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The hours are dwindling down towards the ticket deadline for the Neepawa and District Medical Committee's Farm and Leisure Lotto. 

Lottry chairperson Mary-Ellen Clark says Saturday at 7 pm is the deadline to purchase tickets in this year's lottery.

"Lots of people are ordering online lots of people are calling the toll free number, and we have people walking into the Town Office where we have a bank of folks sthat are taking the phone calls.  And you can purchase your tickets (at thetown offi ce) and get your ticket right away.  And also when you purchse a ticket, if you are lucky enough to have your ticket drawn, it goes back in for all the draws for all the big  prizes on Monday when we make all of the draws."  

All 3-picks of tickets in the lottery have been sold out for a few weeks, but single tickets at a cost of $100 and 50/50 tickets are still available. 

Clark says proceeds from the lottery go to a great cause.

"It is for our clinic.  We are in the process of our third renovvation.  And we really appreciate the support that every region is providing.  And your Dauphin area is amazing with the support that you provide us with."

You can go online to www.neepawalotto.caom, or call 1-877-876-8555 to purchase tickets. .