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A handful of provincial government ministers say the province is "as ready as it's going to be" for when marijuana becomes legal next Wednesday. 

Provincial Health Minister Cameron Friesen said they warned the federal government that they were rushing things, but nevertheless, we have to get ready.

The province noted that when it comes to pot-screening devices, the federal government took too long to provide clarity, and funding. In August, the Drager DrugTest 5000 was approved as a pot-screening device for police officers. However; the manufacturer only has 500 available, and Manitoba could only secure 21 of them by the end of the 2018-19 fiscal year. Provinicial Justice Minister Cliff Cullen says despite this, Manitoba's police forces are prepared.

In anticipation of legal marijuana; the provincial government has implemented a new impairment policy that states government employees must not smell of alcohol or cannabis while on the job.

Water, dust, development, and providing services were some of the topics covered at the RM of Dauphin election forum. 

Water service to rural residents was one of the main topics covered. The development of the rural water service is something the candidates touted as an achievement of the last council. Dennis Forbes says he hopes to see more lines in the next year.

Jack Bremner said that having the services lines increases land values. He also said that water service is key to attracting more residents and businesses to the area. 

Forbes also said it was a business decision to work with Gilbert Plains for water service instead of the City of Dauphin, because the system flows downhill and the cost was cheaper than other options; which allowed them to connect more customers.

On the topic of dust control, some candidates said they would consider looking into control measures. They said they would look into the feasibility of bringing the service back. David Johnston said he wants to look into creating a policy of grading roads around when product is put down; while other candidates like Midge Sametz said it was a double-edged sword where they should look to apply it to only certain areas because of the high cost.

Jack Bremner said a new coating on a gravel road South of Dauphin looks promising; but still requires further study to see if they can apply it to other roads.

Working with the City of Dauphin, and devlopment were topics all candidates agreed on. Incumbent candidates spoke about the troubled relationship between the City and the RM. However, all look to improve it. Tom Gibb remarked that with new leadership on both side, including new CAOs, they can start fresh. Bremner followed that up by saying everything is better together; when one strives, the other does too.

The candidates agreed that council needs to be proactive in bringing businesses to the community. Midge Sametz suggested using the economic development officer to recruit business. Jack Bremner and Dennis Forbes talked about how a comprehensive development plan is in the works. The airport was frequently mentioned as a location for more development. Bremner mentioned developing around the bypass. Forbes said he wants to see development in concentrated areas so that the agriculture industry isn't working around the new development.

Stress can build when harvest goes the way it has.

The Manitoba Farm, Rural & Northern Support Services provides farmers, those living in rural areas and those living in northern communities the opportunity to talk with someone who understands what they are going through.

Janet Smith, the manager of the service talks about the kinds of calls they have been receiving recently.

“We’re certainly hearing from folks concerned about bills coming in and not being able to get the grain in the bins and all the spin-offs of financial stress and the impact that it have on your own wellbeing. Lots of anxiety, stress, and relationship problems. People find themselves having difficulty sleeping and just different kinds of ways stress impacts our behaviour and our relationships with others.”

She talks about why farmers can open up to the people on the other end.

“The folks that they are going to be talking to have farming backgrounds. So, they will have an understanding of what some of the issues that they are experiencing. It’s also a free service, it’s confidential, so your name is not going to be shared, and they can speak really freely about anything that’s going on in their lives.”

If you need to talk with someone about the stresses in your life you can call the toll free number at 1-866-367-3276.

 Today is World Mental Health Day.

Laverne Lewycky is running for Dauphin City Council.

He’s running for council because he thinks it’s the best way for him to give back to the community.

He has nine portfolios set up with issues that different kinds of people are facing.

His platform is to create a way for everyone to be able to live a full life in Dauphin without moving away.

If you want to know more about Lewycky he will be at the election forum and he will be going door to door.

The election is on October 24th.

Gypsumville RCMP are asking for the public's help in finding 14-year-old Ethan Sage Pottery, who was last seen by his Grandmother at 6 in the evening on Monday, October 1st in Winnipeg while visiting other family.

Pottery is described as 5'4", 150 pounds, with brown eyes and short, dark brown hair. He was last seen wearing a black zip-up sweater with red stripes, black pants, and black runners.

The RCMP ask that anyone with information please call the Gypsumville RCMP at 204-659-5224, or call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477. You can also submit a secure tip online at

Flu season is here and now is the best time to get the shot.

