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Soil conditions in the Parkland are continuing to improve.

Nicole Clouson, the Farm Production Extension Specialist with Manitoba agriculture in Swan River, says warm weather and drying winds are helping.

“The majority of the snow melt is done. Fields are drying up including the low spots and soil temperatures are warming up.”

 If we get a large amount of rain or snow in the next week, she says it might slow things down, but she expects things to pick up as conditions allow.

“So things are starting to fall into place to get the 2019 seeding started. However, there is some field catch up work to get done that wasn’t done last fall due to the late harvest we had.”

This weekend is supposed to see temperatures reaching highs of 6 and 8. Clouson says in general soil temperatures are warming up, so a couple of days of colder weather should not set things back too far. 

“Seeding into cooler soil temperatures may result in delayed germination, poor emergence, longer emergence, and therefore reduce protection of your seed treatment against pests.”

On the positive side getting the crop in early has the potential for higher yields, it can have better weed competition, and can potentially avoid pest and disease damage.

MASC does have some data that says that the first and the second week of May seems to be the most ideal in terms of crop yield in response to seeding date. Clouson says after the third week in May data shows that there may be a decline in near yield.

Swan River's MLA is calling on the federal government not to impose its carbon tax on Manitoba.

Rick Wowchuk proposed a private member's resolution calling for the federal government to also respect the Progressive Conservative government's Climate and Green Plan.

He said the tax is not in the national interest and is unfair to Manitobans.

In the Legislative Assembly, Wowchuk urged the federal government to respect the investments made in the province.  He pointed to the province's Climate and Green Plan as an example of Manitoba's tradition of investing in renewable energy while encouraging reductions in energy consumption.

He noted that Manitoba has the best green record in the country as well as the new Conservation Trust to protect natural infrastructure.

“The federal government has a patchwork quilt of ad hoc environmental agreements with several provinces, creating different standards in each one,” said Wowchuk. “Our PC government is going to court to challenge Ottawa’s carbon tax, because the federal government can’t impose a carbon tax on a province that has a credible greenhouse gas reduction plan of its own.”

The resolution didn't pass because the opposition used their speaking time to run out the clock and prevent it from going to a vote.

Sunrise Credit Union celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2018.

With 19 branches and about 30 thousand members, Sunrise has grown 81.1%

In 2018, Sunrise reported a net income of 4.6 million dollars, loan growth of 18%, deposit growth of 12%, and total equity of 7.07%.

In addition, total asset growth was 13.6% at just over 137 million dollars.

Sunrise’s total assets have reached 1.15 billion dollars.

They focus on being in the community, their staff volunteered over 7000 hours of their time and corporate contributions passed 300 thousand dollars to various events and organizations in the communities.

Sunrise Credit Union held their AGM yesterday in Grandview.

Manitobans now have to go online to indicate organ and tissue donation wishes.

Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Cameron Friesen is encouraging Manitobans to have life-saving conversations with their families to mark their intent to be organ tissue donors using the online registry.

The province made the change so people don’t have to carry around a card and to make it easier for Manitobans.

The donor cards have been gradually phased out since 2016.

In 2018, a record of 11 400 Manitobans registered online.

The website to register is  

The man who admitted to shooting at two RCMP officers in Onanole last summer has been sentenced to 18 years in prison.

The sentencing hearing for 19-year-old Therae Racette-Bealieu took place this afternoon in a Minnedosa courtroom.

Cpl. Graeme Kingdon was shot on August 29, 2018, when he and another constable were on the scene of a break-in. Kingdon suffered a fractured skull in the shooting.

Racette-Beaulieu was sentenced with 15 years in prison for the attempted murder charge, and 1 and a half years each for breaking, entering, stealing firearms and robbery.

He was 18-years-old at the time. In January he entered guilty pleas to one count of attempted murder, breaking and entering, stealing firearms, and theft of a motor vehicle. He entered the guilty plea earlier this morning in Brandon provincial court. he had no prior convictions in adult court in Manitoba.

The DRCSS is getting set to perform their musical "Freaky Friday."

The musical is based on the Disney movie of the same name.

The biggest difference, teacher Andrew Coombs says, with their version, is they added a whole lot of music.

Students and everyone involved have been getting ready since December. Coombs says they have put in hundreds of hours in just rehearsals.

“They should come and expect to see a high quality, highly polished show. The students have been working very, very hard. It is like a professional level production, I would say. Students are doing a great job. The band sounds really, really good. The music for this show is very entertaining.”

About 40 students are performing and then around 20-25 students who are involved with the band, working hair and makeup, and other backstage jobs.

“It’s a comedy. So come out for some great music and some good laughs. There’s lots of jokes throughout the show, so hopefully, people come out, and they can tap their toe, and they can laugh, and they can have a good nice two hour night out in Dauphin.”

Tickets for each performance are on sale and can be picked up at the school ahead of time or at the door.

There is a performance each night between Wednesday and Saturday.

The Mountain View School Division has announced their new assistant superintendent.

Stephen Jaddock is currently the DRCSS vice principal and is looking forward to moving to the division office.

“I’m just excited, honoured, and humbled to have this position, to be taking it on July 1st.”

He already knows what he wants to do as the assistant superintendent.

“I see a lot of potential and the ability to build on initiatives that have been started in Mountain View School Division already and to expand on those to provide new opportunities for the education of the students we look after in the Mountain View School Division.”

Jaddock has 26 years of MVSD experience with half of that time in elementary schools and the other half in middle and high schools.

“I bring a perspective from both the elementary and middle years and also the high school. I’ve had positions there as a teacher and an administrator in both of those levels. That’s what I bring to the table.”

He's looking most forward to working with the rest of the MVSD team, stakeholders, superintendent and MVSD board because it will be challenging and refreshing.

This week is dedicated to educating the public about the harmful effects invasive species can have on our environment and economy.

The provincial government declared April 22 to the 28th as Invasive Species Awareness Week.

Zebra mussels are one of Manitoba's most concerning aquatic invasive species that have been confirmed in the province.

The province says these small clam-like animals have a huge economic impact to the areas they are found. In a media release, the government says across North America it has cost billions of dollars to control.

They were first reported in Lake Winnipeg in 2013 and DNA evidence has been found in Whirlpool Lake in Riding Mountain National Park.

Adult mussels can attach firmly to surfaces such as watercraft, trailers and water-related equipment like anchors, and larvae which are too small to see without a microscope, can survive in small amounts of water and may be transported by un-drained watercraft and equipment like bait buckets.

Water-users, like boaters and fishers, are reminded to do their part in preventing the spread of the zebra mussels and other aquatic invasive species.

The annual watercraft inspection program will soon be up and running, and provincial staff will be answering questions and handing out information about AIS on Sunday, April 28 at Fort Whyte Alive.

If you are caught not following the Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations it can result in a fine. The fines are in effect year-round and carry a range of penalties ranging from $174 to $2,542.  An example the media release gives is the set fine for an individual failing to remove drain plugs while transporting watercraft over land is $237.

“This week is a step toward making sure all Manitobans are aware of how invasive species affect our environment and what we can do to make sure our environment is healthy for generations to come.,” said Sustainable Development Minister Rochelle Squires.

Yesterday, Mountain View School Division announced the appointment of a new Assistant Superintendent - Programs and Planning.

Stephen Jaddock has accepted the position, and will take over the job on July 1st.

Jaddock has been an educator with MVSD since the early nineties, and has held a few different positions. He is currently the Vice Principal at the DRCSS. As well, he holds two Master's degrees. One is in Educational Administration, and the other is in Guidance and Counselling.

The MVSD Board of Trustees, as well as all of us at 730 CKDM, would like to congratulate Mr. Jaddock on his appointment. 

About 300 people in the north Waterhen area, including Skownan First Nation and Mallard area, will lose power today.

Manitoba Hydro will safely replace three wood poles that were damaged in a grass fire on Sunday. The outage will be from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Each year uncontrolled grass fires and stubble burning causes irreparable and expensive damage to utility poles. When this happens, it disrupts electrical service and inconveniences homeowners and communities.

For controlled burns, Manitoba Hydro asks people to practice safe burning, including:

-  Check with your municipality for regulations before you start your fire. Make a fireguard around your field and around wood utility poles to minimize damage from out-of-control burns caused by wind and dry conditions.

- Monitor your fire. Don't burn too much at once, and watch for uncontrolled areas of fire.

- Watch the weather. Don't burn stubble or grass when it's exceedingly dry or windy.

- Call the fire department immediately if your fire appears to be getting out of control.

- If a pole is down, stay clear of the area. Treat downed power lines as live and a safety risk. Call 911 immediately and Manitoba Hydro at 1-888-624-9376.


A company from Thailand has bought 50.1 per cent of HyLife.

HyLife announced today that it has signed a Share Purchase Agreement with Charoen Pokphand Foods Public Company Limited (CPF) for the sale.

CPF is the third largest pork producer in the world.

Claude Vielfaure, President of HyLife, says CPF was interested in moving and growing in North America and decided to use HyLife as their venue to do that.

He also says the agreement will ensure continued job creation across the province and promote increased demand for the pork they produce.

“The opportunity for our workers in Neepawa and across Manitoba is going to be great as far as being able to move up in the company, as the company is growing,” said  Vielfaure.

Grant Lazaruk, Chief Executive Officer of HyLife emphasized, “This is a win-win for HyLife, CPF and Manitoba’s agricultural industry.  Together, our globally established companies will significantly strengthen our market position.  Not only do we share similar values, but our strategies also correspond with one another.”

“So as far as the operations, our leadership group, our management group, our people are all going to be the same, and the same decision making will be made by the Canadian company, the Canadian leadership group. The only thing is we’re going to have to get it approved by a different shareholder,” said Vielfaure.

Vielfaure says it's business as usual for HyLife.  The company is stronger than ever, and they will continue to support the communities they are in.

In the press release, they say combining their forces will propel the growing demand for HyLife’s high-quality pork and enable the company to grow its current 2,500 employee workforce.