and vice president with the Manitoba Beef Producers during the past 5 years.

Check out this infographic we created to help you learn about cannabis legalization in Manitoba:

Cannabis Legalization Infographic (5).png

Last year recycling was made mandatory by the city of Dauphin, taking a large number of items out of the landfill.

The amount of recycling this year has gone up compared to last year by 3.9 per cent.

Several hundreds of tonnes of recycling get recycled each month in Dauphin.

Currently, there are no incentives in the works to encourage more people to recycle.

Open Farm Day took place across the province yesterday.

The rain affected how many people took part in the day.

Manitoba Association of Agriculture Society is still pleased how the day went despite the lower attendance numbers.

One thing that people who took part in Open Farm day really enjoyed was seeing Rural Manitoba and farm animals.

For next year, Wendy Bulloch, MAAS Open Farm Day Coordinator, hopes to get the word out even more about Open Farm Day for their 10th anniversary.

The search for 6-year-old Emma O'Keeffe is over. She was found safely within the city of North Battleford, Saskatchewan, at around 7:45 this morning and is now receiving medical attention.

The RCMP wish to thank the public for their assistance in the matter. Further updates will be provided as they become available this morning.

The open-air fire ban for the municipality of Roblin has been lifted. Town officials would like to thank the public for their patience during the ban.

They would also like to remind residents that open-air fires for stubble, brush, crop residue, and grass fires still require a burning permit from the municipal office. There is no cost for the permit.

Anyone who may have questions can contact the municipal office in Roblin at 204-937-8333.

A province-wide AMBER alert has been issued as of just after midnight. RCMP are looking for 6-year-old Emma O'Keeffe, who is believed to have been abducted at a strip mall in North Battleford, Saskatchewan.

The suspect is believed to be in a 2010 Mercedes Benz GL350 Bluetec SUV with Saskatchewan license plate 897 HMX. It's unknown where the suspect is headed at this time. Police also do not have a description of the suspect at this time.

Emma suffers from epilepsy and autism, and is non-verbal and unable to walk. She also requires medication every 12 hours. She is 3'6", weighs 44 pounds, and has brown, jaw-length hair. She was last seen wearing a navy-blue long sleeve t-shirt, black jeans, pink socks, no shoes, and a diaper.

Anyone with information is asked to call 911, their local emergency number, or 1-877-762-6237.

missing emma okeefe.jpg

This morning at around 9 o’clock in the Dauphin area there was some heavy rain, thunder and even hail. 

Although hail season is typically June to September in the prairie provinces, mid September hail doesn’t happen very often. 

Open Farm Day is tomorrow.

It’s a good way to ask professionals about the farming industry and for seeing how things work on the farm.

Wendy Bulloch, MAAS Open Farm Day Coordinator, says host sites take part in Open Farm Day out of the goodness in their hearts and their belief in the industry.

There are a few host sites to the west of Dauphin, past Grand view and in between Roblin and Russel.

To look at all the locations of host sites you can check out