Barret Procyshyn, a Pharmacist at Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy, encourages everyone to get it.

“People should get the flu shot because it prevents the flu, and not only does it prevent you from getting the flu but it prevents others from getting the flu. So if you get the flu shot, you have less of a chance of transferring the flu to others.”

He encourages people who are in contact with people who are at high risk of getting sick or if their chronic illness could get worse if they got the flu.

“A lot of young people don’t realize that they can actually get the flu, not have symptoms of influenza but transfer it to other people. That includes loved ones like grandmas and grandpas and young children.”

Forty-six people with lab-confirmed cases of the flu died in Manitoba last winter, the highest number in three years, and another 35 were admitted into intensive care units.

In total, there were 505 hospitalizations because of the flu last season across the province.

A record number of people received flu vaccines last winter with more than 320,000 doses given, that’s 22.5 percent of Manitobans.

You can go to your local pharmacy to get a flu shot for free any day or attend a free flu clinic in Dauphin on Friday, October 26th, November, 5th, 8th, or 9th.

The provincial government has made amendments to the Non-Smokers Health Protection and Vapour Product Act to allow the smoking of medical cannabis in some public places.

Medical cannabis users will be permitted to smoke or vape medical cannabis in outdoor public places, except for:

•    within eight metres of a building to which the public has access;
•    on (or within eight metres of) a restaurant or bar patio or deck;
•    at a stadium or outdoor entertainment venue, or within eight metres of those venues;
•    in a wading pool, splash pad or water park, or within eight metres of those locations;
•    in or within eight metres of a playground;
•    on a public beach; and
•    in bus shacks or other similar structures to which the public has access, or within eight metres of such structures.

You have the opportunity to learn how to bake bread and get support from the community at Parkland Crossing in Dauphin.

Free Bread and Jam Breakfast is taking place every Wednesday from 10 till 12 in the morning at the Parkland Crossing Multipurpose Room.

Jamie Harvey, the administrator for Parkland Crossing, talks about the goals for this program.

“It will meet a couple of goals. One is to feed people. It will create a social environment for people to get out and have contact with others and engage in social situations. And the third goal, which is probably the most important one is we want to be able to teach people how to bake bread.”

Harvey says they are going to start with simple recipes and help people help themselves with this skill-building opportunity.

The Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council is launching a Labour Market Information survey to examine Canada’s agricultural workforce.

The survey will provide up-to-date labour market information including national, provincial and commodity-specific forecasts of agricultural labour supply and demand to 2029.

The Conference Board of Canada is conducting the survey and is looking for participation from more than 1,000 producers, farm workers and stakeholder organizations.

The short online survey can be found by going the link, and will be open from October 12 to November 30.

The search for Dwayne Lavallee is still going, and now the family has set up a facebook page to help get the word out.

The page is called “Bring Dwayne Lavallee Home" and features updates of the search, messages from the family, and information about Dwayne.

The search continues today. If you want to help you are asked to report to the Ebb and Flow Arena complex to get an update and be assigned a location.

Lavallee is described as six foot 2, and around 200 pounds, with a tattoo of a small cross on his left hand and a tattoo of "can't stop" on his right arm. Anyone with information can call Ste. Rose RCMP at 204-447-2513 or Manitoba Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

The Dauphin and District Chamber of Commerce is holding their first election forum tomorrow.

It's your chance to hear RM of Dauphin council hopefuls in person.

Chamber Executive Director Stephen Chychota, explains why they are holding this forum.

“We want to have an opportunity for candidates to address the residents and the businesses that they are going to be serving and then vice versa. We’re also accepting questions from the public. We’re going to do our best to get through as many questions as we possibly can at the forums so that everyone has the opportunity to hear many different platforms from all the candidates.”

He says the format for the evening only includes prepared questions.

“We found that with past events that we’ve done that this format works pretty well. We want to stay away from a single candidate or few candidates getting singled out. We want everyone to have an opportunity to speak on matters. And we want to keep everything very fair and not have harassment or anything vulgar come up on the microphone.”

You can send in your own questions for the candidates by going to city hall or by going online to the chamber website.

The RM forum takes place tomorrow at 7 in the evening at the Lion’s Den in the Rec Centre.

A forum for the city council hopefuls is taking place next Tuesday.