On July 22, 2021, at approximately 8:30 pm, Swan River RCMP reported a suspicious male wandering in the back lane of 12th Avenue South in Swan River, Manitoba.
Officers then approached the male, where a large sword was seen under the suspect’s coat. The male was told to drop the weapon, which he did.
The suspect was then informed he was under arrest, but he took off on foot.
The officers secured the sword and initiated a pursuit of the suspect. They subsequently caught the suspect and placed him under arrest.
As the arrest was occurring, an officer was injured and suffered a broken bone.
The 43-year-old male suspect from Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation was taken to hospital as he complained of medical issues unrelated to the arrest or interaction with police. He was released from the hospital and is facing charges of Carrying a Concealed Weapon and Resisting Arrest.
The investigation, in this case is ongoing.
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- Contributed by Noah Fuchs
We’re expecting some warm temperatures this weekend, which means it’s important to think about being safe while on the water.
It’s also National Drowning Prevention Week, so Lifesaving Society Manitoba released their drowning report, which summarized the most recent data on water-related fatalities.
The report says 77 percent of drowning victims are male, 38 percent of water-related fatalities occur while swimming, eight percent canoeing, and six percent powerboating.
Lifesaving Society Manitoba Executive Director Stacey Grocholski says 400 people fatally drown annually in Canada making it the second leading cause of unintentional death for children and the third leading cause of unintentional death for adults.
She adds that 16 percent of those who drown while swimming are alone when it happens.
“What we recommend is that if you’re swimming especially in waters that are uncontrolled or you’re not sure of, that you have a buddy.”
She also recommends wearing a life jacket if you’re not a strong swimmer.
To help reduce drowning, Lifesaving Society Manitoba recommends taking the Lifesaving Society Swim to Survive Standard and participating in a learn-to-swim program, wearing a properly fitted lifejacket when out on a boat, and refraining from drinking alcoholic beverages while participating in aquatic activities.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson
Some exciting news for local movie lovers today as Dauphins Countryfest Community Cinema is set to reopen after being closed for 15 of the last 19 months.
General Manager of the Countryfest Community Cinema, Ron Suchoplas, spoke to CKDM about the reopening and the impact COVID-19 has left on the theatre,
"I don't know if it's like a reopening or kind of like our first opening. Some of the things we're doing now is kind of deja vu of when we first opened ten years ago. Getting things ready, because of COVID we've had to lay off our staff twice so basically we've got pretty well all new staff. and you know, get the theatre back in shape again and everything ready to welcome guests."
Suchoplas emphasized the public health guidelines the theatre will follow upon reopening,
"There's going to going to be some new guidelines for us reopening this time around versus last year. Everyone has to be double vaccinated plus their two weeks, so we will have to verify that as people come to our building. Anyone from 0-11 they can come with an adult that has been fully immunized. We are still complying with the six-foot rule. Anybody moving around our building will still have to be required to wear a mask, but as soon as they sit down and enjoy the show and eat their snacks, they are welcome to take their masks off."
Space Jam: A New Legacy will kick off the theatres reopening at 3:30 pm. Other feature films you can look forward to on opening night are; Black Widow, Snake Eyes and F9.
Get your popcorn ready!
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- Contributed by Noah Fuchs
The Drought-like conditions that continue across the province have left most producers desperate for help from both the provincial and federal governments.
Today it was announced by Agri-Food Canada Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau and Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development Minister Ralph Eichler that relief with multiple initiatives is coming.
The first of these initiatives, available through Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation’s will be the Hay Disaster Benefit.
This program will provide an additional $44 per metric ton to insured feed producers to help offset the additional cost of replacement feed and transportation due to the severe shortage of feed throughout the province.
“Our government is working around the clock with the province to help farm families coping with extreme weather conditions exacerbated by climate change. The support through the Hay Disaster Benefit is one way we are helping Manitoba producers, who are under tremendous stress, to get through this crisis and toward a sustainable future,” said Bibeau
This benefit was last triggered in 2019 when over $5 million was paid out on close to 1,200 claims. Typically, the determination of payments for this benefit would not be made until January, once most claims and harvested production report data were processed.
Eichler explains why that isn't the case this year;
“With pastures drying up and minimal sources of feed for livestock, it’s important to give producers the resources they need to secure feed to maintain their herds. All livestock producers play a critical role in our food supply and provincial economy, we’re proud to support them with early release of this benefit.”
Discussions have also begun to speed up the AgriRecovery Assessment process's completion and to implement a Livestock Tax Deferral to assist impacted livestock producers.
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- Contributed by Noah Fuchs
Manitoba Justice Minister, Cameron Friesen, announced the funding for the Brandon Sobering Centre, which he said will provide a 24-7 short-term recovery space where intoxicated people can stay while sobering up.
