Tomorrow the Northwest Metis Council in partnership with the RCMP are holding a Family Violence Initiative Nature Walk event at the Northgate Trails.
Everyone is invited to attend and there will be musical entertainment, a performance by the D Town Jr Steppers, guest speakers including elders from the area as well as an RCMP member along with a scavenger hunt for the kids in attendance with a free lunch and snacks available on site.
The Councils Vice President Frances Chartrand had this to say about the event.
We just want to get information out there regarding the programs and services that are available with the RCMP, Family Violence, the Housing First Program and the Woman Gender-Based Violence Team. We want to get the education out there on what family violence is, what kind of programs and support we have in the Northwest Metis Council and what our partners have to assist in these situations.
The event will run from 12pm-4pm with a shuttle service running from the Metis Community Center at 101 11th Avenue SW in Dauphin starting at 11:30am. It will run every half hour from 11:30-12 and 12:30-1 and all are invited to attend.
You can find more information including a schedule of the events on our Community Calendar here.
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- Contributed by Eric Fawx
The Alzheimer Society of Manitoba is on the lookout for 2 new board members to help guide the organization’s work to support families living with dementia throughout the province.
The Society's CEO Wendy Schettler had this to say about what the board members will do.
Board members of the Alzheimer Society set the vision, they're setting the forward thinking vision for the society. They really are also responsible to make sure the Alzheimer Society is operating in a responsible, fiduciary kind of legal way.
Wendy also spoke about who is eligible to apply for the board positions.
The application is open to all Manitobans and residents who apply should have a connection to the cause and have experience being on a board previously. The board is a policy governance board, not an operational board so they set the policy directions to set the work of the Society for the future.
The deadline for applications is April 22nd and you can find out all the information about the board, the roles with the board as well as how to apply here.
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- Contributed by Eric Fawx
The Town of Swan River held a town hall last night at the Veterans Hall with a panel to discuss the rise in crime in Swan River and the area recently.
There was a panel of experts on hand with representatives from the RCMP, the Swan River Town Council, the Staff Seargent, the Provincial Crown Attorneys Office as well as members of the local COPP.
Derek Poole, the Chief Administrative Officer from the Town of Swan River, had this to say about the result of the town hall and what the primary message last night was.
If there was one message we wanted to get to our business community or the people is to report crime. The RCMP needs the evidence, they need the stats to open up the file, and those files help our stats on a provincial and federal level that we do need the resources. Let the RCMP know and don't let it slide and assume nothings going to happen.
Poole also had this to say about the turnout last night.
We had over 100 people at the hall and averaged around 290 attending virtually so I think it was represented well by the public.
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- Contributed by Eric Fawx
The Canada Revenue Agency has been dealing with a computer glitch that has caused the delay of Old Age Pension as well as Canada Pension Plan tax slips from being sent out as early as normal.
Tere Stykalo from MNP in Dauphin had this to say about the delay and what your tax professionals can do.
If anyone needs to get their tax return filed most of the practitioners can simply upload that information from the Canada Revenue Agency to your tax return. There's no need to worry about them because we can still file your tax return without them.
Tere also spoke about what to do if you are filing from home for yourself or on behalf of a loved one.
CRA is mailing out these slips and they are supposed to be coming within the next week. So just have a little bit of patience and remeber the deadline to file your tax returns is April 30.
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- Contributed by Eric Fawx
Tonight at 7 the Town of Swan River will be hosting a town hall on crime at the Veterans Community Hall.
The hall is located at 119 6th Ave. North in Swan River and the town hall will be open for all to attend in person.
There'll be a panel that'll discuss the rise in crime in the Swan River Valley including representatives from the Swan River Town Council, the Staff Seargent, members of the RCMP, representatives from the provincial Crown Attorneys Office and members of the local COPP. The panel will also take questions from the public who attend in order to help the residents learn more about the crime in the area.
If you would like to watch the meeting you can find the link here.
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- Contributed by Eric Fawx
This morning, Dauphin Co-op made a donation of $11,342.89 to the Canadian Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal. They started accepting donations on March 8th and agreed to match the first $5000 donated.
The Co-op Food Store will continue accepting donations throughout this week. General Manager Lorne Eiffert had this to say about the program.
There are many members in our communities that are truly affected by the current Ukrainian Crisis and the situation, and we are very happy that we are able to support.
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- Contributed by Sam Brownell
The City of Brandon has received about three times more snow this winter than in a usual winter.
City crews have picked up more than 1500 semi-loads of snow which adds up to about 60,000 tonnes, according to the city's director of public works.
According to meteorologist John Sauder, about 50 centimetres would fall in a typical year; however, about 150 centimetres has fallen to date in Brandon. Pam Richardson wth the city says it's the most snow she has seen since she started working for the city.
Locally, we are looking to find out how much snow has fallen in Dauphin.
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- Contributed by Darnell Duff
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- Contributed by Eric Fawx
The Dauphin and District Community Foundation received a donation of $507,088 from the estate of Peter Sklepowich. He left his entire estate to charity, with half going to DDCF, a quarter to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, and the rest going to the Canadian Cancer Society.
DDCF Executive director Kit Daley was amazed when she heard about the donation.
I was so deeply moved that this extremely generous man planned ahead and left his estate to charities. I get emotional about it, even now, because I never had the opportunity to thank him in person, and to let him know what an impact this will have forever.
The money will help DDCF provide an extra $20,000 to the community next year, and that number will keep growing according to Daley.
It was such an incredibly generous gift and it will have a lasting impact.
Jason Beyette of Johnston and Company Law Office is handling the estate, and he talked about why Peter chose the foundation.
He wanted to leave a significant bequest to the DDCF, he enjoyed the part of the foundation that left the principle untouched and only the interest earned off the principle would be distributed in the community, so the gift is everlasting.
Jason will be working closely with the foundation to create fields of interest funds within the foundation. You can learn more about the foundation and what they do in the community here.
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- Contributed by Sam Brownell
Yesterday in Dauphin court 29-year-old Patrick Hines of Dauphin, who was arrested last October on 2 charges of simple possession and 3 charges of fail to comply with an undertaking, had his charges stayed by the Crown Prosecutor.
He was arrested after a search of a home in Dauphin by the R-C-M-P that resulted in the seizure of cocaine, crystal meth, anabolic steroids, illicit pills, firearms, and drug-related paraphernalia.
All items seized were forfeited.
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- Contributed by Eric Fawx
Some of Manitoba's festivals that are returning this year made an announcement this morning in coordination with the Manitoba Government.
The announcement made by several festivals in the province says that these festivals will no longer be requiring a mask or vaccine passport to enter their grounds.
Among the festivals are Dauphin's Countryfest, Canada's National Ukrainian Festival and Rockin the Fields of Minnedosa.
They have all said that if restrictions happen to return prior to their festivals they will adjust accordingly.
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- Contributed by Eric Fawx