Amendments to the Municipal Councils and School Boards Elections Amendment and Public Schools Amendment Act are being introduced during the current session of the Manitoba Legislature.
Those changes will open the door for residents of First Nations to vote in school board elections.
MVSD trustee Scott Lynxleg lobbied for these changes once he found out people on his home reserve in Valley River were not allowed to vote in the last MVSD by-election last October.
"It was a surprise. I got there and thought it would be an easy thing as I had a lot of support back home. But I started the process and the first thing was getting nominated, but I could not use the list and could not be nominated by them because they could not vote. So it was very tough up until now but it is good to get some good news."
Lynxleg says he was very happy and surprised by the news, as he was anticipating it would be a long drawn-out process to get these voting rights for people on his home reserve.