"Sobering centres offer an effective alternative to police and hospital-based responses to public intoxication while keeping Manitobans safe. The Brandon sobering centre will provide a safe setting for individuals needing short-term recovery and support our government's commitment to improving the health and wellness of all Manitobans."
The centre will allow a safe and secure environment for non-violent, publically intoxicated individuals to stay while the effects of drugs and or alcohol wear off.
The Brandon Police Services say they respond to over 1,000 calls annually where drugs and alcohol are factors in the episode. These incidents place significant weight on the healthcare and justice systems that the sobering centre will help with reducing.
For a more in-depth look at the announcement of Brandon's sobering centre from the province, visit the news release here.
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- Contributed by Noah Fuchs
A Winnipeg man who was arrested last month for alleged violations of Manitoba's public health orders has once again been charged, this time with breaking a condition of his release.
39-year-old, Patrick Allard, is accused of organizing people online to meet and block the roads into IG Field before the Winnipeg Blue Bombers' home opener, a game only fully vaccinated people can attend.
He was previously charged for allegedly participating in two Winnipeg anti-mask gatherings.
The Winnipeg Blue Bombers home opener is on August 5th versus the Hamilton Tiger-Cats.
730 CKDM is a proud partner of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers Radio Network.
Tune into 730 CKDM to hear every regular season Winnipeg Blue Bombers game.
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The Mossey River Municipality has declared a state of agricultural disaster and requested assistance from the federal and provincial governments last week.
Reeve Ron Kostyshyn says council had a discussion about the challenges that producers are facing in the municipality.
“On behalf of the ratepayers and council, we felt we needed to inform the provincial and federal government of the drought conditions that we’re experiencing, and basically just notifying them that producers are in need of support or additional programming to help them through these troubling times.”
Kostyshyn says they haven’t heard from the provincial or federal government yet.
“The provincial government is in consultation with the federal government I believe, but I think the sooner the better given the circumstances producers are sitting with.”
Kostyshyn hopes the governments get together soon to make an announcement about a plan for producers.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson
The US Department of Homeland Security is limiting non-essential travel restrictions for the US-Canada and the US-Mexico borders until August 21st.
The US restrictions don't apply to cross-border trade, US citizens and lawful permanent residents, as well as people travelling for medical purposes or to attend school.
The Canadian Government announced on Monday that it will open its borders to fully vaccinated American travellers on August 9th, and to full vaccinated travellers from other countries on Sept. 7th.
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In the news conference, Dr. Joss Reimer, the medical lead of Manitoba's vaccine task force, had multiple discussion points.
Reimer says that the longer the virus mutates and spreads among non-vaccinated people, the more likely it is to see more variants of concern. She adds that there could be a variant of COVID-19 where the current vaccines are less effective, meaning we could need another vaccine to better protect against that strain of the virus.
"Canada's Nation Advisory Committee on Immunization and the American equivalent ACIP are still not recommending a third dose for these variants. I will keep you updated on booster shots and third doses, including if and when we might need them. It is possible that this vaccine could become a regular part of life after COVID for all of us."
Dr. Reimer went on to speak of back to school plans for parents and caregivers,
"While we are in the midst of summer now, it is never too early to plan for back to school, for your child to be fully vaccinated for back to school, so that's two weeks after their second dose. They need to get their first shot by next Tuesday, July 27th, which allows for the minimum 28 days between doses and the two weeks following the second dose."
Reimer also mentioned that the province now has enough vaccine supply to meet the demand,
"When we were going through vaccine supply disruptions, and delays and uncertainty, it was important for you to know that having a mixed schedule was safe, effective and recommend at that time. Our priority was ensuring that people were getting protection from the second dose. So the guidance for you is to get the same brand of vaccine for your second dose, whenever possible."
With that said, Dr. Reimer assured that the government doesn't want you to delay your second dose, so it is still a safe and appropriate choice if you have to mix doses for one reason or another.
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- Contributed by Noah Fuchs
There were no serious injuries after a three-vehicle collision this morning just south of Dauphin.
At approximately 8:50, a pickup truck was stopped on Highway 5 waiting to turn onto Provincial Road 109 West when it was struck from behind by an SUV. A second SUV then struck the first SUV from behind.
Three people were transported to Dauphin hospital for treatment.
Charges are not being considered at this time.
There was a two-vehicle collision on Road 109 west and Highway 5, south of Dauphin.
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Because of dry conditions, the Rural Municipality of Alonsa is reinstating its burn ban, effective immediately.
Outdoor fires involving the burning of grass, crop residue, bushes, bush piles, old derelict buildings, and burning barrels are not permitted.
Bonfires in backyards or commercial campsites are permitted as long as they’re in enclosed fire pits covered with a fire mesh and attended at all times. Those having a fire must have a source of water or fire extinguisher close by.
The ban will be in effect until conditions improve.
The RM also declared an agricultural state of disaster last week because of the conditions.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson